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i am planning a baby shower and need to know some games. good ones.

2006-07-19 11:20:44 · 17 answers · asked by fun2bwithu21 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

17 answers


I like the idea of baby pictionary, where you get some cards write or type baby words on them. Each guest gets to draw what the word is...until someone guesses the word. They hand their card to that person. The person that gets the most cards by guessing the right answers wins!

You can draw pictures or just write the word of a baby related item on pieces of paper. As a guest arrives, you pin that paper on their back. When there's enough people to play, then they can ask 3 questions about their word which are answered in one word. Example: Does the baby drink from it. (Yes or No) Does the baby sit in it? (Yes or No) Is the item big or small. (Big or Small) The first & last person to guess what's on their back wins a prize.

Here's some more:

The prize is right game:
Buy about 10 baby items. Get some small envelopes with cards & write down the amount that corresponds to the item amount & seal the envelopes. Have them write 1-10 on a piece of paper and write down how much they think each item costs. The closest answer without going over gets that point. Then the one with the most points at the end wins!

Make a SCRAPBOOK. Be sure to take everything you need to make one, the album, paper, scissors, scrapbook glue, etc & an instant camera to take pictures of the guests with the new mommy-to-be & let them each make a scrapbook page for her. Be sure they leave room to place a future picture of them with the baby on their page. Mommy-to-be can pick her favorite scrapbook page to be the winner!

Get a small box & place the word winner inside of it & wrap it. Place it in a bigger box & wrap it. Place that one in a bigger box & wrap it & continue as much as you can or want. Play some baby music & stop, that person gets to open the first box. They then pass the box that was inside to the next person & start the music again..then stop and that person gets to open the next box. continue until the last small box is open & the paper is taken out that says winner!!

Guess the # of Q-tips
Place Q-tips in a jar - better if it's colored ones. Have guests guess how many of one color or all colors in the jar. The person with the closet answer not going over wins. I use pink, white, blue.

Dice in a Bottle
MATERIALS: 2 dice, baby bottle, empty plastic baby wipe container with the top off, wrapped prizes in the center of the room.
Games is timed for ten minutes. Everyone sits in a circle and takes turns shaking the dice in the bottle and throwing them into the baby wipe container. If a guest throws doubles, they get a prize from the center of the room.
After all the prizes are gone, dice winners take prizes from the other winners. When the ten minutes is up, whoever has a prize gets to keep it.

Pin The Pacifier On The Baby
Have up to six guests try to pin a pacifier on the mouth of a large picture of a baby.
(Just like pin the tail on the donkey)

Who know mommy best?
1.What is her full legal name?
2.What is her age?
3.What month was she born?
4.Was she born before, on or after her due date?
5.What was her birth weight?
6.What state was she born in?
7.Who does she look like most?
8.What was her personality as a baby?
9.What was her first word?
10.What age did she take her first step?
11.When is she due?
12.What color is the nursery?
13.What will be the baby’s name?
14.How many children would she like to have?
15.What has been one of her food cravings?
16.What is the one thing she is looking forward to after the baby is born?

Dress The Baby
This was a great game for a coed party. Each of the women who were invited were told ahead of time to bring a diaper bag with an outfit to dress "their baby". As the couples arrived each was escorted to a private bedroom where the wives dressed their husbands as "their babies".

All 8 couples cooperated and it was a hoot! Prizes were given for cutest, most authentic looking, humorous, and ugliest baby. There were enough categories for each couple to win at least one prize and all the husbands were great sports! In fact mine even went home dressed in his diaper!

Prize Balloon
This is a really easy game to play and set up. First, you'll need to know how many guests will be going to your baby shower and then get that amount of balloons.(Example: 16 guests = 16 balloons. It's always a good idea to get a couple extra just in case one pops or something).

Then, you get little pieces of blank papers and put them into the balloons before you blow them up. On only one piece of paper, write "winner" (or whatever you'd like) and place that in a balloon.

Right before your baby shower is over, hand out one balloon to each person and have them pop it. The person that has the paper with writing on it gets the prize. It's as easy as that.

