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hi, i have battled being somewhat overweight since i had my child in 1983.
iam 5/4 and i weigh 170.
iam very pretty and get alot of daily compliments...but my hubby doesnt want me to gain anymore.
i can lose weight only if i starve ..like 300 calories per day!!!
i do love food..it seems even if i dont over eat i stay stuck at 170.
i walk 1-3 miles most days. no softdrinks...i eat lite lunch and no breakfast most days...but by evening iam hungrey like a wolf..lol.
does any diet aide really work??
i want to lose down to 140.
i wear a size 14 jeans.
problem area..belly, upper legs.
my daughter is size 3!!! she got my hubbys genes!!!
i got my colombian dads genes..lol.
waht about a rice diet..like wild rice?
iam not crazy about fruits all the time.
i need help..at times i think if i have to stay over weight id rather die..its mainly when i see models on tv with washboard tummys!!
i mean iam not big like ..say fat albert..ha ha ..but i need to drop some.
iam 40 yrs old. help

2006-07-19 09:35:31 · 17 answers · asked by grasshopper 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

17 answers

Actually eating more helps.
Most people who over eat are over weight because they pack in too many nutrients at once on each of their three meals a day. And eating less actually lowers your metabolism, which is why the pounds pile back on so quickly.

The trick here is to eat enough and provide your body with a constant supply of nutrients throught the day. This both raises your metabolism and keeps your blood sugar flowing in small cycles almost at a constant, rather than having a few bursts full of energy that won't be used and ends up being wasted.

Try eating 5 to 7 small meals or healthy snacks a day. It's a key technique instructed by every trainer and used by every body sculptor and even many swim suit models. Most people average out at 6, and seperate each meal by 2 to 3 hours.

The meals don't have to be huge and neither do they have to be 3 carrots and a stick of celery. All you need to do is balance out your carb/fat/protein ratios. Start off each meal with a serving of protein, fat, and two of carbohydrates.

The fat and protein can be found together, like in milk or eggs. Oils can be added if there is no fat included. (ie. protein shake and fish oil capsuls). Don't freak out if something has fat, you need it in order to produce the essential fat burning hormones and enzymes.

Good examples of these are milk and protein powder, chicken, fish, eggs, and soy products, as well as olive and flaxseed oils. Avoid frying anything, that's the bad fat.

As for the carbohydrates,forget Dr. Atkins. You want maybe about 2 servings for 5 meals, and 1 or 2 for the rest. Try to eat mostly fruits, vegitables, and whole grain products. Fruits should be spread out across meals and not eaten on your last one before bed. This is to keep your let's say "blood sugar" from getting too high and then being stored as fat. But fruits are good though, and try to eat at least four of them. As for vegitables, eat a variety of them, same goes for fruits, and try to eat at least five. Whole grains should be used as replacements for a meal missing a fruit or a vegitable, but eat at least one or the other.

Good whole grain products can be things such as oatmeal, fiberous cerals, or anything with whole wheat in it. These are all good because of the nutrients found in them that is not in things such as white bread. You should also count starchy vegitables such as potatoes or certain beans in this group. They may not be whole grain, but they are still healthy complex carbohydrates.

Avoid foods that are high in extra sugar, such as candy or cake iceing, as well as incredibally greasy foods like bacon and empanadas.

Do drink lots and lots of water. About 2/3 of your body weight converted into fluid ounces. At 170 lbs, I'd say at least 112.2 flo oz. a day. This is incredibally essential for your metabolism, being that metabolic reactions occur in water. It also aids in an endless list of biological functions that can be summed up as: your body weight is 70% water. Drink plenty of it.

No soda and no alchohol. Very bad. Don't even drink that much fruit juice because of the added sugars. Even foods labeled as "low fat" should be avoided because of how much sugar is added.

Always take a multi vitamin every moring and/or lunch, and not on an empty stomach.

Get all 8 hours of sleep (I stress this to every one of my clients). It's incredibally important in order for your metabolism to function correctly.

And if you cheat here and there, big deal. It's no reason to lack confidence and give up.

So the answer is no, you don't have to starve.

Well I hope all of this works out for you. Most people don't even do half of what I say and still see magnificent results.

2006-07-19 10:19:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonimo 5 · 2 0

Others have given good pointers but I'm guessing at this: Why do you eat your heaviest meal at the end of the day -- few hours before bed. This is probably when you pick up a lot of your calories. Also, starvation and yo yo diets are not helpful for people trying to lose weight.

2006-07-19 09:49:16 · answer #2 · answered by Lynda 7 · 0 0

Don't starve yourself!! Eat breakfast everyday! It truly is the most important meal. Instead of eating 3 bigger meals a day, eat around 5 little, healthy meals. Like a graham cracker and a cup of skim milk between breakfast and lunch. Just get out more. Go rock climbing or swimming. Do something fun with the family, but make sure it is a healthy thing. No all-U-can-eat-buffets! *lol*

2006-07-19 09:52:38 · answer #3 · answered by [[baby girl]] 2 · 0 0

If you're REALLY wanting to lose weight, here are two things you can do:
1) talk to a doctor about it
2) keep a "food diary" with you and write down EVERYTHING you eat, and how much.

