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2006-07-19 12:34:11 · 26 answers · asked by Biomimetik 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers


2006-07-19 12:38:25 · answer #1 · answered by Rewsna 4 · 0 0

While I am appalled by this I would also like to say that maybe you should point out what is also happening to the Israeli's children as well. How about the fact that these extremist hid their weapons in civilian area's.
Let me ask you a question,
If the neighbor were hiding a weapon that could kill you and your children and taunted you with it and threatened you with it would you just wait till he attacked?
answer this question in all honestly.
Israel has the right to defend itself just as we do so who are you to criticize? probably the same person that demanded Bush wasn't doing enough when 9/11 happened.
It really does not matter what happens and who's side Bush is on you and all the other liberals will find something to complain about.
I pray for those children and their family's but I certainly do not think that the proper people get the blame which is Hezbollah and any other cowardly terrorist group which all hid their weapons around civilians.
why is that? so that people like you can make a fool out of yourselves because believe me, if it were you they would not have any remorse.

2006-07-19 20:46:23 · answer #2 · answered by melissa s 4 · 0 0

The civilians are expendable because Hezbollah are hiding like cowards behind them. Thats what they say. Any killing of children is my opinion is wrong and MUST STOP!

I have been aware of the mistreatment of the Palestinian people for quite some time since my brother witnessed it when in the us military in Lebanon. He said Israelis treated the Palestinians less than human and they had terrible living conditions while the Israelis flaunted their wealth.

I saw the video of one of the suicide bombers, a young woman who was so distraught about the way her people were suffering she strapped a bomb to herself and blew up some innocent people in a grocery store. It broke my heart someone would be so desperate, to kill other innocent people, thinking it was the only way to make a difference. Terrorists who kill children are no better than those they claim to protest. I take neither side as both are wrong. Also the girl that was bulldozed on purpose by an Israeli soldier lived not too far away from me.

Most people do not hear about it here and so they dont understand how badly the Palestinians have been treated. This is one big reason the arabs hate us is because we are the ones supporting israel and gives it the power to do what it does and go unchecked.

Perhaps Israel has the right to defend itself but certainly not to bomb innocent civilians over 2 soldiers. Does Lebanon have the right to defend these people that are being bombed? Are they having to look to Hezbollah for support when we are not giving any?

This is against US interests of democracy in the mideast, and making things worse for any hope of resolution in Iraq. I cant believe Im with Iraq on this one I want Israel to stop bombing.

The Hezbollah thought they could get some prisoners released but Israel attacked civilians. Israel didnt start getting bombed until they started bombing.

This is something I CAN NOT AND WILL NOT support! I do not know why our president didnt say no funding until you stop bombing. We should have intervened and released some prisoners in exchange for the prisoners they had. Its better than killing hundreds of women and children for!

Lets push for peace instead of blindly following this president whose made so many mistakes and this is one that I am absolutely in disbelief at the inhumanity of my own country for supporting this.

This is a humanitarian disaster. Please support sending food, water, and medicine, and help to these people! Pray for your troops and the effort to get our people out, and for the innocent children.

2006-07-19 19:51:25 · answer #3 · answered by PeaceTree 3 · 0 0

This can't be turned around so easily, Biometrik.

The Islamic terrorists AIMED at children. The Israeli and American victims that were children were often being used as shields by the terrorists.

We avoid killing innocents, but not at the expense of missing the target: terrorists.

You aim at the innocents to begin with, then run away when the military come and hide amongst women and children.

The Arab League is turning against you. They are condemning terrorist groups like Hammas and Hezbollah! Islam is entering the 21st century and helping to crush out people like you. The REFORMATION has begun!

