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2006-07-19 11:05:37 · 52 answers · asked by leanne123 1 in Family & Relationships Family

52 answers

First explain to him that these are adult words and he shouldn't be saying them. Then let him know that he will get time outs if he does use these words and do it!!! one minute for each year the child is (2 years old gets 2 minutes). If that doesn't work, then a little potch in the behind may get his attention (I'm not talking to make his backside red, just to get his attention). Then you need to find out where he is learning these words and tell that person/people to stop cussing around your kid. You can even ask him where he heard the language.

I used to cuss a lot around my son, I actually still do, but I remember when he was 1 hitting the bed and saying F F F!!!! I didn't do anything about it then, he was too young. But my son asks me if he's allowed to say certain words And the answer, if it's not a cuss is "If you can use that word in the correct context in a sentence then you can say that word." He rarely uses the words he asks about. But don't underestimate your child. They understand young what you say to them. I have never spoken down to my son nor under explained something because I thought he wouldn't understand. At 11 he understands much more then most of the other kids his age.


I have to add, after reading a couple of posts that bar soap in the mouth for a couple minutes is NOT abuse but LIQUID SOAP is, it's dangerous. But I wouldn't recommend it on a child your son's age. Try my tactics....they worked for me (never had to use soap). And remember, the kids understand if you explain it in a way that they can understand.

2006-07-19 11:13:36 · answer #1 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 1 1

1. Stop exposing him to swearing. If you do it stop. If others do it avoid those people. Children imitate what they hear.
2. Don't make a big deal about it. Gently tell him that the word he used is unacceptable and give him an alternate word to use.
3. Know that going over the top about it will only increase his use of the words.
4. If he persists in using the word immediately after you correct him, repeat that the word is inappropriate and immediately give him a time out. (2 minutes is enough. Time outs should be one minute per year of age until a child is 7 years old.) Before and after the time out explain why you gave it and give him a hug. Tell him you love him and you want him to be a good little boy.

2006-07-19 11:14:16 · answer #2 · answered by Chris 5 · 0 0

He is two, those words have no more meaning to him than puppy or kitty, he is simply repeating what he is hearing so stop swearing in front of him or tell whoever is swearing in front of him to stop it if they don't do not allow them to be around him. There is no way he's getting it anywhere else, he's not reading it in books, he is hearing it somewhere. Tell him those words are bad and he is not to say them and then eliminate the source of his knowledge. try not to laugh or make too big a fuss about it or he'll start doing it just for the attention. my son used to say bucket with an F in place of the b, he had no idea but the older kids in the neighborhood thought it was hilarious to get him to say f u ckit instead. you can not put a bar of soap in his mouth or punish him severely, he doesn't understand that he's saying something wrong he's simply being a mimick thats how kids learn language.

2006-07-19 11:08:45 · answer #3 · answered by dappersmom 6 · 0 0

Jeanne, you say that your two year old son is using words that are not appropriate. As a mother of three children and six grandchildren, I would try not to give him too much attention when he says these words. Remember that children at this age, will do and say whatever they receive the most attention for much like training a dog. Change his attention to something positive such as the ABC song. Then give him lots of praise for his accomplishments. When he repeats an inappropriate word, tell him not to say that then move on to something else. Never never wash out a small child's mouth with soap, as stated in other posts, he doesn't understand the words. He is barley more than a baby at 2 years. Tell anyone who is saying these words in his presence, that they must stop or they will not be allowed to be around him.

2006-07-19 16:04:17 · answer #4 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 0 0

At two he is doing it for attention. Try to just ignore it and see if it stops. The other thing you need to figure out is where he is learning it from. Then eliminate that source of learning. If that does not work then try using positive reinforcement such as if you don't say bad words for an hour you can watch you favorite show or have a treat. Most children will stop a bad habit if they are not getting the reward they are seeking.

2006-07-19 11:09:51 · answer #5 · answered by middle aged and love it 3 · 0 0

Ignore the swearing as much as you can. Reacting to the behaviour will only make him more likely to defy you and do it. If however, he swears in company, like when your friends or his grandparents are present, explain to him that those words are naughty, and shouldn't be used by good boys. Praise him when he holds conversations with you without swearing, say, if he did something naughty, you told him off, and he doesn't curse, punish him first but when the punishment is over hug him and tell him well done for not using naughty words.

Also, don't expose him to the offending words, such as television programmes, and try not to use them yourself in front of him.

2006-07-19 11:12:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Firstly I'd ask why he is swearing, if he is saying these words someone has been saying them without anyone to put them into context. Secondly I would ask why you want to stop him, swearing is a way of communicating just like using any other words, what you have to do if put it into context for him, at two years old they can be too young to fully unferstand but give him some credit and try to explain to him what it means to say swear words - don't scorn him for it, that isn't the way to deal with it.

2006-07-19 11:10:51 · answer #7 · answered by Kasha 7 · 0 0

Where did he hear it?

If people swear around him then there isn't much you can do really cos he thinks its OK.

Try stopping everyone from swearing around him and explain that from now on he will get sent to the naughty corner (or whatever punsihment you use) every time he uses one of the banned words - tell him what the words are cos for children they are just words. But everyone must stop using them - you can't have one rule for kids and one for adults.

2006-07-19 11:08:51 · answer #8 · answered by Leapling 4 · 0 0

Well there are many ways of going aobut to solve this:

1. Give him a hard slap and tell him its naughty to do so and if he does it again tell hime you will wash his mouth out with soap.

2. If he continues to do so put him sitting on the stairs for an hour everytime he swears he will eventually know that if he does it again he will go back on the stairs.

3. Simple ignore him. Children at that age normally say things that are naughty becuase they know they will get a reaction from you. By ignoring them they realise that they aint going to me listenin to and they will eventually stop.

4. Use the good old fashion Reverse Psychology. Whenever they swaer say ya do go on swear all ya like we dont care. Keep saying go on swear for us. By doing this they wont because they know my telling them to do it, it wont annoy you.

Hope this helps.

Feel free to contact me if it works.

2006-07-19 11:22:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where did he learn from.If he picked it up from home then you are the people who need a kick up the backside.
If he has picked it up from the childminder then change the childminder. try totally ignoring him when he swears and he should soon forget it.just do not react or answer him when he swears.he will soon start talking straight. If he does not then you have to make him understand that he is going to get nothing if he swears. you will just have to be firm with him.

2006-07-19 11:46:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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