Feel Up
Two guests stand in the middle of the room facing each other. The hostess or a designated person then blindfolds each player. The hostess then strategically places 5 clothespins on each player. The players then must "feel up" the other player to find the clothespins on the other player. Whoever gets the most clothespins in the designated time (usually 1 minute) is the WINNER! Lots of laughs!

Pudding Game
This game is the best baby shower game ever! Before the baby shower, buy those already-made pudding cups for each person playing the game.
Before you start the game, pair up couples across from each other, blindfold them, and put a trash bag over them so their clothes won't get dirty. (You may want to warn them in the invitations to wear casual clothes they wouldn't mind getting 'messy'!)
Start the timer for 30 seconds or however long you prefer, and as soon as you say "GO", each couple will have to feed each other as fast as they can. The couple who finishes their pudding first wins!!

Pin the Baby in the Mommy
Make or find a big (poster size preferably) picture of a pregnant woman and another picture of a baby. The game is played just like Pin the Tale on the Donkey. The only difference is you pin the baby in the mommy. It's cute and everyone at the baby shower I threw really enjoyed it.

Have guests divide into teams.
Each team chooses a lullaby or nursery rhyme and personalizes it for the parent(s) and baby.
They then perform their new lullaby/nursery rhyme for everyone, the parent(s)-to-be choose the winner.
Make sure you have a video camera!!! Great for a couples shower.

Balloon Drop Race
Divide the guests into two teams. Place two laundry baskets at one end of the room; give each person an air-filled balloon. The object of this game is to have each person carry their balloon down to the laundry basket and drop it in-with their knees! Done in relay-race style, each guest must get to the laundry basket and drop their balloon in without using their hands! The team who drops all their balloons in first wins a prize.

2006-07-19 11:24:59 · answer #1 · answered by flamingo_sandy 6 · 0 2

Using a list of "traits", (eyes, personality, sense of humor, temper, nose, etc.) one column is for Dad and one is for Mom. Have guests decide which trait the baby will follow - Mom or Dad. After everyone answers, Mom gives the answers of which/who's trait she wishes the baby will follow. Whoever gets the most correct, gets the prize.

Take a tray of 15 baby items (bib, bottle, powder, booties, etc) around to each guest, giving them about five to ten seconds to examine the contents on the tray. Provide a numbered sheet (one to how ever many items). Winner has guessed the most correct items from memory. Or another twist to this game, use items you can pin to Mom (bib, booties, safety pin, diaper, etc) and have the "model walk around, then leave the room. Same from there.

Using pink/blue ribbons, fill a bowl up. Correct guess (or closest) to the answer wins!

Not a game, but a good idea - have guests sign a 3 X 5 card, giving "advice" to the baby or the parents! This is a neat memory to cherish. These cards can either be put into a scrap book OR another thing (as to preserve) is punch a hole in each card and tie them all together with the color of ribbon of the baby's sex. If you do this, be sure to decorate each card with baby stickers of some kind!
You could also take a photo of each guest (with Mom) and use the cards the same way, gluing the photo to the reverse of the sentiment.

Hope my ideas help you! Good Luck!

2006-07-19 18:36:40 · answer #2 · answered by penwrite5 5 · 0 0

I love baby shower games Ive thrown a few large baby showers and I know some fun games you could try.
the 1st one is every one gets a name tag and writes there name on it. The name tag is a napkin shaped like a diaper.
and at the end of the shower everyone has to take there name tag and open it and in one of those diaper someone has a poopy diaper. We used a melted hershey kiss for the dirty diaper and let the women pick there own diaper to write their name.
Another games is take a roll of toilet paper and each woman pulls off as much as they think the mommy to bes belly is and the women with the closest amount gets a prize.
another games is each woman gets a piece of paper and something to bare down on with apen or pencil and the have to close their eyes and try to draw what they think the baby will look like on top of ther head. and the mommy to be gets to pick the best one.
you can also give each person a piece of paper and write their name on it and on the other side of the paper write some advice or some tips or something for the mother to be to use and then have them fold their paper and drop it in a bucket and the mom to be draws one of them reads the paper outloud and the persons name which gets a prize.
you can also do baby bingo which you can get almost anywhere. at walmart babies r us party city.
hope you find what your looking for and good luck

2006-07-19 18:43:17 · answer #3 · answered by liladams22805 2 · 0 0

Buy different jars of baby food. Cover the labels with a decorative piece of paper (you can secure it with a piece of tape and either a blue or pink ribbon). Put the jars in a basket and then pass them around at the shower along with a piece of paper and a pencil. Have the guests guess what kind of baby food is in the jar. It sounds simple enough, but it's actually difficult to figure out if it's carrots or sweet potatos, green beans or peas. Gets the conversations going, and everyone has a good time trying to figure them out!! Have fun!

