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I would allow for IMMEDIATE LEGAL STAUS for any and all illegals if this were to happen!

Both side shuld agree.
Tell me why or why it would not work?

I would give instaneous legal papers to each and every illegal if he were to be adopted by a citizen!

just adopt an illegal, simple

you take a person of illegal status into your very own home, sign him up on your health insurance, you file for his back taxes, schooling for your new kids, shatever.
it will be of absolutly NO BURDEN on you at all!
After all the pro crime crowd claims that they are such good, hard workers, they will pay their fair share of your household expenses.
You become their legal parent. You insure that they are no longer a burden on our system in any way shape or form.
your fine upstanding criminal that you so fiercly defend will be on your head. any laws they break will be collected from you, be it fines, jail time, whatever. if they need to get deported, YOU GO WITH THEM!

2006-07-19 10:53:30 · 19 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

Yi=ou guys kill me (and I am sure some of you would like to).
typos and mis-spelledwords, uh oh, I guess my point (exrtemely sacastic, wasn't it?) could not be made if it doesn't pass Mrs. Smith's english class with an A+, right?
As predicted, race is uttered #5 wasn't it?

2006-07-19 14:11:00 · update #1

The point behind this idea was to show the pro-crime side for what it realy is: FAKE!
Like most things the liberals and democrats (there is a bit of a difference) do is this:
I will help with other people's efforts, money, time, etc...
At least the republicans usually say we are all in this together and so no
in this aspect I must say the dems are a bit more honest, except they are not helping it is the others that do the real helping.

All the pro crime guys want the illegals to be able to stay but they won't do anything personally, if required!
Hell, I am for limiting immigration, ONLY, if it cuts into American jobs!
Otherwise let everybody go through the application process and wait their turn, if approved, WELCOME!
If not STAY OUT!

2006-07-19 15:53:46 · update #2

19 answers

Not A Bad Concept

It'll Never Fly
But Its A Great Idea

It Would Show
Right From The Get-Go
And Which Ones Are Just Full Of Hot Air
And Fighting An Empty Fight LOL

2006-07-19 10:58:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd totally agree with your question if it weren't for the fact that you cannot hide your bitterness and racism. I like the idea, really I do. What ruins it for me is your opinion that all illegal immigrants are criminals. Other than that, not a bad suggestion.

I say that all illegal immigrants be deported so that you, and others like you, can finally get that coveted job of selling flowers and oranges on the street corner, or selling ice cream door-to-door. Maybe you can get that dream job of picking fruit or standing on street corners as a day laborer. Yes I can see it now, Maria will no longer be your maid's name. It will be Buffy or Brooke and your gardner's name will be Chandler or Steve.

By paying taxes, I already have basically "adopted" them. I have also adopted all those fine people on welfare, government aid, housing aid, medicaid, student aid etc. etc.

2006-07-19 18:17:02 · answer #2 · answered by El Teke 4 · 0 0

Actually, while your idea is a long shot, putting the pencil to your proposal could have some merit. At the very least, you are consistently presenting both sides of the Congress's think tank, something they have no time for. I have never taken you seriously, as this forum is full of media informed individuals and kids with no jobs PAYING taxes and resentful about the consumption of THEIR social services in THEIR country, but I will give you A for effort in attempting to arrive at a win win solution to the immigration conflict at hand.

2006-07-19 20:24:15 · answer #3 · answered by Stomp 3 · 0 0

They used to have that when I was a kid. They don't call it adoption. They call it sponsoring. You used to have to fill out a paper and name a sponser, and the sponser had to sign papers that said they invited you to be here in this country. A sponser is an employer that hires you, a friend or family member who lets you stay with them while you get a place, that sort of thing. Now people just show up, cuss us out, break our laws, throw stuff at us, try to force us in their cars, and accuse us of being the illegals. It has gotton violent and political. It's not like before when they wanted to come here to live because they like us and our country. They come here to work and take our stuff. It is sad when things change for the worse.

2006-07-19 18:03:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK where do I sign up? I have taken in supported and taken on any and all problems with an illegal alien. Guess what there was none but the Americans around me were being rounded up and put in jail for robbery,drugs,and prostitution.

2006-07-19 19:14:26 · answer #5 · answered by gidget lil bit 4 · 0 0

no they need to be deported they are criminals everyone of them who came here illegally. there are ways to come here legally do you even know Mexico's rule on immigrants i can tell you a few of them im not going to list because its too long but the few are NO immigrant can have waterfront property they cant talk about the president they cant have government help. that is for the immigrants who come into mexico

2006-07-19 18:03:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What an interesting concept. You always come up with the BEST little scenarios. But here is my problem.....I am ANTI-Adoption (adopted a birth myself). Adoptees rights is actually my first passion......so this leaves me out of this one.

But again very interesting and intriguing way of solving the problem. Good Job!

2006-07-19 18:06:11 · answer #7 · answered by sqwirlsgirl 5 · 0 0

thats funny it just like regular immigration, my husband has to support me for x number of years though if that were the case and i got deported he wouldn't complain about life in canada the laws are the same everywhere its the children of illegals through no fault of their own that suffer good luck in finding that many wealthy adopters

2006-07-19 18:07:39 · answer #8 · answered by babydoll 1 · 0 0

F*ck NO!!!! How can you guarantee anything if is in somebody's else hands to do it??? This is the stupedest idea I have ever heard. Don't get me wrong I support for Immigrants to get a chance, but if they mess up, it should not be someone else's responsibility

2006-07-19 19:15:11 · answer #9 · answered by sweet lady 2 · 0 0

Where are all the morally superior, humanist's answers?

OK after 5 hours, we have 2 takers.... I don't know, seems like 5-6 million people per household just isn't going to cut it....

2006-07-19 18:19:33 · answer #10 · answered by Ricky 5 · 0 0

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