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Consider this- several other Gods share the December birthday, and like Mithras, they are also solar deities, who are born in the winter solstices, often of virgin mothers, die, and are reborn. One of these, a pre-Christian deity called Attis, was called "The lamb of God," and his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection were celebrated annually, with ritual communions of bread and wine. His virgin mother, Cybele, was worshipped as "The Queen of heaven." It gets more interesting the further back we look- Attis and Cybele's predecessors are the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, and her consort Tammuz. It is from their legend that we get the name for the annual celebration of the resurrection of Christ- Easter, a name of the Goddess Ishtar.
This is not the only coincidence related to this ancient couple- the earliest use of the cross as a religious symbol is related to Tammuz. In fact, crosses are related to a variety of solar deities. Of course, the cross was not popular with early Christians, except in the form of an X, the Greek initial of "Christos." (Even this was borrowed symbolism- the initials belonging to the Greek Chronos.)
Hundreds of years before Jesus, there was a passion story told about a God man, born of a virgin mother, in a stable. He travels about with his followers, preaching and performing miracles, including turning water into wine. Eventually, he incurs the wrath of the religious authorities, who are appalled that he refers to himself as the son of god. He allows himself to be arrested and tried for blasphemy- a willing self-sacrifice. He is found guilty and executed, only to rise from the grave three days later, where the women weeping at his tomb do not recognize him until he assumes his divine form. This god, also one of the first depicted crucified, is the vine-God Dionysus.

Common to all of these 'mystery' religions (so called because one was required to be initiated or baptized into the faith to learn its doctrines)- including early Christianity- are themes of rebirth, redemption, and the transmission of life-changing information- spiritual salvation. So many religions in those times shared similar themes with that usually the deities became melded together. Early depictions of Jesus show him holding the Lyre of Orpheus, or driving Apollo's chariot. A talisman bearing the crucified likeness of Dionysus is inscribed Orpheus-Bacchus. The follower of Jesus, named Lazarus ('resurrected,' a derivitive of the name of Osiris, the resurrected God of Egypt).

It is impossible to tell just by looking at old artwork which haloed infant gods are cuddled in the arms of which mothers. The Emperor Constantine, who legitimized Christianity in Rome, was a worshipper of Sol Invictus- an amalgamation of solar deities Mithras, Helios, and Apollo-and he recognized Jesus' place in that company almost immediately. Even today, ancient solar symbols abound in Christian iconography. Not that Constantine was the only one to muddle these gods together- in fact, Christianity's oldest known mosaic depicts Jesus as a triumphant Helios, complete with chariot.
Of course, later Christians were terribly perturbed by these similarities to Pagan religions- these coincidences so disturbed one early Christian church father, Justin Martyr, that he accused the devil of sending an imitator of Christ in advance. Had he paid a little more attention to the past, he might have noted that the association of Jesus with Dionysus is not so strange-philosophers had been making connections between Jehovah and Dionysus for centuries

2006-07-19 10:56:37 · 18 answers · asked by lifelover 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2006-07-19 10:57:33 · update #1

Yes, who am I kidding. The faithful don't read!

2006-07-19 11:00:48 · update #2

Shaun- I did not see anything on those sites which refuted what I posted. Could you be more specific and point out which article you think does the job?

2006-07-19 11:04:01 · update #3

18 answers

I see that your very informative post has evoked the most intellectual of Christian responses: "Ain't so!"

Anyway... you might be interested in taking a look at "The Jesus Puzzle."


2006-07-19 12:42:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I grew up with a Dad and Mom that were highly educated My Dad an aeronautical engineer with NASA. My brother is a nuclear physicist, among other things,and my family is filled with very educated people. I am a teacher, considered educated by this world's standards, but I understand education simply allows you to understand how much more you don't really know. Education does not always make you truly wise. Now, I researched and researched , and researched many other religions, aethism, on and on....... I read many things, thought many thoughts, and guess what? Nothing compares to accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior and being filled and guided by the Holy Spirit. This is not some emotional hysteria brought on by old story. It is a real thing - that happens. You can try to prove or disprove anything- people do what people do. But, there will be a day that your research and highlights of history will not matter.

2006-07-19 11:44:20 · answer #2 · answered by kskwwjd 3 · 0 0

l have read the history of major world religions and cults while I was in college. Then I became a teacher and my students learned. We all heard about other cults and religions. The Christian faith is very very simple. While you should read the Bible, I would suggest that you read John 3:16. Small bit but it is the heart. If you don't believe in God and his book just try praying that you will be shown the truth. If God is not there....no answer. If he does answer be sure you are paying attention. The final exam IS the FINAL EXAM.

2006-07-19 11:11:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Shockingly, it is true that much or most of Christendom is inundated with paganism, philosophy, idols and symbols from false worship. Yet the Scriptures themselves contain clear instruction that these have no place in the pure worship of true Christianity.

Jehovah's Witnesses are perhaps best known for their global preaching work. The Witnesses have also rejected all the trappings of false worship, and instead they have restored the pattern set by the apostles in the first century C.E. congregation. Jehovah's Witnesses are TRUE Christians.

Learn more:

2006-07-20 08:49:46 · answer #4 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 0 0

sorry, i couldn't read the whole thing because God was not born in December.

that would indicate that they used a gregorian calendar system, which, of course, they did not. Jesus was a Jew.

also, the entire idea of Christmas came many years later as the Church's response to a pagan holiday that occurred at the same time. it's actually thought that Jesus was born in the spring or summer.

2006-07-19 11:00:48 · answer #5 · answered by Greg G 2 · 0 0


Ohhhh, I think we have a hornet's nest stirred up here. I love your 'question'! I have got to send a copy of this to my sister, lol. She's christian--I'm Pagan. Thank you for being so patient and bringing this information to light. I knew some of what you had said, but some I had no clue about. Brightest blessings, may the Goddess smile on you!

2006-07-19 11:07:44 · answer #6 · answered by lilbitadevil 3 · 0 0

Lots of stories about many false gods; only one true God. And only one way to God, by His son, Jesus Christ.

2006-07-19 11:13:19 · answer #7 · answered by christian_lady_2001 5 · 0 0

Thanks for all the research! I knew about the Mithra connection, but didn't know Mithras was a solar diety. This makes me see Dionysus in a different light, I didn't know He had been crucified for heresey. Im going to save this one in my files.

2006-07-19 11:07:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, Christians Are Very Skilled About Other gods....That's Why We Choose The REAL ONE!.....(John 14: 6), (Acts 4: 12), (John 3rd chapter)........Why?, Because It's Got Facts & PROOF With It!.......

2006-07-19 11:04:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

no, i prefer to be a mindless pawn with no education or understanding and am in need of enlightenment...(just being sarcastic) i chose the the one God and His one way ..the bible rings true to me..every other religeon contains somthing hurtful or dark and has no real solutions or hope. There is power in the Word of God as its written in the bible...ive proven this to myself without needing anyone else to convince me...neither can anyone else convince me im wrong :)

2006-07-19 11:13:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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