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Do you think at Islam could be the next major religion of the United States.

Please do not answer till you read the article.


2006-07-19 13:01:51 · 16 answers · asked by Said 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Victor ious- I am sorry that you do not know that much about Islam. We do have the same God as Christianity. The split from Christianity came with Abraham and his sons. So yes Allah is Arabic for God. To be a good Muslim you must believe all the Prophets (pbut) of God. We have more information about Mary and Jesus (pbuh) then the bible does. It was Christianity that put Jesus (pbuh) as the son of God not Jesus himself. All prophets came with miracles and a message Jesus (pbuh) was no different.

If you were to actually read the Quran you would find that Muslims are to respect all people of the book, ie. Christians and Jews. No one can be forced into Islam.

2006-07-19 14:49:56 · update #1

Camper- When you are looking at Islam in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan you are no looking at true Islam but the culture of the people. Islam in itself is very democratic and can be shown from the beginning with the first elections of the Rasadun Kalifa.

You want us to look at “Afghanistan before America changed it to a more democratic country.” But as you yourself said they were already showing democracy before we got there.

Women are respected in Islam. I am an educated woman working on my PhD in History concentrating in the Middle East. I am a married Muslim woman with two sons. Islam says you are to honor women and are to be educated. Maybe you should be the one doing more research.

Islam supports peace not terrorism

2006-07-19 15:04:51 · update #2

Thank you "It is I" for your cut and paste I see you used it also to answer why do people hate muslims so much? Please if you are going to answer a question you actually answer it. For all the things you name I can name as many and more terrorist acts preformed by non-Muslims.

The Question was not about terrorism, it was about true Islam not misquoted Isalm.

2006-07-20 08:23:41 · update #3

16 answers

Wow, it is so refreshing to learn that some Americans have this fabulous capacity to conduct a cool detached analysis of a controversial subject instead of resorting to emotions or borrowing arguments from corrupt politicians and cheap journalism

2006-07-19 13:23:00 · answer #1 · answered by Chevalier 5 · 2 0

You are very educated person...I like the article very informative. I think Islam will continue to be the fastest growing religion in America and Muslims need to provide avenues to teach the religion. Majority resort to the internet. Islam does not teach terrorism. If you look carefully at history and recent events you will understand who are the real terrorist.

1) Who attacked another country on pretext of spearding democracy and freedom? Occupation buddy not liberation

2) Who terrorized African Americans for over 600 years. In U.S soil. All Christians encouraged it.

3) Who wiped out an entire race (Native Americans) leaving only pockets working in corporations like wall mart.

4) Who continously attacks other countries such as Afghansitan to enforce their doctrine on others?

5) Who was the only country to use WMD on another country killing over 100,000 people. That is terrorism.

6) Who forced the Japense Americans into concentration camps...Like Hitler did to the Jews.

7) Who is considered the #1 threat to world peace...I have to answer this one BUSH!!!

SO look at the facts and stop listening only to what the media spoon feeds you. Look at history and look at the big picture.

2006-07-20 13:34:44 · answer #2 · answered by EnlightME 3 · 1 0

Islam in Countries that Islam has control of the country are hostile to America and Jews. (Iran among other nations) They are not in no way a democratic religion. Look at Afganistan before America changed it to a more democratic country. The way they treated their women. Their support for terrorism. You better check your history books again about their acceptance of other religions any religion other then Islam is a low class religion and treated accordingly and don't have no rights in Islam run country.

2006-07-19 20:39:17 · answer #3 · answered by J. C. 2 · 0 0

When Islam rages in the streets of America - it will be too late to do anything about it. I've read that soft soaked article. Blind as bats and the author (like you) actually believe this Allah is the same God of the Bible.

Point: If this Allah is the same God of the Christians - why does he suddenly deny his own Son who was with him in the beginning? (Note Genesis refers to the Angels of God as "Sons of God"). Jesus before he came to earth as a human, born of a virgin, was the first, and his name at that time was Wonderful.

He was referred to as "the" Angel of the Lord, as apposed to "an" Angel of the Lord. He was and remains God's EXACTING Representative and mediator between God and mankind.

