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Even Pitter denied Jesus 3 times. And I thought for the first hand account it would easy to believe that Jesus was GOD.
It seems that miracles of Jesus were not convincing enough even for his close disciples. How are we supposed to believe in something 2000 years later unless it blind faith and that’s exactly what others religions trying to pursue. Blind faith.

2006-07-19 08:18:04 · 27 answers · asked by PicassoInActions 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

many claiming that they knew he was Son fo GOD. Well in that case they would not worry since GOD can't die. And than it will conclude that they were 100% sure that he will get resurected and when he was they still did not belive.
Can we get it strait some how? THey belive and knew but they refuse to belive and did not know. Which one?

2006-07-19 08:34:19 · update #1

27 answers

It's because those miracles are entirely exaggerated and weren't quite convincing enough to make them believe. They probably were thinking "Hmph, I could have done that."

2006-07-19 08:22:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Yes, they believed he was God. But they were also human beings and had the same amount of faith that we have now-a-days. People forget, and people lose faith. After he was killed they were afraid that they were next and that they were wrong. Wouldn't you? If you based your whole life on believing that this guy was God and then he dies like an ordinary criminal? If Jesus hadn'tve risen from the dead then he wouldn't have been the messiah, so they couldn't really believe he was god until the prophecy was completed, and him rising again completed the prophecy. Everytime Jesus did a miracle the faith of the disciples were renewed, but then they'd forget again. For example, the disciples saw Jesus cure the sick and raise the dead, but thought they were gonna drown during a storm! and even though they saw him do all these things they were amazed when the stopped the storm and actually walked on water. Anyway, human beings are quick to forget and lose hope. If you got a paper cut and Jesus came down from heaven right now gave you a kiss, and healed your paper cut, You may believe it for a few seconds, but honestly after telling other people about it and having them say yea right, and Jesus doesnt exist, wouldn't you think you were crazy? or maybe you dreamt it? or you never had a paper cut in the first place?

2006-07-19 08:32:36 · answer #2 · answered by candy 3 · 0 0

Yep. They sure did.

"Nathaniel replied to him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" (John 1:49)

Besides, it was only after the resurrection that the disciples received the Holy Spirit and their minds were opened to the Scriptures. All but one of the Apostles died violent deaths with the words, "He is Risen!" on their lips. They could've been spared had they recanted. But they knew who Jesus is, and waited for Him to take them home.

Faith in Christianity is not a blind faith. It is a well though out, well reasoned faith. Many have attacked it, researched the evidence to assault it, only to be converted later.

People like Simon Greenleaf, a founder of Harvard's Law School, who used legal approaches to the Gospel accounts, and discovered that the Gospels can stand scrutiny in a court of law.

Or, like Josh McDowell, who was a professor at a university and devoted 700 hours researching the material in an effort to prove it false. He came to one conclusion: the evidence for Christ and His resurrection is irrefutable.

And also like Lee Strobel, who had been a journalist for the Chicago Tribune. He was agnostic, and used his investigative journalist techniques to learn about the faith his wife came to embrace. He ended up converting.

There are so many other examples I could use, but this is just a sample. When you do the research, and all the evidence points to a conclusion, even if it differs with what you "know" to be true, you must either accept it, or foolishly continue to deny the truth.

2006-07-19 08:32:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, Peter denied Jesus out of fear of being captured and tortured, but he also was the one who stated out loud "You are the Christ, the son of the living God!" Do a study on Simon Peter, he ws very impetuous but very faithful. The disciples followed Jesus because they believed in Him, not due to blind faith. In Israel at that time, there were prophets-of-the-day all the time, but Jesus was the only One who ever claimed to be God. He also fulfilled all of the over 400 Messianic prophecies in the OT.
Picture Texas covered in silver coins two feet deep and ONE of them was painted red. Then have ONE man blindfolded pick the coin out THE FIRST TIME! That is an illustration of just ONE man fulfilling only EIGHT of the prophecies about MEssiah, and that is 1 in 10 to the 17th power! The disciples saw many of the prophecies fulfilled right in there presence and believed as they saw.

2006-07-19 08:37:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's a good question. They believed that he was the Messiah that they had been looking for from the Old Testament. Jesus frequently referred to himself as being God. In conversations with the religious leaders like the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees he continually upset them by equating himself with God. Peter denied Christ after his arrest for one reason HE WAS HUMAN. Peter (this is the correct spelling of his nae by the way) was not perfect, he was a human being and he was afraid for himself. He was torn between standing up for his beliefs and dying for them. Jesus told him that he would betray him and Peter did exactly what Jesus said he would do. I also think that this was part of the plan because Peter was a little too arrogant at times and he needed to be humbled.
As far as blind faith, I have complete faith in Christ Jesus and my eyes are wide open.