2006-07-19 18:25:27 · answer #4 · answered by wizibuff 4 · 0 0

Im not sure if this is a game per say, but the last baby shower I went to, a blank journal was passed around for all to give advice or words of wisdom to the mommy to be

2006-07-19 18:44:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A game we played recently that everyone like was the hostess asked us before the shower to bring a baby picture of ourselves, be prepared alot said they didn't have one for one reason or another [probably embarrassed] so in their case any baby photo will do. The mom to be trys to put the photo to the person.

2006-07-19 18:28:08 · answer #6 · answered by sweet & sour 6 · 0 0

Here's a game I did at my baby shower for my second baby. I took diapers, and melted candy bars in them. Then you pass around the diapers with melted candy bars and have the guests open the diaper and guess what kind of candy bar is in it. It gets to be pretty funny all the comments that are made when they look at the surprise inside. Another, all time favorite and common is guess the baby food game, tear labels off of baby food jars, number the jars and have the guests guess what the jar of food is. Another option, have a roll of string and have the guests pull off string guessing on a measurement of the curcumfrence of momma to be. Then when every guest has their string, you actually wrap the string around momma's belly to see who was the closest guesser. There is a couple of ideas for you. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-19 18:37:32 · answer #7 · answered by masmalan2004 3 · 0 0

Google up 'free baby shower games'. Tons of sites will pop up! I use them when I have to do games for church baby showers. There are some really fun ones. Have fun!

2006-07-19 18:23:23 · answer #8 · answered by mama 5 · 0 0

#1) How fast you can diaper a teddy bear correctly using a cloth diaper and pins. #2) Give every guest a clothepin, if someone says baby , you take their clothespin . You collect them on your shirt. This goes on throughout shower, whoever ends up with the most pins, wins! #3) you can take the baby's full name , and have you guest list as many words only using the letters of the baby's name. #4) this one is my favorite! Give every one a piece of bubble gum ( pink or blue ) have them chew it , and then they must form a 'baby' using only their gum, give them paper plates to stick their gum baby on. Then have the mother judge for the best one! Hopes this helps! :}

2006-07-19 18:33:39 · answer #9 · answered by redbird 3 · 0 0

One pretty funny game we played at my baby shower was: you take about 6 (more or less) diapers and pour melted chocolate candies inside of them. Like in one diaper you put only melted Mr. Goodbar candies...and in another you can put like only melted Crunch bars inside. Try to get recognizable brands, if possible. Then your friends have to guess the candies by looking and smelling the diapers. It's pretty funny. Be sure to melt the candies in another dish, and not the actual diaper, b/c it could start on fire in the microwave. If you have older women there, like your grandma, they will probably be so digusted, but that's part of the fun!

2006-07-19 18:30:57 · answer #10 · answered by Jessi-lala 2 · 0 0

Games to play at a baby shower:
-what kind of chocolate? put melted chocolate into a diaper and have people guess what king of chocolate it is w/out them touching it.
-what kind of baby food?have people guesswhat kind of baby food is in the jar( rip off sticker) (only let them smell).
-candles and names: put 3 candles in the sand and light them. put 3 names that u would like the baby to have next to each candle. the candle that lasts the longest could be the babies name.
-how much candy is in the bottle?
-how much does she/he weigh? take a doll and weigh him/her to the exact weight. then ask people to guess the weight of the doll.(let them feel the doll)
-scramble: have some scrambled up words involving babies and whoever finishs first wins a prize.
-find the pacifire: hide lots of pacifires around the house, park of where ever u are and whoever finds the most in 2 minutes wins a prize.

2006-07-19 18:36:21 · answer #11 · answered by rainbow 1 · 0 0

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