please dont listen to these people that 13 mos is too early to start potty training its not i know they grow up fast but they also need help to build their confidence and independence i know there is lots of info on,,and alot of other baby web sites to look for support, or you can just ask the pediatrician
2006-07-19 15:49:22
answer #1
answered by Vita 2
At 13 months your son is too young to potty train. most kids are trained around the ages of 2-3. My daughter is 22 months old & I just started training her, she's only gone in her potty 3 times. What I do to train her is give her lots of encouragement, get really excited ( clap your hands & all that stuff), and if she goes I reward her with a sucker. Hopefully she will be trained by the time she is 2 1/2, it's a long process!!! Good luck and I'd wait until your son is closer to two years old!!!
2006-07-19 22:00:26
answer #2
answered by Megan B 1
My son was peeing regularly on the potty at 18 months and was trained completely by 27 months. I thought that was young! I know you're not supposed to force him but I guess some encouragement wouldn't hurt. I'd spend a day or two inside and let your son run around naked. Give him lots of whatever he wants to drink and take him to the potty regularly (every 1/2 hour) . Give him wild praise when he goes. I'm sure you're not an idiot but obviously you shouldn't scold him if he has an acccident or force him to sit when he doesn't want to. If he associates punnishment with the potty, it'll surely produce the exact opposite result your hoping for. Good luck.
2006-07-19 21:59:10
answer #3
answered by Jennifer L 3
Thirteen months is too early to try to begin potty training. At this age, they still have no real control over their bowel or bladder. This part of their nervous system is still not fully developed. And if you try to potty train too early, it will make it harder on both you and the child. Give him a few more months and don't worry about it. My son was 2 before he was potty trained, but I let him decide when he was ready and only ever had one accident and that was on a trip before we could pull over. He never wore the pull ups or even a diaper at night.
2006-07-19 22:49:27
answer #4
answered by Angela S 2
What are u like some 16 year old mother or something. 13 months is too young for a boy to be potty trained. When did he learn to walk? He probabley just wants that nasty diaper off like any normal person would. Does he talk yet?
2006-07-19 22:10:06
answer #5
answered by Terifairi 3
The way we potty trained our son we first put him in regular underware, second we had a prize box (filled with match box cars, crayons, and small toys) every time he used the potty he got to get something out of the prize box with 2 weeks he was fully trained. Of course there were accidents but he felt them since he was wearing underware and he could not stand to be wet. A little more work for us but it actually paid off and saved us $$$ in the long run.
2006-07-19 23:23:41
answer #6
answered by Marilyn 1
I don't think kids are ready at that age. My daughter was 15 months old when she started acting like she was ready, and she really wasn't. You can try to get him to go but if he's just playing then he obviously isn't ready. You can try pull-ups, or letting him run around naked (this has worked for many of my friends that have boys), but short of that I'm not really sure. That's awful early to start potty-training. We have to let them be babies for as long as possible.. they grow up too fast.
2006-07-19 21:54:02
answer #7
answered by Sadie 3
He just wants it off cuz it's more comfy and he probably gets a reaction from you. Lots of kids do this. But he is not ready to be potty trained yet. Let him be a baby a while longer.
2006-07-19 21:53:14
answer #8
answered by PregoMommyOfTwo 2
Don't rush him! He's way too young. My daughter used M&M's as a reward whenever they went on the potty. he'll be ready around 3 yrs. Kids usually like to be naked & will pull at their diapers.
2006-07-19 22:01:12
answer #9
answered by Da Bomb 5
Little potties for kids are great. They're smaller & less scary. Make a HUGE deal out of it when he uses it. We practically threw parties for my son-we clapped & cheered & gave him a little snack afterwards. Also, a great trick for aiming is to throw a few cheerios (or any ring shaped cereal) into the bowl & play "sink the o's"-it sounds silly, but baby boys love that game!
2006-07-19 22:21:42
answer #10
answered by kandy girl 1
You can't potty train a 13 month old.
2006-07-19 21:54:24
answer #11
answered by miketorse 5