2006-07-19 08:29:01 · answer #5 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 0 0

that is quite undemanding, the JW's are taught a thanks to reply to any of the questions that we, they call Christendom, have that do not consider their doctrine. they have been taught what the God of a Trinity might want to look like and the draw a image with someone with one head and three faces and get in contact with it a monster. They then reason them to believe that the God people, Christendom. is a triad God. They reason them to believe that the trinity is a triad, like the Pagans had. they'd 3 Gods and extra. The trinity is one God with 3 personages. God the daddy, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God the Son, the word of God grew to develop into flesh (John a million:14). He grew to develop into completely Human, yet retained his deity as God the Son. even as he changed into nailed to the bypass, the JW's Stake, his human section changed into killed, yet no longer his deity. they say that we Christians believe that once Jesus died on the bypass, God changed into killed too as he's part of the Trinity. that is how undesirable they misinterpet the bible and function an finished false impression of the trinity. The JW's have this land up Jesus, that god only despatched from heaven to die on the stake for the sins of Adam. At this factor he's a throw away Jesus, because the only good he's now's a messager for thier Jehovah. the genuine skill over salvation is the Governing body. Take what they say as actuality or get the hell out. Oh I forgot they don't think there's a hell.

2016-10-14 23:23:14 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Mat 16:16 And answering, Simon Peter said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Mat 16:17 And answering, Jesus said to him, Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father in Heaven.

They did not know the entire plan while He was on the earth, but they knew there was something special about Him. I believe that at least His inner circle (Peter, John and James) believed Him to be the Messiah, especially after the transfiguration, but still didn't understand what was happening until after the Resurrection.

2006-07-19 08:27:03 · answer #7 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

To understand the Godhead of God, takes a Revelation.
Before Jesus was resurrected, the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out.
So they did not yet have the full understanding of the Godhead.
On the Day of Pentecost (ACTS chapter 2), they were then filled, or Baptised with the Holy Spirit/Ghost.
That's why Peter then was able to stand up and preach Christ, and he had a more full underatanding of the Godhead...because he knew that the parable of MATTHEW 28:19 was the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (ACTS 2:38).
Lord (Father)
Jesus (Son)
Christ (Holy Ghost)

Uh, excuse me, Linda M, but Peter was not the Rock Jesus was referring to.
The Rock is the Revelation of WHO Jesus is.
Peter had an annointing of the Holy Spirit to give him that revelation, but he was not yet filled, and still lacked the ability to fully understand.
You need to learn your Bible and stop depending on the teachings of false doctrine.

2006-07-19 08:22:12 · answer #8 · answered by truebeliever_777 5 · 0 0

Boy, first you show your ignorance by misspelling PETER, and then you demonstrate your Bible ignorance -- Peter denied that he was with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane or that he even knew Jesus (because he was trying to avoid being arrested) three times before the cock crowed. He didn't deny that Jesus was the Son of God. In fact, he affirmed Him as the Son of God long before He was arrested and crucified. Read Matthew 16:13-20, Mark 8:27-29, and Luke 9:18-20 -- THREE DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS of Peter naming Jesus as the Christ.

2006-07-19 08:31:26 · answer #9 · answered by sarge927 7 · 0 0

Peter is also referred to as "doubting Peter". And one of the other diciples was a skeptic. The 12 aposles were not perfect men, but through Jesus' teachings, the Holy Spirit and the resurrection they all received great testimonies. The lesson to be learned is that even people who are skeptics can find faith and God through the Holy Spirit. You don't have to be perfect to serve God.

Why don't you read the bible, pray about it, then decide for yourself.

God bless.

2006-07-19 09:45:00 · answer #10 · answered by Sara B 4 · 0 0

Are even the Christians in here reading the Bible? There are several places where the disciples recognized Jesus as Messiah or God. The mount of transfiguration was One. I got a bad headache.........

Ummmm. Other people recognized Jesus as God at different places in the NT. Even some demons that possessed a herd of pigs knew who He really was. Please read New Testament Gospel in a decent Translation if you really want to know.

If your Atheism is secure it will not harm you to read a book will it?

2006-07-19 08:32:14 · answer #11 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 0 0

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