2006-07-19 19:58:30 · answer #4 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 0 0

War and terrorism does not discriminate. It kills babies, men, women, children, cripples, old people, rich people, and even dogs , cats, horses, chickens, goldfish, turtles.
Why should photos like those shock anyone? Isn't that want war and terrorism are suppose to be? Doesn't our government approve of acts like these when they jump from one war to another?
What do you people think war is? Slapping each other with Nerf baseball bats? War is blowing up cities, killing people, destroying lives. Bombs don't care if there is a nursing home on the corner, or if there is a daycare in the middle of the block.
If you want to see something of horror, think of your own neighborhood, and of all the people in it. The elderly, the children, the newly weds, pregnant mothers. Then picture it being bombed over and over again. What do you see in your mind it would look like when it's all done? Days and days of repeated bombings.
Do you see in your mind a picnic in the park?
Picture walking across the street and finding someones arm or leg, or part of a body that you can't even recognize who it is.
This is what we wish for when we send our troops into war. This is what they do, what they see, and what they have to live with the rest of their lives. This is what Americans wish on the middle east. It's what they wished on Viet Nam, it's what they wished on everyone that we've gone to war with.
But when it hits home, do they stop and think that maybe it isn't such a good thing after all?
No, they wish for more war.
These pictures don't even touch the surface of what war does to a community.

2006-07-19 20:09:36 · answer #5 · answered by gutterrat49 3 · 0 0

The first link shows exactly WHY we need to get the Hezbollah and all the other Islamic terrorists wiped off the face of the earth. This is a perfect example of what animals the Islamic terrorists are truly like. THEY DO THIS TO EACH OTHER.

The second link is a Nazi Propagandist tool, left over from the Holocaust. Yet another example of the Islamic hate of ALL non-Islamics. Time to introduce the Arab terrorist world to the 21st century.

2006-07-20 12:28:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The war between Israel and Lebanon and that whole area over there has been going on forever. I believe that this is a one sided question, there have been Israeli casualties too, and part of WAR is killing, and children and women are part of that. Both sides say that they are not intentionally aiming at civilian targets. America says that they are targeting Al Queda targets, but we have killed lots of children in our violet attacks, this is just part of being in the current time we are in where it isn't hand to hand combat or war on a battlefield where you don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. Just my opinion though. Not all Jews are bad. I'm not.

2006-07-19 19:46:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They don't hate children they hate the whole country. They don't care if they are children or not. I feel very bad for them as well, you should do something to help. Sign the petition to help stop it.

2006-07-19 19:43:12 · answer #8 · answered by nynerprincess 2 · 0 0

To make a statement that contends conclusively that Israel hates children is a greatly misguided summation.

Israel's affinity towards children and their maturing process is one of the most reverential on the planet. Of all the people (nationalities) that I've been privy to become intimate with in child-rearing; the Jewish Nation has been the most commendable.

Now as for what they are engaged in with Lebanon; this has been something that has been cultivated since the births of Father Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael.

The tribes that were birthed through these two men have been in a holy war with each other for centuries. This is not new news, or just jumped off, it has its roots in Abe's bloodline.

However, God keeps His Word: Galatians 6:7
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."

Although Israel has been chosen of God as "His People" (and we who are not Jewish, become His through faith in Jesus Christ), He rules them with love and righteous judgment, as He does with all.


Luke 22:29
"And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, 30 that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”

Meaning: The statement you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel looks at the future authority the Twelve will have when Jesus returns. They will share in Israel’s judgment.

Just as those who are born-again will be judged by Jesus. The unrepentant will be judged by God. Oh boy...can you imagine facing God's wrath as opposed to Jesus' pardon of sins?

Folks get it right it's going to happen. Not if...but when!

Peace Out.

2006-07-19 20:22:45 · answer #9 · answered by blakelycollierbrown 4 · 0 0

I am American. All I can say is I am not happy that the man in charge of my country supports this kind of thing. I do however love my country because it gives me the freedom to disagree with Bush, and gives me the freedom to tell the world so.

2006-07-19 22:26:12 · answer #10 · answered by lizzardkingone 3 · 0 0

I saw two Children in there, I don't think they were the targets.
Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Bush Supports Israel's Attack On Lebanon"
--We (America) really need to butt out of this one!
What god damned business is it of ours (to say we support one side over the other, in their "civil war") ?

2006-07-19 19:41:39 · answer #11 · answered by lilith 7 · 0 0

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