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12 answers

I will try to keep this short. I was an Immunization Nurse. At first I felt like I was doing a great job. Potentially saving babies lives. But, it finally got to me that I was putting chemicals into these precious healthy babies with the knowledge of the side effects or even Death. The day the Health Dept added yet another shot-Chicken Pox. I morally couldn't do, I gave my 2 week notice. My Daughter had a serious reaction from one and lucky for me I wrote on the legs where each shot was given. I never let her get another Pertussis. No problem at schools after I told her experience. My Daughter chose not to give the Chicken Pox to her Son after the doctor said his Child wasn't going to get it. So Remember you have rights and you can pick and choose certain ones if you want- You're the MOM! Ask a lot of questions!!!

2006-07-19 16:29:12 · answer #1 · answered by jane doe 6 · 4 1

while I do vaccinate my kids, we did start to vary from the recommended schedule because they sometimes get so many at once. I keep the count to two at a time. Then if we have to we come back a month later and do the one or two that were "missed".

Vaccinations are not law (as stated by a previous poster) and your kids can go tp public school without them. You will have ot sign a waver though.

However, I would do certain vaccinations and not others. Measles still has frequent outbreaks because of illegal immigration. Polio: while very dangerous, there hasn't been a "wild" case of it reported for around 25 years (there were a few cases of the "tamed" verision in some Quaker kids a few years ago possibly due to a tourist who had taken the oral polio vaccination - which is no longer used here in the states.) Hep A and B while very contagous rarely affect young children as extremely as adults do, same with chicken pox.

Go through the list and decide one by one. Educate yourself so you make a desision that you won't regret later.

Most kids do fine with vaccines. But there are the rare few that have problems and severe life threatening problems. And whil ethe whole Autism and vaccine link doesn't seem to be very solid, there is a DPT vaccine and SiDS connection. Nothing is "absolute".

Research this

2006-07-19 15:48:25 · answer #2 · answered by myshira 4 · 0 0

This is a hard decision to make. There are so many bad things in these childhood vaccines that I would think several times before having them injected into my child. If there are alternatives I believe I would look very strongly at them.

Read the information I have supplied below. It tells you of some of the ingredients in the various vaccines. Would you want them in your child? I also believe there is a connection between the vaccines and the allergens associated with peanuts but I have no scientific proof of that just my personal observations between when I was a child and those of today.

2006-07-19 14:44:14 · answer #3 · answered by pinelake302 6 · 0 0

The benefits far outweigh the risks. How many people do you know who have been vaccinated? Probably 99% of them if you are in the U.S. and attended public school. How many have developmental disorders? Probably very few of them.

As a teacher who spent the last nine years working in public schools, one of my greatest fears has always been an epidemic of some so-called eradicated disease that will kill half my students and their parents.

In the U.S. we no longer vaccinate against small pox or whooping cough because we have "eradicated" them. Guess what? People in other parts of the world still get those diseases. Some of them come into contact with other people who fly back to the U.S. All it takes is one carrier to come into your school, maybe to pick up their child. They press a few elevator buttons, sneeze on someone, shake the teacher's hand, and next week, your child is dead.


2006-07-19 15:05:22 · answer #4 · answered by graysmom 3 · 0 0

My children are all going to get vaccinated on schedule.

If every kid were immunized as they are supposed to be, then we'd eliminate cases of, say, measles, mumps, tetanus, diptheria, and all those other nasty ailments.

Immunization is a process that works.

If you need proof, ask yourself where one can still be infected with smallpox or polio: only in places where people are afraid to immunize their kids.

Is there risk in immunization? Yes. A tiny fraction (way less than a percent) show some reaction to the shots, or show symptoms of the things they are immunized against.

However, the risk of a side effect is much smaller than the risk of a debilitating disease that can affect your child the rest of her life.

2006-07-19 14:40:13 · answer #5 · answered by kx_wx 3 · 0 0

modern vaccines are vary safe. there was one vaccine that was thought to cause a very small increase in autism and it has now been replaced with a new formulation. the benefits of a vaccinated society far outweigh the risks. people who think otherwise are usually ignorant misinformed by some hippy talk show or magazine

"Yes, me and hundreds of others who are informed."

that really pissed me off, you have no idea what you are talking about

and most experts agree the spike in autism is simply due to more treatment and better access to mental healthcare which leads to more diagnosis, not evil vaccines. 100 years ago theyd think you were possessed by the devil and cut out a chunk of your brain, now they understand the diseases and people get medical attention and many more borderline people are diagnosed with the disease

and to prove my point doctorsaredangerous.com is a bunch of BS, their feature article is about someone having an allergic reaction to Aldara so it should be pulled from the market. a lot of people are allergic to peanuts and shellfish too, should we ban them??? youre the "informed" one share some more of your wisdom....

2006-07-19 15:03:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Be well informed before you risk your children to all of the diseases that we now rarely see. No longer is there Mercury or derivative of it in the new vaccines. ASK YOUR PEDIATRICIAN. If your child catches some of those diseases that we try to prevent, it isn't just the name of the disease. For instance. the H. Influenza vaccine, can cause meningitis, which means possible deafness, blindness, nerve damage, and death. Please please... ask any questions about your own questions that you have.. we as health care providers never mind if it saves the children.

2006-07-19 16:13:09 · answer #7 · answered by PreviouslyChap 6 · 0 0

I'm sure that "MAC ATTACK" fancies herself extremely informed, but I've always found it funny that the people who insist they are informed are often the most ignorant. I won't even go into the BS that is homeopathic treatment(I refuse to call it medicine). What you need to do is to talk to a Doctor whom you like, respect and trust. They will inform you about all of the risks and benefits and what not. Don't listen to the loony tunes on here instead of a trained MEDICAL professional. I wish you the very best!

2006-07-19 15:10:50 · answer #8 · answered by johnhategoblins 3 · 0 0

Yes, me and hundreds of others who are informed. Most of these so-called vaccinations are giving our children Autism. It is no coincidence. You can always go to your local homeopathic outlet and be vaccinated that way.

2006-07-19 14:35:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My mother told me not to, she said the led in the vaccinate causes some children to get Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders. I know its rare but it can happen.
You should look at this site


2006-07-19 14:40:56 · answer #10 · answered by jessica 2 · 0 0

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