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i really need help with my weight help me!!!!!

2006-07-19 08:21:50 · 24 answers · asked by jessica l 1 in Health Other - Health

24 answers

Here are some great websites to help you get started with weight loss. Good luck =) And if you decide to get an online journal of your progress, stop by my weight loss journal and let me know how you’re doin!! http://berkeleygirlforever.bravejournal.com/ =)

(Best ways to lose weight) http://www.drugstore.com/qxa1245_332828_sespider-what_are_the_best_ways_to_lose_weight.htm
(Easy ways to lose weight) http://weightloss.about.com/cs/tips/a/aa041603a.htm
(Healthy ways to lose weight) http://www.framingham.edu/faculty/34479/nhainley/nutritiontips.htm

(BMI calculator) http://www.weightwatchers.com/health/asm/calc_bmi.aspx
(Boost metabolism) http://www.korr.com/solutions/metabolic_boost7.htm
(Calorie count.com) http://www.calorie-count.com/
(Exercise How-To’s) http://www.weightwatchers.com/health/wko/women_workouts.aspx?newcategory=introduction

2006-07-22 14:32:20 · answer #1 · answered by berkeleygirl 5 · 0 0

Dear Jes,
Love and weight are two entirely differnt things and are not related. If your dating to just have sex without a meaninful relationship, there are lot's of guys who like large woman for that.
If your dating to find the love of your life, your soul mate, size dosn't matter. If a man can't love love you for who you are now, what makes you think he will love you any better if you weigh less? I don't think your weight problem has any connection on your wanting to date. I think you may have some self confidance issues that may have played a roll in your weight gain and your ability to date.
Take off all your clothes, stand infront of a full leinght mirror, look at yourself. Can you do this for 3 or 4 minutes without being repulsed?
If so, selfconfidance may not be an issue as much as self asteem.
Check out wendi, she loves to help people like you. Wendi is known for her generosity in giving away her selfhelp programs for those in need. She is a wonderful person, and a real inspiration to men and woman.
Good luck, Pray hard.

2006-07-19 08:43:07 · answer #2 · answered by wernerslave 5 · 0 0

Anyone wanting to lose weight needs to move more, eat less and up their plant based food in take. Fruits and vegetables are not only low fat/calorie, they are high in nut. value and full of fiber which will do two things. Make you feel fuller longer and flush out your system. As far as dating, set your standards high, love yourself and never feel desperate because you're not! Exercise, good diet, respect yourself. easier to say than do, I know...