No - this Allah that Muslims profess is Antichrist.. not acknowledging God's prophecies concerning Jesus, and the Muslim Imams state that it is impossible for God to have a son - when they do not even know the nature of Jesus and when they deny God's own Son - they deny God.

No - the Muslim, Allah is not now, nor has he ever been the Christian God.

I can not stop Islam from being in America. I am instructed my my Lord and Savior not to do violence against anyone. But your Allah makes it quite permissible for Muslims to rage against Non Muslims to force convert to Islam or kill them outright. AGAIN that is ANOTHER difference between Allah and Our God.

The war Islam causes IN AMERICA has already been seen by a prophetess..., an Angel of God shown her the religious terror war and race war that will erupt from Islam in America. THIS WAS BEFORE Islam and Muslims became thrust in the eyes of Americans on such a level as it is now (back in the 1950s)

2006-07-19 20:22:14 · answer #4 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 0 0

I think that if people were to look at true Islam and not misquoted Islam they would see that Islam is monotheistic, democratic in spirit, contains an attractive mystical tradition, egalitarian, shares America's new interest in food purity and diet, is tolerant of other faiths, and encourages the pursuit of religious freedom.

Your link really got the point

2006-07-19 20:13:59 · answer #5 · answered by Layla 6 · 0 0

Wow great! Muslim increase. Islam will be the first religion of the world, soon because :
Muslim women have more children than the other
A lot of people around the world turned Muslim
The Prophet Muhamad (saws) told : One day, you will be more than the other religions
Hopefully soon

2006-07-19 20:17:15 · answer #6 · answered by HaYaBuSa 3 · 0 0

if you are intimating that islam may overcome christianity, then i believe it will never be in america. although we are in the heat of a spiritual war God is watching over this country. He has blessed us with forefathers that laid a foundation for this country to succeed at every endeavor. and although their is an anti-christian agenga being advanced by the spirit-less, this will indeed be short lived. there are many that take america's freedom for granted. but even the spirit-less, the librels, and the "peaceful" and silent muslims in america, will fight to keep american free from islamic laws and that way of life.

2006-07-19 20:21:40 · answer #7 · answered by suavechulo007 2 · 0 0

No I do not!! I read your article and I do not agree with what it says... what I disagree with the most is where is says Muslims worship the same God Christians, and Jews do. MY God does not say to kill people who do not agree with my religion. My God does not approve of anihilating a whole nation/religion (isreal/judaism) And my God does not think men are more importan than women!!!!!

Islam is a religion of peace??

Remember all the suicide bombings in Israel?
* Remember 911?
* Remember the London subway bombings?
* Remember the Spain train bombings?
* Remember the France muslim riots?
* Remember the Bali bombings on Australians?
* Remember the train bombing on India?
* Remember the Russian school massacre?
* Remember the attack on U.S. embassy in Kenya?
* Remember the attack on U.S. embassy in Tanzania?
* Remember the wedding bombing in Jordan?
* Remember the Church bombing in Pakistan?
* Remember the beheadings in Iraq?
* Remember the behadings in Saudi Arabia?
* Remember the burning of Christian babies in Sudan?
* Remember the bombing on the Israeli embassy in Argentina?
* Remember the hijacking of Air France by palestinians in Uganda?
* Remember the olympic massacre of Israeli athletes in Germany?


2006-07-20 00:36:02 · answer #8 · answered by it is i! 2 · 0 0

islam is a religion of hatred. it teaches to slaughter every who isnt muslim or else you wont go to heaven.

the good news is that more muslims have converted to christianity in the past thity years and the past 400 years.

at least some muslims ar learning about love.

2006-07-19 20:09:37 · answer #9 · answered by fify 2 · 0 0

I could see the rising number of muslims in America, but to say that Islam will be more practiced is something else. also, the article forgot(or omitted) that Islam has it own political system.

and to those who say that Islam is violence, please go read the whole Quran instead of making yourself look like an idiot.
but if you dont, why dont you read these instead:

come on! you can think for yourself instead of believing everything in the tv.

2006-07-19 20:11:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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