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is to let them come into the UK? Are we just going to let every person who wishes to come into this country? I realise they are usually escaping a war torn country, but is the solution to let everyone in? The UK has also had conflict but we've managed to overcome it. And do you think that Pakistani's and Indians add anything to this country? How many corner shops do we need? And I find teenage Pakistani's to be generally pains in the ***'s (innit?) It's good to be nice and all that but I think we're being taken for a ride. My grandfather fought in the second world war, but was second priority to asylum seekers when he needed help from the social services. I also think that there is a social straightjacket called political correctness that gets ever-tighter. What are your thoughts on this?

2006-07-19 08:47:57 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Hey DirtySteve_99 I didn't conquer a third of the world why should I have to suffer consequences. The British government went on the warmongering empire path a few centuries ago and now that same government is messing up the country, with over immigration. BTW, I'm a Scot not a Brit as most people can tell by my alias.

2006-07-19 11:04:56 · update #1

Xaemiejiel, what's the point of saying that? In that case switch of your computer (invented by an Englishman) stop speaking (English) don't watch TV (invented by a Scotsman) stop reading (printing press invented by an Englishman) and stop driving (pneumatic tyre invented by a Scot)

2006-07-19 11:09:11 · update #2

28 answers

SEND EM HOME, its really unfortunate that there own country is a shitty hell hole, but its never gonna get better if they all keep buggering off and leaving it, they need to stay at home and build up there own society rather than free loading off us and all we have built

2006-07-20 01:14:21 · answer #1 · answered by mikey101 3 · 1 0

Its more a question of "how many more can the country take" ? The whole thing has got out of hand.We've alway's welcomed those in genuine fear or persecution,but it seems the system is being openly abused! We are building houses galore,where is the infrastruture to support this? The water situation is dire,yet we will need more and more! I take your point about "corner shops"but its wrong to single out a particular race,SO many different races are now opening all kinds of "shops" its difficult to keep up! The British public have been very accomodating,in excepting others cultures,but the time has come to draw the line when it starts to affect and STOP our own! Political correctness HAS gone too far,and should it continue,I fear a backlash! I watched the speech by the Home Secretary, John Reid, today,it was no suprise to hear him say they have NO idea of the numbers of illegal immigrants in the country.When he said,by the time a case has been heard, as to whether someone can have asylum,THAT person has dissapeared without a trace! I was amazed! Is that the actions of a competant government? I think not! We are all aware of the "Rules" where asylum is is concerned,if in need of genuine asylum, you go to the first SAFE country,BUT thats not happening! They ALL want to come here! And they do! That tells me,they are NOT genuine. The Government has the powers to "send them back to the country they came to first",but they don't!! One has to wonder why?? You are absolutely right on your last point! Oh, I could go on all night!!

2006-07-19 16:18:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm sorry you feel that way. You're right that Europe actually faces a much more challenging situation than the US ever has when it comes to immigration.
BUT. My family were asylum seekers in Holland, and we were grateful that the country accepted us despite the number crunch. We didn't end up staying there precisely because it was crowded. The straightjacket of PC cetainly is tighter, but judging all immigrants by the ones that annoy you is not fair either.
There will be asylum seekers as long as there is misery in the world, and compassion is what makes us human. Individual immigrants might "take you for a ride", the collective of them don't.
The key is that you CAN'T just stop accepting people. But you CAN make it harder to get in, and put stricter standards, like, say, Holland. Or what about temporary work permits without social services? That's how we managed for a long time.

2006-07-19 15:56:06 · answer #3 · answered by Alex G 3 · 0 0

Did you know that many many people from our former colonies like India fought for us in WW2? Did you know that the reason so many shops are run by Asians is that most white British people can't be arsed to work the long, hard hours it needs to make a successful business work? There is also a huge difference between asylum seekers and people who come here under legitimate work permits and add a huge amount to our economy and culture. I do however think that Britian suffers from a lot of inconsistency in our policies towards asylum seekers, and that there does need to be a clear message from the government about this issue.

2006-07-19 17:27:39 · answer #4 · answered by Jude 7 · 0 0

Unfortunately while the government makes is so economically appealing for these people to come here then theres no way we can stop them.

strange how people flee their own country because of persecution, end up in france ( a country just as free as england ) and yet still seem so determined to come over here!

they wouldnt be so determined if we didnt make it so appealing for them.
Obviously we have an obligation to help any people in need, for no other reason than the fact that we are human beings! but we arent going to be able to offer free health care, free income and free accomodation to the people who most need it if all of our resources are eaten up by economic migrants. We need to be a lot tougher on immigration. I'll never vote labour again until we stop england being such a soft touch

2006-07-19 16:55:06 · answer #5 · answered by KEV D 3 · 0 0

This New Labour government is pathetic. They have climbed up the backside of Europe and taken anyone in. How is it that France is not a place to live. Because the French have had enough and will not let them stay. The Geneva convention states you move to the next friendly and safe country to seek asylum. Say's a lot for the rest of Europe if we are the first. There are nearly 600,000 people in this country who should not be. This government instead of throwing them out is building houses for them Yes we are paying for it.

2006-07-19 17:04:43 · answer #6 · answered by deadly 4 · 0 0

I tend to agree with you...I agree that its good to help others in need...but Englands over populated as it is! Theres so many asylum seekers, and i thought that you were meant to seek asylum in the first war-free country you came to? Well..for most of the asylum seekers we get, they have to travel across other war-free countries before they get to us!

I am in no way racist, but I do think that there has to be a limit! I sometimes get the feeling they come here just to live off our econmy...however, i do understand that many cases are real calls for help...its a tough one...

Pick me please! :p x

2006-07-19 15:54:08 · answer #7 · answered by Queenie 4 · 0 0

I think that we have an obligation to allow genuine people fleeing for their lives. I dont think we have a financial obligation but the system says they cant work by law. Let them work and I dont think there would be a problem or for a period of 6 months then they would be on their own. And they would have to work for a number of years before they could claim benefits such as sickness.

2006-07-19 15:53:14 · answer #8 · answered by aajstephen 3 · 0 0

Same problem we got in the USA.

Its is a complex and diffcult issue.

In US, we are all escapees, 1st from England, then from all over.

There got to be rules, because we cant take everyone in the world.

We can only take in what we can affort to do, but that doesnt stop the illegals keep trying.

I wish you guys luck, we are not doing so well in these matters also.

2006-07-19 15:54:54 · answer #9 · answered by dcw13 3 · 0 0

Personally I think the UK should take the stand they are taking in Australia in regards to those that immigrate to their country. I would like to see more of Australia's words in our country too. Tony Blair tried to tighten things up after the London bombings but he was voted down. I think that was short sighted of many.

2006-07-19 16:22:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

these people need our support and yes, we should let refugees into the country and look after them as best we can. we are a wealthy country that can easily afford to and we have pleanty of room.

I find your stereotypes very offensive, particulary your references to corner shops, Many Pakistani people support out NHS by working in the medical trade. To be quite honest i find white chav teenagers more annoying with their hoodies and happyslapping

2006-07-19 15:56:19 · answer #11 · answered by enigma_variation 4 · 0 0

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