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I still love him should I stay?

2006-07-19 11:00:04 · 26 answers · asked by looking 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

26 answers

Yeah, you sound stupid enough... stay...

He cheated twice (with two different women?) and got a woman pregnant... and you still love him and wonder if you should stay? You got any sisters at home? I need a dumb woman like you.

by all means, stay with him. he obviously cares a lot about your feelings.

2006-07-19 11:02:22 · answer #1 · answered by bodinibold 7 · 2 1

It's really is time for you to leave this guy. I know it's difficult and even scary, but you're hurting yourself by staying with him.

I've gone through something similar and after having a good look at myself I ran into something called co-dependancy... Not a very pretty thing to carry around. I suggest you find books about this and read about it a bit so that you'll understand why it is you even consider still staying with this guy.

All I want to say to you here is that
a) he doesn't love you (love does NOT hurt another person!)
b) you probably don't love him even though you think so now. At least not in a healthy way, as you enable him to carry on cheating and mistreating you by accepting it and forgiving him (=co-dependancy)
c) no matter how hard it is for you to leave him now, I can guarantee you will egt over it and be so much ahppier once you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and realise that you did the right decision.

I wish you lots of strength!!!

2006-07-19 12:05:19 · answer #2 · answered by RachelK 2 · 0 0

It doesn't matter what we say it all depends on you. Its your decision at the end of the day. Personally though, if a guy cheated on me once, I may give him one more chance if I actually loved the guy, BUT if he did it TWICE, I would walk away, no matter how painful. If he has the balls to do it twice to you, then I dont think that he respects you and if you take him back then I dont think that you respect yourself. I think you should leave him. You will find someone else who will treat you better. You may feel that you dont want to be with anyone else, but what is the point in felling like that if that person doesnt feel the same? Your feelings are wasted on a lowlife cheater. Walk away and find someone you want and deserve. If you stay with this guy, you deserve to be cheated on again and again because you are letting it happen. You need to set the boundaries otherwise he'll just keep doing it. I imagine that you said that you will leave him if he cheated on you a second time...if you stay with him now, then he will think that you will never leave because you can only make threats, you wont actually stick with them. Plus, how would you feel having to see this girl who he got pregnant everytime you need to pick up his kid from her? You'll have to face her regularly and see their child too. If you want to put up with the cheating the lying and having to face their little love child, then go ahead, but i warn you...you'll only get hurt again...and again...I've seen this happen many times, especially to my mum...please for your own sake, just leave him.

2006-07-19 11:31:02 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

The first time he cheated on you, your flags should have went up. But everyone deserves a second chance. However, you have blinded yourself PURPOSLY to the things he does so you can love him. Baby you just set yourself up for failure when you do that. He doesn't respect you as a person. He may be in love with the fact that you love him, but he is not in love with you. His history by what you said shows that. You should not stay with him because history repeats itselfs. Don't be afraid of being alone because it hurts. Time heals, but hurts. Its better in the long run for you because people are here for reasons, seasons, and life times. Sometimes the person we love so much whether they do us good or bad, are in our lives to teach us something, and then there gone. And that was the whole purpose of the relationsship to prepare you for something better down the road. Be smart and your will thank yourself when the time is right.

2006-07-19 11:14:06 · answer #4 · answered by Gus F 1 · 0 0

no dont stay, if you stay he will think that he can keep doing this over and over again and think that you will let him get away with it. Plus how are you gonna feel when the baby is born and he sees it, he will have to have contact with the woman he cheated on you with in order to have contact with his baby! Im sure there is someone better out there for you who will love you and will not cheat. Have you ever heard the saying "once a cheat always a cheat"? well i defernatley think it is true. i know someones whos dad cheated on their mum all through their marriage and she kept letting him get away with it (she said she did this for the childrens sake), but the children said they would have been happy to see their mum leave their dad and be happy, not seeing her crying every night because she dont know what her husband is up to. Please leave this man before it is too late

Sorry did i say man i meant BOY!!!
good luck girl and you will find someone that deserves you

2006-07-19 11:15:20 · answer #5 · answered by noone 3 · 0 0

Yes of course you should if you are prepared for him bringing home more than a baby - if he gets some one pregnant then he is obviously having unprotected sex! Therefore what about STI's??? Its ok being brave enough to help raise your boyfriends child with someone else but are you brave enough to hear "I'm sorry ms x you will never have any children as you have been infected with x?"

If he loves you he would not cheat and he would NOT be taking risks with your health.

2006-07-19 11:10:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why would you even ask such a question? The answer is NO! Do not stay with him. You said in your question you loved him but the question is does he love you? I am pretty sure the answer is NO! I am sure you were very hurt when you found out he was unfaithful to you and I am sure it hurt even more when you found out the girl was pregnant. He will only continue to hurt you. You need to be with someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated;this guy will not do that. If you stay with him that means you will always have the girl he slept with in your life because she has his baby. Do you want to deal with that? You will never trust him. You will always be wondering what he is doing and with who. Leave him and move on. You do not need the constant heart-ache. Trust me that is all you will have if you stay with him!

2006-07-19 11:12:18 · answer #7 · answered by strawberries 5 · 0 0

Once, and you could both work through it. Twice and your relationship is very rocky. Added to that the stress of another woman and her baby. All adds up to a dead end relationship with pain on both sides, especially yours! Get out now while the going is good.

2006-07-19 11:19:10 · answer #8 · answered by Dorita 2 · 0 0

Is this a real question? Yeah, stay with him. Raise his child...give the mom child support and wait for the next girl he gets pregnant to come along.

2006-07-19 11:06:04 · answer #9 · answered by barbramaq 2 · 0 0

If his willing to be there for you. one of my homies went through something similar and the girl was still with him after he got someone pregnant. everything went good for about a year...THEN everything changed when he had the baby cuz his gf would be mad that he had to be more in contact with his baby's mama. AND they had trust issues going on... and eventually his gf gave up and let things go... NOW his with his baby's mama AND HE LOVED THE OTHER CHICK but she gave up on him due to trust and cuz she was jealous. so think about it dont do what this girl did she basically moved out of the way.

2006-07-19 11:08:15 · answer #10 · answered by jose 1 · 0 0

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