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I do not understand why people can read the bible and still not believe anything it says? I know that God gave us free choice but that seems idiotic to me. Expecially now after all that has been going on around the world, and hs been predicted numerous times throughout the bible. Example Mathew 24 after you read that how can you still not believe?

2006-07-19 09:58:23 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

Many people choose not to believe because society tells them its "bad" to believe, or because they had a bad experience. What we must do is love other and as Jesus said, "by this all men will know that you are my disciples" Even if people turn away the word, they will still accept love. And once the seeds of love have been sewn, the harvest of salvation will come.

2006-07-19 10:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by Lord_of_Armenia 4 · 6 5

This question can be flipped around and asked to believers. How can you possibly believe everything in a book that isn't even the true version of itself? Do you REALLY think the New King James, NIV, New American Standard, or any other version of the bible is the actual text that God intended for us? Greek and Hebrew versions of the bible (probably the closest you'll get to the real thing) are FAR from similar. There is a lot lost in translation, and even more lost to the assumption of knowing the meaning to some of the teachings in the bible.

What has been predicted in the bible that has happened? Nothing specific ... it's all generalizations. The Koran has passages that predict things that have happened so far, does that make the Koran true?

"Koran (9:11) For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo ..."

The U.S. is typically represented by the Eagle.

Very general right? But this is similar to the predictions in the bible. Does this make the Koran true?

Don't spew your teachings on someone else. God wanted you to preach to other people and to bring them into your family. Not to judge or question their faiths or beliefs. It ridiculous that you would call people idiotic when you should be someone that should accept people for who they are. Granted you try to bring them into God's family, but it doesn't mean you should reject or ridicule those that don't accept God. Not to be mean or anything, but it's Christians like you that give a bad name to the rest.

2006-07-19 10:12:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's understandable why people don't want to believe no matter how overwhelming the evidence is. They see the bible as a list of rules and regulations and with a society that has the saying rules are ment to be broken to many have made this a policy in there lives and it's carried over into there spiritual lives as well. We have a society with so little faith (as predicted in the bible) that even when it's right in front of them they don't wan't to believe simply because theres to much going on that if they did believe they wouldn't be able to take the easy road like everyone else .
What would you rather do spend 2 hours in a kitchen after working 8-10 hours or would you rather pick up the phone and call dominos. It all boils down to how strong the person is morally and spiritually and the temptation they let in there lives..........

2006-07-19 10:12:49 · answer #3 · answered by wardancer 3 · 0 0

I am a Christian, but allow me to give a diplomatic response, if at all possible.

Several people in our history have predicted catastropic events well before they have happened. Nost of them were not Christians. Due to this, many people see Jesus as nothing more than a prophet, IF THAT.

You know, as well as I do, that things will change after the rapture and at the beginning of the Tribulation. Few will believe before then. Some people don't even think that something like that will ever occur. I hope that they're right, but I've been raised to believe that they are not.

Who knows, though?

Some people can't believe in something that they can't see. Many people are like that, and there has to be a scientific explanation for everything.

I can understand that view. God gave us a choice of free will, and gave us the right to choose. As disconcerting as it is for Christians, those people have made their choices, and it is up to us and respect it, love them anyways, and to not judge.

If there have been so many non-Christian prophets, why believe the one who claimed to be the Son Of God? See my point?

2006-07-19 10:51:50 · answer #4 · answered by <3 The Pest <3 6 · 0 0

There are virtually as many reasons not to believe the bible as there are to believe it. I think accusing people of being idiotic simply because they do not whole heartedly believe a book is a little simple-minded and dare I say un-Chrisitian. Islamic and Jewish people probably feel the same way about your inability to believe their scriptures. I think you are right to look around the world and see everything that has been going on, but maybe this look around will show you that compassion and understanding for all human existence is truly what the world is most in need of.

