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I think it will be better if I go on birth control but I just dont want my parents knowing and I will feel bad keeping it from them but they would flip if they new I was having sex. Its not like I have sex with everyone just my boyfriend of three years. I dont know what to do but I would rather them find out about the birth control then me being pregnant. Should I go on it?

2006-07-19 09:25:51 · 26 answers · asked by beaners 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Oh for some of you who are asking I am 18 years old. I turned 18 last month

2006-07-19 09:55:00 · update #1

26 answers

Hey Girl! I think that getting yourself on birth control is a responsible thing to do. It is totally up to you if you want to tell your parents. Some high schools in my area, they give out condoms. I mean, come on, lets face it-people have sex. Its just a matter of being smart about it, and this mean knowing your own sexual past as well as that of your boyfriend, learning about STD's and pregnancy, all that stuff. But i think that you are being smart protecting yourself. Unplanned pregnancy is one of the biggest wreckers of life-------I knew of someone who had 4 kids by the time she was 22-so be smart! Use the Pill----i have been on it for years and my bf and i are both clean and we totally love the spontanaiety it allows us as well as the freedom and peace of mind it offers! Good Luck!

2006-07-19 09:34:09 · answer #1 · answered by SuzyBelle04 6 · 1 0

Keep taking the birth control without telling them. They obviously don't want to know what you are doing. If you have been dating the same person for three years, it would be logical to believe that you have had sex with that person. They have probably not asked you a straight question as to if you are sexually active and it is purely because they don't want to know the answer. They still need a sense of control so they want believe whatever it is that makes them comfortable without finding out the answer. If they ask you, always tell the truth, but don't feel guilty for keeping it from them because in the end, you are doing what is right for you.

2006-07-19 09:53:23 · answer #2 · answered by Lena81 1 · 0 0

First of all - you left out a piece of information. How old are you?

Either way....if you are having sex, you need to be on birth control. Trust me, your parents would prefer that you are on birth control than pregnant before you're ready for kids. As the mother of a (then) 15 year old pregant daughter (13 years ago)....I know what my preference would be. Just be discrete.

Also, make sure that you are having safe sex - keeping heathy is even more important than birth control.

2006-07-19 09:32:42 · answer #3 · answered by suzieq 4 · 0 0

If you are having sex, it is a good idea to look into birth control, but know that you should always, always, ALWAYS practice safe sex. personally, as a parent, i would like to know that my child is having sex, or thinking of having sex so that I could educate her on the important things. no, it's not something that parents want to think about, but it is a part of life. most parents realize that when their children feel like they are ready to have sex, it's pretty much nothing you can say to stop them. our jobs at that time is to arm them with the correct information so that they are taking the best care of their bodies. birth control can be tricky.....there are many different kinds and they do have side effects. so my advice, is to go to your parents with your feelings so that they can help you the right way.

2006-07-19 09:48:38 · answer #4 · answered by buckosix 1 · 0 0

Tough question. As both a female and a mom.....I am not sure how to answer. I guess if it was my daughter, I'd want to know what she was taking. I'd have a problem knowing she was having sex, but the fact that she is responsible enough to get birth control would make me happy, plus if she was in a steady relationship like you are........all the more better!
Let me say this......If you have to keep it from them so they dont flip out(and if your parents were like mine, I knew if I told them, they'd make me stop seeing my bf) .......this is what you should do.........If You Should you have any problems with the pill, I mean like allergic reactions or any other reactions, etc...they will not know your taking it.
Is there someone you can trust to tell, just so they will know.......like an aunt or cousin? so in the event if you have a problem with the pill, and I'm not saying you will, but someone should know what your taking. good luck.

2006-07-19 09:33:39 · answer #5 · answered by Angel 3 · 0 0

Get on it. You should have done it before you started having sex. It is the most responsible thing to do if you are going to have sex. Don't feel bad about not telling them, just feel good for wanting to do the right thing. Its easy to keep it from them. Just go to your local health department, everything is free and confidential. Just make sure you tell them that you dont want anything whatsoever sent to your house or any phone calls. The only thing that they will get ahold of you for is if a pap came back bad and theyw ill send an unmarked letter to you saying something like just keeping in touch and call me here. It will be something like a friend would send you. You will have to have one pap smear a year for refills. And dont leave your packets laying around and dont forget to take your pill.

2006-07-19 17:25:49 · answer #6 · answered by BJTD 2 · 0 0

Well the best policy is to always be upfront with your parents. They will find out sooner or later. If you think being on the pill will prevent you of getting pregnant think again my dear. Its not what its crack up to be. Because you can always get pregnant while you're on the pill........ Yes sex can be fun but it can also have its faults at the same time. Have you thought about if you have a baby, how would be able to support it? You're parents think about that? Do you think you will be able to finish up your schooling? I'm 27, and my husband is 26 we do have a son he's 1 and half yrs. old. I just found out today were going to have another baby. I was on the pill.....................

2006-07-19 09:38:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's hard to answer your question without knowing how old you are. If you're still afraid of your parents finding out that you're having sex, it tells me that you're still too young, and immature to be HAVING sex! Still if you're determined to go ahead, then the responsible thing for you to do is to be on birth control. Keep in mind that the pill doesn't protect against disease, only babies! Condoms are still a good choice. You can feel good knowing that you are taking care of yourself and your future by taking precautions. Good luck!

2006-07-19 09:31:15 · answer #8 · answered by jazzalea 2 · 0 0

You can use birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. Just remember that does not stop the spread of any type of disease though. Just discuss the different types of birth control with your doctor and pick the one that is best for you.

2006-07-19 09:28:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to planned parenthood. They do everything without telling your parents. You should not feel bad about being responsible about sex. Wanting to being on birth control shows you are mature and have thought about it. So don't feel bad.

2006-07-19 09:40:14 · answer #10 · answered by Nikky 3 · 0 0

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