You say that you are eating no breakfast, very little for lunch, and then you're starving by dinnertime. Try this - eat breakfast. Eat your light lunch. Have a very light midafternoon snack when you get hungry (a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, whatever) and then eat your dinner - but don't go back for seconds, or have dessert.

It sounds like your body is in "starvation mode" - because you eat hardly anything during the day, it's packing on as much fat as it can to get you through the next day. If you can stabilize your blood sugar by eating a little bit all through the day, you won't be so hungry in the evening, and you'll wind up eating LESS food overall.

2006-07-19 09:47:06 · answer #4 · answered by triviatm 6 · 0 0

oh no. dont starve yourself!!!! that will permanently mess you up. just keep up the walking. NO! DONT EAT ONLY 300 CALORIES A DAY! thats basically starving yourself, which is making your metabolism slower, making it hard to lose weight. eat 1500 calories a day, but eat healthy. keep up the good exercise. substitute water for soda. and dont eat trans fats. good luck + hope this helps!

2006-07-19 09:38:46 · answer #5 · answered by softballgirl0127 2 · 0 0

You can do Weight Watchers. You can eat plenty of food and not be hungry and lose weight! Why don't you go to a meeting or just go to their website?

2006-07-19 09:39:26 · answer #6 · answered by dianee 6 · 0 0

i have lost the weight i wanted by eating. try eating VERY small meals every 2 to 3 hours. eat the right foods in small portions. keep up the exercise and u will drop the weight and Not be hungry.

2006-07-19 09:39:35 · answer #7 · answered by larry d 1 · 0 0

Eating only 300 calories a day will actually slow your weight loss instead of helping you lose weight. I am 36 years old and I lost over 100 pounds in less than a year and didn't starve or pay a lot of money for a fancy diet. I just changed my lifestyle. I gradually changed my eating habits and added exercise into my daily routine. My first change was to make sure I had 5 servings of fruits & veggies every day and walking an extra 20 minutes a day. I didn't change anything else, and I lost 4 pounds in the first 2 weeks. When I realized that I could actually do it, I started making more changes...replacing high calorie/high fat foods with lower calorie/high fiber foods and foods with healthy fats, and adding more walking time and trying new types of exercise. I don't starve myself, I don't even allow myself to get very hungry. I eat healthy meals and lots of healthy snacks. I have tons of energy and I feel better than I ever have in my entire life.

2006-07-19 10:05:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. there are special meal's to help you lose weight. CALM DOWN

2006-07-19 09:38:45 · answer #9 · answered by nyannotti 2 · 0 0

Losing weight is not easy, and it takes a lot of dedication. Skipping breakfast will not help you loose weight, it actually keeps the weight on. I have heard from many people including doctors, that if you eat maybe 6 small meals a day and exercise daily you can loose weight. When I refer to small meals I mean, eat a healthy breakfast, maybe some cereal, bagels, with minimum cream cheese if you need it, then a light snack before lunch, maybe rice cakes, fruit or vegetables. Have lunch, maybe if you cooked the night before you can eat that as lunch, or you can make a sandwich, nothing greasy or fatting. Have another snack before dinner, then eat dinner. Try to eat before 6pm, it that's hard no later than 7pm, the later you eat, the more food sits on your stomach and doesn't digest properly. Then have a light snack, maybe a salad, some more fruit or vegetables. I have been doing this since March and I have lost 20 lbs. Yes it takes a long time but in the long run it works. I hope that helps

2006-07-19 09:48:16 · answer #10 · answered by Khami H 1 · 0 0

Starving to lose weight is a deffinate NO NO!!
Doing this your body is producing more fat to keep your energy levels up, you will only make yourself feel worse if you dont eat!
My suggestion would be to eat 3 healthy meals a day, and DO NOT skip breakfast this is fuel of the day and belive it or not can actually help to lose weight.
I have had a baby myself who is 16 months and gained some weight, i found nothing worked, now i eat every 3 hours, not being greedy but little and often is always the best!
For example:
7.00- Breakfast
10.00- Snack eg yogurt or banana
1.00- Dinner, eg jacket potato
4.00 snack again even a choccie bar will do! lol
7.00- Have a balanced healthy meal, be sure not to over fill yorself too much.
10.00- Another small snack before bedtime.

And listen, all those celebs with washboard stomachs, yeh it may make u feel sick, but look at how much money they have to splash out on personal trainers, surgery and all those beuty products.

To me you sound fine! Stop stressing, and dont let your husband make you feel down, im sure u look great!!!

Hope that helped you out a bit! x

2006-07-19 09:48:46 · answer #11 · answered by AMEE 101 1 · 0 0

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