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Do you think God selected Paul to be the main one to go to the Gentiles.Was it because he was a roman citizen,or that he killed so many Christians in the past and many may have disliked him in Israel, or do you think it was not God but the other disciples alone and his choice alone. My 2nd question is why after Peter's betrayal,did Christ say upon him his church would be built and is this the reason that Peter is said to be at the gate?
John refers to himself as Christ's favorite.

2006-07-19 12:11:14 · 5 answers · asked by AJ 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

Yes, absolutely God selected Paul to preach to the gentiles. I find this very much in keeping with God's mercy. The one that persecuted Christians with such passion was turned around, and became the proclaimer of the gospel...with equal passion. Paul gave us most of the books that became our new testatment. Once again, the example of God's mercy and wisdom, turning a person's heart completely around.

Jesus, showing very much the same kind of compassion for Peter, gave him "the keys to the kingdom". Meaning, upon Peter's expression of faith in Christ, Jesus said, upon this rock of faith, my church will be built. Once again, God shows His mercy, His wisdom, in choosing the man that denied knowing His son (who wept bitterly and repented of it), to be that "rock" in the very first "church".

This is our God. If you make a mistake, and that means even a very big one...He not only forgives, He picks you up, dusts you off, gives you strength, sends you out to proclaim His word even stronger, brighter, with more assurance. How I love Him!

2006-07-19 12:28:48 · answer #1 · answered by christian_lady_2001 5 · 0 2

Second question first. Christ did not say He would build HIS CHURCH on Peter but on Peter's acknowledgement that Jesus was the Son of God. The Holy Spirit led Peter to this conclusion and it is when Peter states his knowledge that Jesus declares it is upon that that He (Christ) will build His (Christ's) church. It had nothing to do with Peter. Peter was not the rock that was the foundation for the church. It was the testimony.

There are many instances where Christ used sinners who were saved to lead others to Himself after their conversion. Paul was the first of such prominence.

2006-07-19 19:56:05 · answer #2 · answered by oph_chad 5 · 0 0

1) I think Paul was sent to teach the Gentiles because his roman citizenship helped him accomplish that in so many ways. I think that's a decision the apostles made through inspiration from God.

2) Jesus said that He would build his church upon this rock (obviously a play on words given the meaning of the word Peter) but have he noticed how he says that right after he points out that Peter knew He was the Christ through heavenly revelation (or inspiration if you like). I think He was saying that he would build his church on heavenly revelation. (Vital considering Jesus wouldn't be physically around for much longer).

3) But I think the concept of Peter at the pearly gate has more to do with a scripture that talks about him being given the keys to the kingdom. It's interesting, if you travel to Europe, you'll see lots of statues of Peter holding keys.

4) And yeah John does refer to himself as the one "whom Jesus loved." John was loved and dear to Him, but Peter was given the calling to be the Leader of the early Christian church, I don't know why He picked one over the other, but I figure God knows what he's doing when he makes callings.

2006-07-19 19:28:20 · answer #3 · answered by daisyk 6 · 0 0

1) Paul was selected because God knew that he would work his butt off and because his story is such a good testamony of God's Grace.

2) Peter was made the first "pope" or leader of the Church by Jesus because Jesus knew that organizations without definate leadership tend to crumble.

3) John was Christ's favorite but not because of his leadership qualities like Peter or because of his Evangelistic skills like Paul. John was His favorite because he had the most loving and childlike Faith of the Apostles. That is why Jesus gave him the high honor of taking care of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

2006-07-19 19:19:06 · answer #4 · answered by Dysthymia 6 · 0 0

What god?

2006-07-19 19:14:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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