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22 answers

1) To prevent further loss of life. The US Armed Forces have lost too many good men and women over this action that in no way increases the security of the American borders OR American People.

2) To prevent further loss of money. The US government has borrowed at a record pace to finance the Iraq War. The Federal Deficit is between 400 and 500 million dollars. The National Debt is heading toward the stratospheric amount of 9 trillion dollars. If we pull out of Iraq, the government can at least break even for the year, if not start paying down the debt.

3) To improve relations with the international community. The US has alienated its foreign partners by taking action in Iraq alone. The US appears brusque and uncooperative in the international community, and can mend that perception by pulling out and fighting fewer wars.

2006-07-19 14:41:21 · answer #1 · answered by aross07 4 · 0 0

I was dead set against the war in Iraq before it happened. But the United States has destroyed that country and destabilized the government (no matter how corrupt it was before). The US created the mess and should stick it out to the end (what ever end that maybe).

They (USA) should clean up after themselves.

Remember the US decided to go it alone. Against the UN security council, against the majority of the free world. Suck it up America.

Hey! why not start a war with Iran to deflect attention from the way things are going in Iraq? (if the US had stuck to Afganistan they wouldn't be in this pickle and they might even have O.B-L in custody. Not to mention once Afganistan was stabilized the US could focus on other more serious problems - like North Korea -- nukes mean anything)

2006-07-19 14:43:24 · answer #2 · answered by iamhermansen 3 · 0 0

1) Because a defeat in Iraq will be good for the Democratic party.
2) Because a defeat will produce better media sales than a victory.
3) Because you do not care about betraying the US soldier and the Iraqi people.

The troops in Iraq see a much different war than you do. They see both 'ground truth' and what the news media tells you.

If you do succeed in pulling us out before we can finish the job - who is going to fight for you next time?

2006-07-20 03:11:45 · answer #3 · answered by MikeGolf 7 · 0 0

We shouldn't pull out because:
1) It will create a security vacuum and a civil war will erupt

2) We are making progress in establishing Iraqi forces and they will be able to take over their own security in the future so it's not an unwinable war

3) We fight terrorism in the Middle East rather than allowing them to strengthen and train for more attacks on the US

4) We are there fighting for America's security as much as we are fighting for Iraq's security. We cannot allow terrorism to succeed against us no matter where the battlefield is located

Put that in your paper

2006-07-19 15:23:03 · answer #4 · answered by mike_one_zero 2 · 0 0

I can only offer you one version of WHY we should STAY in Iraq. We are not interested in their lives! We need to be there to ensure the lives of the LOCAL and native IRAQUIS are SAFE.

We will move out AFTER this is confirmed. This "war" has caused much distress to everyone (simple for us over the internet to say, we are NOT physically involved), but IRAQ needs and WANTS a safe GOVERNMENT.

HOW do we give it a a safe government. WE DONT!! We let the Iraquis decide for themselves!

IF MR Tony Blair is no longer required to help my country achieve its aims, we will say so, by BALLOT (not by GUNS) and if we feel George Bush has miscounted his votes twice too often, well we know he will NOT be able to stand again for the 3rd time so we will BE CAREFUL the NEXT time we vote.

IF we are too bloody lethargic to vote and the 'wrong' party gets in the next time, we ought to SHUT UP and wait until we have enough courage to VOTE them out and do our bidding.

So far so good. Please remember if it aint broke, dont mend it. But if you find people slaughtering each other because someone married the wrong cousin of the wrong tribe and we have been at war for the past 12 years (and remember IRAN and IRAQ were at war for over 10 years with TEN million SLAUGHTERED ........... they had a RED fountain to symbolise the 'MARTYR'S' - how sick ......... ?) then we need to help out in the "middle east" ........

The Iraquis are PLEADING for our help. ANYONE in the US or UK or ANY part of EUROPE & ASIA / AFRICA really listening?

If we pull out, OVER 10 more million could be killed, we sacrifice our men and women in "the Gulf" to save millions. May God bless them and their families rememebered every day.

I am saddened each time I see and hear of ONE DEATH, be it a soldier or a civilian.

Would you be feel ANY better if you'd known the coalition pulled out and the Iraquis ended up killing each other, after all , the Sunni Muslims ran the country with Saddam Hussain for all this time, with the Ba'ath Party and killed all oppostion - their own Sunni brothers and sisters as well as the Shi'te Muslims and others who encroached into their land........

Get a life......... DONT GIVE UP NOW, ITS COST TOO MUCH.


.............. end game anyone?

2006-07-19 14:54:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No it no longer risky it time Iraq took care of it personal usa. it may well be better risky to have our troupes stay there so better of them get killed . The Iraq human beings been combating for hundreds of years before we invaded when we go away they're going to nevertheless be at warfare with someone . Why waist better lives. If we stayed there yet another hundred years then left they could be combating with yet another usa when we go away it doesn't remember. The Republicans pick you to imagine if we stay there for yet another hundred years it's going to make a distinction. the only adjustments is that we may be able to have all of Iraq's oil and when we go away they're going to nevertheless be combating with someone. So pay interest to Hillary she heading in the right direction, you be a fool no longer to vote for her, any way Obama, and McCain are finished of warm air.

2016-12-01 23:14:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why we should? By the way, it's ARGUMENT, no arguement.

1) Enough with the Arabs already!

2) Another American life shouldn't be spent.

3) We need the money to be spent here in the U.S., and no where else.

2006-07-19 16:00:28 · answer #7 · answered by Nani 4 · 0 0

Bush's war is not a war that can be won,,,, good against evil has existed since the beginning of time,,,, no WMD,,, no Flowers and Candy Kisses,,, Oil is not paying for this war,,, More Soldiers than ever in history are sustaining head injuries that cripple and paralyze,,, the treasure lost can never be measured,,,

2006-07-19 14:31:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

#1:should not have gone to start .#2 We are not accomplishing the origenal goal a free and demacratic Iraq.#3 we are makeing the things worse for everybody including american,s every day we stay more lives are lost for one mans ego.

2006-07-19 14:38:57 · answer #9 · answered by Dummy 3 · 0 0

I'm from Iraq....you shouldn't especially now b/c there will be a civil war and eveything will be ruined and that u have to remember that you already started the problem there in Iraq (((I live in the USA)))

2006-07-19 14:28:26 · answer #10 · answered by nameer 2 · 0 0

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