2006-07-19 08:30:28 · answer #3 · answered by hopeful 2 · 0 0

Your relating your dating or lack of to your weight problem. Lets start with your weight, if you are a few pounds over weight (10-25) then a combination of diet and exercise will give you quick results. If you are moderately overweight (26-60) then you will need an aggressive diet and a regimented exercise program. If you morbidly or excessively heavy then a very strick diet and even stricker exercise program needs to be implemented in to your life so that you don't continue to further harm yourself. The things that I found helpful in my own weight control was first my eating habits changed. I maintain a high protien and vitamin C intake. I eat on an average of 3 oranges or grapefruit everyday. I also drink 1-2 protien drinks like SlimFast, BOOST, Ensure, I also select the one that is highest in grams of protien, usually 10-20 in each drink. Since I don't like the feeling of being deprived I allow myself one candy bar or small serving of cake or other vice! I don't eat anything after 6:00pm, ever, period. I will eat only on full meal daily and use fruit and protien drinks or suppliments every two hours so that I am not hungry and giving my body nutrients that it needs. I also find pop cycles and sports drinks very helpful to build electrolytes and maintain hydration. Three times a week I will eat a large bowl of ALL BRAN or Fiber rich grain, I also will eat yogurt,cheese and cottage cheese 3-4 times aweek. I don not eat fried foods, red meat packaged foods or high carbs. Fish, chicken and turkey are excellent sources for protien as well. I will also eat a lot of peanut butter with big crisp apples. Once in a while I will eat a couple of cans of tuna fish, depending on the taste buds. Don't let your intake in "real food" exceed 1800 calories, real food is food that has sustaining qualities, fruit and veggies are not counted. DO NOT cover your food with sauces, condiments or dressings, go natural. Don't weigh yourself everyday, to disheartening, if your maintaining your food intake then you have no need to weigh in more than once a week. Now lets talk about exercise, if you find a source that you can enjoy you are 10 times more likely to continue the exercise and even look forward to the event as a enjoyment and not something you dread or "have to do" I found that an orb ball is one good source and can be done in the privacy of your own home. You get maximum stretching and flexability when you use the ball 3-4 times a week 30-45 minutes a time. That in itself is not nearly enough. If you are committed in your goal and resolve for a healthy lean body you must change your mind set that the diet and exercise ever end. The minute you tell yourself that your content with or you excuse yourself from the life style changes you will find yourself ballooning back up and feelings of depression and self loathing will invade your mind again. Keep into perspective that it took a long time to put on the extra weight it only makes sense that it will take time to get it off. Be patient with yourself but do not make excuses for yourself or indulge bad eating habits or behaviors. If you follow these steps and take control again over your mind and body you will see results in the first week and it will not stop. Your weight will get to the point it should be, your confidence will grow and your self image will be one you love and respect. When these things start and you follow through and stay committed the funniest thing happens, the opposite sex gravitates toward you like bees on honey. You become a magnite. I went from 151 lbs down to 116lbs it took me five years to get the weight off and keep it off, I have never changed my diet and eat 5-6 pieces of fruit a day, drink 1-2 protien drinks and 1 complete meal a day. Sometimes I will eat a bowl of ice cream or have some cake. When I look in the mirror I smile. I play tennis 5 nights a week for 2 hours at a time, I am 46. When I go out in public 9 times out of 10 I will have someone flirt, make a pass or overtly come on to me, my husband adores me and we have such a great time together I couldn't imagine letting myself go back. Is it tough, YES IT IS, IS IT WORTH IT, NO QUESTION! I have more drive, energy and love life, you can and should be doing the same, believe in yourself! Don't let others change your mind or discourage you intentionally or otherwise, they will try. People that encourage or support your bad habits or overeating you need to stay away from, I relate them to a drug addict and drugs, just say no, especially if they have similar food problems and you feed off of each other. It might be lonely at first but it won't stay that way, guaranteed!

2006-07-19 09:17:01 · answer #4 · answered by want2flybye 5 · 0 0

eat baked steak chicken or turkey with no sodium seasons for 3 days and drink 8-10 cups of water a day. snack once per night with a kelloggs breakfast bar. you will loose 5-10 pounds in 3 days. after this only eat baked meats no sodium seasons, veggies steamed, have brown rice 2-3 times a week or wheat noodles or a potatoe with light margarine and fruit, no bananas. low sugar and sodium cereal with soy or 1% milk. snack on a kelloggs bar twice a day or a soy protein bar if u like sweets like me. once you start loosing your body will feel lighter so when u start to work out you wont tire out and loose interest so fast, once you loose and work out you will notice you will be energetic confident happy feeling light on your feet. good luck

2006-07-19 10:36:10 · answer #5 · answered by needtheinfo 3 · 0 0

Getting - and Staying - Motivated
So how do you stay motivated and on track with your goal? It all comes down to good planning, realistic expectations, and a stick-to-it attitude. Here's what you need to do:

It might be a kids site but it is a start!!!

2006-07-19 08:28:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

portion control! eat little meals 6 times a day. control the amount of food you eat so that everytime you do eat, it's only enough to satisfy your hunger and craving. don't overeat till you're full cuz then you'll just gain weight. drink lots of water and excercise as well to speed up the process.

2006-07-19 08:24:29 · answer #7 · answered by bcbebe 2 · 0 0

45 minute jog at a 10 minute mile pace

2017-04-01 05:01:29 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

As everyone else has said eat right and exercise I know from first hand it is hard to do this. I am working out with video tapes and walking with my kids and cutting back. But stick with it and good luck to you.

2006-07-19 08:27:51 · answer #9 · answered by tot 1 · 0 0

find a plan that works for you. Stick too this plan religiously from a-z, have confidence in yourself and if you need, continue to reach out for help. Do not let anyone tell you this can't be done.

2006-07-19 08:26:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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