2006-07-19 10:09:27 · answer #5 · answered by Legolas' Lover 5 · 0 0

Good Question Honey .... U need to know ! I will tell you....I dont know if you'll beleive but it's the truth anyway ! well the bible tht god gave to jesus is true but not the one or the ones u read today ! there's not only one bible thee's alot and I am Muslim but I think I have read enough about ur relegion ..... and each bible is deffirent than the others ! there's no simileraty between them ! Then How Come.....we all Know tht God sent one Bible and it said tht there's a prophet called Ahmad will come soon and everyone should follow him ! yes he's our prophet he came with Islam ! and he beleived in Ibrahim,Maryam and Jesus (isa) and all the prophets be4 him ! he told us to beleive in them and we do ! God sent him Quran (our book) wich says tht the nowadays bible is not true and jesus is'nt Dead (he didnt die on the cross) and Jesus isn't the son of god ! cuz God has no son , mother , wife ......etc he's just GOD !
If u read through Quran You'll figure out alot of things .... dont be afraid to do tht ! Just try it ! becuz we were never afraid from reading ur Bible !
Thank you

2006-07-19 11:34:27 · answer #6 · answered by perfectby.nature 2 · 0 0

Mathew 24 predicts war and pestilence in general. Somehow, I don't think it's hard to predict bad things. Watch: Yea, though we walk the righteous path, the earth will warm and the seas will rise, people will be gullible and believe everything they read, people will starve, get sick, die, and the entire world will be run for the convenience and wealth of fifty or a hundred people. Gee, I must be a prophet. Ol' Matt had nothin' on me.

2006-07-19 10:09:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a fair question and deserves an answer.

I respect your right to believe what you will, and acknowledge that the Jewish and Christian scriptures contain some remarkably beautiful and inspiring passages and ideas, but I simply cannot understand how anyone with any sense of morality can consider the Bible--which condones rape, slavery, pillage, plunder, child abuse, the selling of one's own daughter into sexual slavery, the murder of innumerable innocents (the list goes on and on)--to be a blueprint for living a good life.

Thank goodness most believers choose not to follow all its examples and instructions.

2006-07-19 10:16:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God gave us free choice because there is no grace in making people love Him. If God made everyone love Him because He said so...its not actually love, but like a dictatorship. I am a Christian too, and I also find it hard to believe, after reading the truth, that people still turn away from God.

2006-07-19 10:03:23 · answer #9 · answered by Chelly 3 · 0 0

Some people are not ready to give up their selfishness and ways of living...some are just afraid of what others will think...

((I'm glad God has given us free will; otherwise we would like robots.))

How many people shutter at the thought of sharing their beliefs with someone close to them...someone cool or even a family member?

I also agree with the first answer too...they haven't opened their hearts to the Lord...

Fact: Jesus gave his life for each of us...he was crucified.
Fact: Salvation is free. Just ask.
Fact: He's pursuing each of us for a relationship...not out of religion but relationship.
Fact: He's calling to you, will you answer? Don't wait too long...
Lie: The Father of lies wants you to believe you've been way too bad of a person to be forgiven. Ask Jesus into your heart...and you CAN be forgiven.
Lie: Everyone else is doing it, it's natural, it's "okay." No not everyone else is doing it.
Fact: Sin is fun...otherwise, it wouldn't be a sin...

GOD/Jesus has ROCKED my world!!! When was the last time he ROCKED yours? Perhaps it's time to re-new your relationship!!!

Grace to you and God Bless!

2006-07-19 10:01:43 · answer #10 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 0 0

It's not for us to know the day or the hour of another's awakening to Divine within. But I assure you God knows the exact moment of every person's heart opening to Him -- and the exact moment that every person will recieve Gnosis also!!

In my opinion God as Divine Parent will not foresake even one of His children: a loving parent cannot do this!! So you can have peace in your heart that all people who deep within believe in goodness WILL sooner or later come around. When Divine is realized within, a good hearted person can do nothing but believe and accept and recieve the Gnosis that is promised to every child of God...as their very own birthright. Recieving God is the ceasing of all mental suffering in this life right now, and who wants to suffer?? Good hearted people have their moment of Truth coming, at the exact moment that God intends!! Have faith in your unrealized brothers and sisters!! God does!! How could He not? There is really nothing at all to worry about...we ALL eventually crash head on into Truth...just have faith that God can deal with whatever doubts come up at a person's time of breakthrough and realization...and then let it go!!

Instead of trying to convince non-believers of what you know, realize that it's not the mind but the heart that can recieve God. When you see this, you'll see that the best and most effective way of sharing the Good News is by teaching only by example. BE the Christ embodied person you are meant to be, and then the Light in you will draw people to Christ within themselves.....MUCH better than your arguments, worries, accusations of idiocy or your words in general ever can!


2006-07-19 10:18:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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