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I am just curious as to how do all religions think they are going to Heaven. Is it just by simply being good? Is it because of what Jesus done? Please just give me a run done of how in your religion will you get to Heaven. I have no church right now, but I believe its cause of what Jesus did on the cross for me. And please state what religion you are with your answer. Thank you.

2006-07-19 12:00:01 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

I believe the only way to heaven is threw Jesus. I believe Jesus died on the cross to save the world of their sins. I believe he rose from the dead on the third day, and now he lives in heaven where I will see him someday.
I am a Christian (Baptist).

2006-07-19 12:10:58 · answer #1 · answered by J.C.P. 3 · 1 3


Hold that thought dearly...forever!

Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross for me and you!

For you to hang on to this even without a church is commendable and I hope many more young people feel the same way. Christ you carry in your heart, and HIS words you recite every day.

So, will others outside Christianity reach the same Heaven that we aspire to?

Nobody can answer this question.

I only wish all legitimate religions would unite for a cause, and that cause should be total condemnation of any sect or group that makes their own interpretations and ask followers to do evil deeds!

Why isn't this happening now?

I guess we'll never see a unification among established religions.

Maybe I sounded a contradictory note above.

Many of the institutionalized religions of today have questionable legitimate backgrounds.

However, it is incumbent upon them to find common ground and make an attempt at getting the people involved to straighten out the mess we see in these times.

2006-07-19 12:15:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi, I'm Catholic, a lazy one I must confess.

Because of what Jesus did for us, the doors to heaven were reopened (they were closed since the original sim: Adam, Eve and the apple).

However, the doors of heaven are not just opened for good. You must win your place in heaven by living in accordance to the 10 commandments, having recieved at least the sacrament of baptism and being free of sims at the moment you die.

I personally think that those “rules” can be applied to all religions and translate into: live decently, respect others (including other creeds), always give a helping hand. So that when your time comes, you'll have nothing to regret.

2006-07-19 12:21:30 · answer #3 · answered by SDR 3 · 0 0

Humanism isn't a religion, but I'll add an entry for the lifestance.

By being a good citizen you will earn the respect and admiration or other good citizens and help the society in which you live run more smoothly and fairly. By being a good spouse, you will honor your committment freely made to your spouse. By being a good parent (if you choose this path) you will help another human being rise to adulthood with values that will support a positive, lawful society. By doing your best at your job you will provide food, lodging, and the reward of comforts for yourself and your family and be an important part of an economic mechanism that keeps society prosperous. Climb the ladder of progress, never down into the pit of ignorance. Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Make the most of your time on earth, for this is your moment to shine and contribute a verse to the life story of humanity.

2006-07-19 12:20:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very tricky question because there is no right answer. Everyone thinks their own religion is the correct one - either because they grew up with it or because something happened to them that made them choose another religion.

Remember that religions are made by man to fit an ideology or belief system.

I was raised Catholic - which means that Jesus died for our sins so we could also go to heaven and join him when we die. You are supposed to follow the 10 commandments and repent/confess your sins so they will be erased from your soul. I was taught that your soul gets darker with each lie or sin you commit.

I now believe good deeds and living a moral life (no killing, not stealing or hurting people) will allow me to live a happy life here on Earth. I am not sure about what happens when you die - I am not sure there is anything out there...I hope there is...but I am not so sure...

2006-07-19 12:19:34 · answer #5 · answered by Sirena 5 · 0 0

I am a hindu.

And we do not have a direct road to heaven in our religion. We believe in several lives and working towards freedom from this worldly life. But in the meantime, the world is our home.

I dont know much about christianity but one thing I do know. Jesus did nothing on the cross for you.

He was killed.

I dont know why (may be it was fear) and I dont have much to say about christianity because it is the same people who watched him getting killed who are running the order of christianity today.

The whole fact of Jesus dying for the sins of christians is a made up fact. How can you use these words for the son of GOD? (if he was the son of GOD) I dont know.

And then you christians go around putting the cross on the necks of innocent little children because you have money. That is not nice.

Not nice at all. You want an innocent child to carry the cross of Jesus's death around his neck for the rest of his life?

Not nice.

2006-07-19 12:09:33 · answer #6 · answered by crazy s 4 · 0 0

I think that alot of "religious" people use Christ's dying on the cross for their sins as an excuse to do what they want to do since most Christian religions preach that no matter what you do, if you say you are repentant that God will forgive you. This leads to some people not doing the right thing because they figure if they repent on their death bed they will go to heaven.

I am a Unitarian. My religion teaches that what is important is that we care for each other and for the earth and the creatures that share it with us.

2006-07-19 12:11:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im an independant pagan with Wiccan leanings. I believe that the human spirit is universal, which means that all faiths are 'true'. There is no One True Faith which makes all others 'false'. Such fanaticism always splinters and creates different sects which then pick on each other for having 'false' views. This explains the various factions of Christianity and Islam which pick on each other to greater or lesser degrees. Religion should not be about social conformity, but about how the individual relates to the Divine.

2006-07-19 12:13:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a Baptist and I believe that it took a perfect sacrifice to pay the sin debt in full. In the Old Testement they sacrificed once a year, cause it was never a perfect sacrifice. Well Jesus paid it in full. I believe it takes the Holy Spirit to knock on your heart to show you that your a sinner. I believe that once you see your a sinner all you have to do is ask Jesus Christ to forgive ya of your sins. Romans 10:9-13. Now I am awaiting the day when He calls me home to Heaven.

2006-07-19 12:06:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a Christian, I believe I will get to heaven through what Jesus HAS done for me. That does not mean that I have nothing to do to ensure that I eventually get there. But even then, Jesus empowers me to do my part.

Salvation is by grace alone. I cannot do anything to earn it. However, once I have gotten it, I need to ensure that I maintain that relationship with God and Jesus so that I keep that state.

2006-07-19 12:05:54 · answer #10 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0


Through reading and self study and being acquainted with christian, catholic, evangelistic, Jewish, Muslim, alot of Buddhist works and a rather large stint of agnosticism because of the leap frog from and through these beliefs not to mention some near death experience. Ive come to the fact that denying god exists or rather leaving it to proof in the print doesn't satisfy me personally.

And realize that belief in god is rather meaningless.

knowledge of god however that's the key.

Personally I believe we've all come from home to be here and do as we do to become better people not foot soldiers or judges upon a spiritual tribunal which alot of individual parishioners.. and well. average religious folks will be enticed to do if they get a hint they can dominate you or pummel you into submitting to the lord. It worked on me temporarily but.. I would be folly if I did not thank the experience.

Having been liberated in my findings of spirituality and god. Gnosticism is perhaps what every ones true faith is.. you find out the choice you want to be believer dis believer or undecided and just attach the correct noun and adjectives for the club you want to participate.

Id rather be free in my spirit, and helpful to all of my brothers and sisters of this world.

And of course go home when im done.

2006-07-19 12:14:57 · answer #11 · answered by HuggieSunrise 3 · 0 0

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