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George W. Bush VETOED the act of CONGRESS to permit more relaxed laws for STEM CELL RESEARCH! I knew he was a faithful and honest MAN OF GOD! Praise JESUS and the God of MOSES for giving our PRESIDENT the POWER and STRENGTH and FORTITUDE of YOUR WILL to strike down this heinous crime against YOUR CHILDREN!

Can the CHRISTIANS join together in PRAISE and PRAYER that the PRESIDENT will have further strength to do what is required of GOD'S PEOPLE!?

2006-07-19 09:49:35 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Shame on you Christians who are critical of our FAITHFUL PRESIDENT! He is a MAN OF GOD!

2006-07-19 09:59:36 · update #1

42 answers

Man of God? You're joking, right?

Slaughtering people because he wants oil, preaching intolerance for gays, and now, contributing to overpopulation while condemning many sick and suffering people to suffer some more.

Then again, maybe he is a man of God. I mean, God strung his very own son up like a side of veal. I wouldn't put an act like that past ol' Bush.

More trees, less Bush!

2006-07-19 09:59:34 · answer #1 · answered by Maria Isabel 5 · 2 0

Bush, a fine exapmle of Christianity based on one point? How about this: Turn the other cheek, Do not repay evil with evil; Those are directly from the bible. Where in the bible does it say anything about stem cell research. Bush has been ordering the murder of many people over seas and right here in our homeland. Christains today need to unveil their eyes, and see what is really going on. The president prays, and we love him. ut he Murders, Adulters, Does drugs; and we dismiss it, because he has done one glorifying act. My advice is this, Stop praising God for things that have not happened yet, and pray that caorrect actions will take place.

2006-07-19 09:59:08 · answer #2 · answered by Your hero until you meet Jesus 3 · 0 0

Stem Cell's aren't derived from FETUSES, they are derived from BLASTOCYSTS.
Did you read about the fact that Bush made it legal for PRIVATE COMPANIES to continue to explore Stem Cell Research? Why is it NOT murder when a Bio-Tech company wants to do it, but it IS murder when Government Agencies want to? Because PRIVATE BIO-TECH COMPANIES are almost all EXTREMELY LARGE DONATORS to the Republican party, and Stem Cells could be nearly limitless in their profit potential to a private company, but if the Governement wants to do it, it will help cure disease, ease suffering, and raise the general well being of the populace, but it will cost money because government development contracts are with companies that are not supposed to be contributing politically.
And why is it ONLY Xtians that you are asking to join you in prayer? Why couldn't it be Muslim's and Jews as well, since you all worship the same god, and just have different Prophet's perspectives on how best to follow god?

2006-07-19 10:03:13 · answer #3 · answered by Jawa 3 · 0 0

I thanked God when I read a little bit ago that the President vetoed the embryonic stem cell research bill.

While I sympathize with those who are suffering from debilitating diseases, killing other humans to make medical treatments is not right.

If I needed a heart transplant, would it be right to walk up to someone and shoot them in the head, because I needed that heart in order to survive? What if it was someone on death row, or with a terminal disease, who was going to die anyway....

These embryos are NOT just genetic material, they are human beings. They will be thrown away, but that isn't right either...

2006-07-19 12:16:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous61245 3 · 0 0

And you worship a God who is glad to torture people for eternity! You worship a monster who kills adults over and over. What sort of creap are you?

Bush vetoed the bill to get votes from ignorant people like you. He is a politician and is only playing the religious trip to string you along.

Don't get me wrong. I am against unlimited abortions solely on ethical grounds, just as I am against capital punishment (which most fundamentalists like you enjoy!). Screw the sick mindless religions. Screw your evil GOD!

The bill should have been vetoed. But everyone knew it would fail. There was NO SURPRISE. Bush didn't save any babies. The bill existed only so the Democrats could raise votes for their party by pretending they almost succeed except for the evil president.

It is all a GAME! A stupid game played for the entertainment of idiots like you, the religious fundamentalists, and the radical liberals on the other side.

Both of you are suckers for cheap politics!

2006-07-19 11:16:29 · answer #5 · answered by Alan Turing 5 · 0 0

Thank you God.

but we still have the problem with abortion, millions of fully formed babies are being slaughtered...

wait let me politically corect myself...

millions of abortions are being executed.

You know, no matter how nice I can say it, Murder is still murder and it still sounds terrible.

Thats what happens when you listen to the ACLU.

We can thank our libral buddies for the mass murder, oops, I mean "abortions" This gives women across the country peace of mind and clean conscience, in knowing that they won't have to live with the consequinces of their actions, just through their problems in the trash.

Even if it was an accident who are these women to end the life of a helpless child, are they afraid that it might have a hard life? My Dad had a hard life, but now he is successful person and I am his son.

Glad my mom disagreed with abortion.

Even if Bush is successful with some things, still this nation is morally currupt and braindead people still think abortion is ok. It makes me sick that people feal that way.

Nevertheless, Praise God! We still have saved future lives!

Thank you Jesus,

but this is not over, Christians make your voices heard, lets bring this country back to God!

God bless you and yours.

2006-07-19 10:08:03 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Agappae 5 · 0 0

Bush can go to heck.

While you might think that he saved some lives, this research could be used to save millions or BILLIONS more people. Long term estimates say that this research could cure most if not all types of cancer, birth defects and numerous other diseases.

The needs of many outweigh the needs of the few.

PS- I am a christian.

PSS- Bush is the worst president since Richard Nixon.

2006-07-19 09:56:38 · answer #7 · answered by B 3 · 0 0

Good news. Now Canada will be the world leader in Stem Cell research and the US will slip further and further backwards to the dark ages.
Yes, this is good news for us. Bad news for anyone in the USA that could have benefited from this life-saving science. But hey, as long as those unwanted foetuses are ok, that's all that matters right?

2006-07-19 09:52:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Um, no, he did not. Save unborn children, that is. The tissue he has not allowed us to use in research is genetic material that is going to be thrown away. It is not a child, nor will it ever become one because of Mr. Bush's veto. It will be thrown in the trash. Period. Had he signed the law, instead of being thrown in the trash, it could have been used for research that has great potential. In no circumstances will it ever be a child.

Please get your facts straight before you post.

2006-07-19 11:32:21 · answer #9 · answered by tyrsson58 5 · 0 0

Good grief, this is one of the fiew subjects where I will join with others and call you an absolutely ignorant person. This isn't a 'praise' bulliten. And George Bush is an idiot. Get over yourself. If you really wanted to give God the glory you wouldn't sit there and flaunt your praises to him.

2006-07-19 09:55:08 · answer #10 · answered by wishing_i_could_sing 2 · 0 0

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