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Please only religious people answer!! I'm not going to or anything. I'm catholic and I've always been taught that if you do, you go to hell. Do you think that's really true, or can god forgive that?

2006-07-19 07:21:11 · 16 answers · asked by marieandlucaspape 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The reason I say religous people, is because I want someone who believes in god. Not an atheist or darwinist. Not trying to be rude but you r opinion's on this subject are irrelevant. Sorry!!

2006-07-19 07:27:39 · update #1

People!! I'm not even remotely thinking about commiting suicide!! I love my life!!It's just something I've always wondered!!

2006-07-19 07:39:11 · update #2

16 answers

Not necessarily. Suicides are typically commited by people who, tragically, have some serious mental illness. As such, they are not in complete control of their mental faculties.

Mortal sin requires full consent on the part of the person commiting it. It must be a willfully evil act in order to be classified as mortal sin.

If the full consent is absent, and if the evil nature of the act is absent, then the act is either a venial sin or no sin at all.

It's a common misconception that the Catholic Church teaches that people who commit suicide die with the sin of murder (of oneself) on their souls and are thus ineligible for Heaven.

In fact, the Church teaches (and has always taught) that suicide almost always is the result of some condition that severely ruptures the individual's ability to think rationally. Thus, it's not true that in Catholic thought, those who kill themselves automatically go to hell.

2006-07-19 07:32:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

If only religious people are allowed to answer then you're not going to get a representative or fair view of people's opinions.

It can only be an opinion ... Faith is just another word for a strongly-held opinion.

I don't believe in God. I believe that once you're dead then that's it. Forever. No heaven. No hell. So make the most of the life you have because there is nothing else.

I respect people's religious beliefs and if I believed in God then I would find it very hard to believe that God would not be sympathetic towards people in some circumstances where they find suicide to be the only way out, such as:-
* those in incredible pain with a terminal illness
* the people who jumped from the twin towers rather than burn
* people who kill themselves whilst suffering a mental illness

If God cannot be sympathetic to people like that then in my opinion he can't be much of a God.

I wish you peace whatever your views and beliefs

2006-07-19 07:24:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok lets go with suicide is a sin & to get to heaven you need to repent your sins, so if you OD on drugs or do something else that takes a bit of time to die you would have time to repent therefore cleansing your soul

However WHY would you even dare doing something so stupid in the first place. It is a selfish & cowardly move.

And the only one who knows the true answer to that question is God so why risk it. God has given you one life to live - no matter how bad things maybe he is with you and will help you - make a change - get help - do anything but end you life - it is a precious gift.

2006-07-19 07:33:19 · answer #3 · answered by Tea Bee 2 · 0 0

The Catholic church teaches many things that are strange and that are NOT Biblical...

I don't think God will send you to hell. God said that he will never leave us or forsake us. He would never give us more that what we can handle and besides there are many other ways out of suicide. Seek God first, Matthew 6:33.

You probably wont go to hell but it sure as heck will feel like it if you commit suicide.
Please if you are even considering suicide remove that thought from your mind and ask Jesus to forgive you and to come into your heart....he love you and so do we.

God Bless you

2006-07-19 07:37:14 · answer #4 · answered by Commander 6 · 0 0

Yep. Straight to Hell. That God is one sadistic bastard. If he inflicts suffering, by Job, you better put up with it. Any shortcuts earn you a quick ticket to Devil-land, sinner, so you can get you ephemeral essence charred up blacker than than Satan's mascara. Not that there are any guarantees if you live. You probably screwed up and broke a rule somewhere that you forgot to confess anyway, and He's just looking for a reason to put your sorry soul into Hades.

I'm lucky though, I don't believe in Hell and think God's loves everybody, warts and all. Forgiveness for everybody, if you will. So, that means either things aren't so bad (or I'm gonna sizzle reeeaalll nicely on old Scratch's barbecue ;-))!

2006-07-19 08:14:37 · answer #5 · answered by James M 2 · 0 0

Well, when people have told me on occasion they they have thought of committing suicide.
I usually tell that if they were to do it in order to escape this world, then God will only punish them by sending them back here again.

I know that in the Catholic religion, suicide is considered to be a form of murder because you are killing yourself.
However, I also know that the reasons people often kill themselves is usually due to an overwhelming sense of emotional pain and despair.
I do not believe that people who kill themselves are psychologically in their 'right minds'...because if they were, they wouldn't do it.

God knows and understands that the individual doing this is not mentally and emotionally stable.I truly believe that God is a God of Love.
For that reason, I believe He forgives those who commit this tragic act, and that they do not go to hell.

2006-07-19 07:42:48 · answer #6 · answered by DG 5 · 0 0

According to the strict teachings of the church, suicide is the one crime against god, that he will not forgive. Personally, I think it's hog-wash. At worst, a suicide is stuck here, unable to affect the world around him, and forced forever to watch what he can't partake in anymore. That's more than bad enough, as far as I'm concerned. Although, some define hell as simplely the absence of god's light in their lives.

2006-07-19 07:26:29 · answer #7 · answered by Quietman40 5 · 0 0

personally i don't believe this
why would god punish someone who has so obviously suffered in life ?
why would god punish the families who have lost enough as it is and to loose them to hell ?
why would god punish someone who has a mental I'mbalance and cannot be held responsible for their actions ?
why would god punish someone who may have been a truly wonderful person in life yet life was just too hard for them ?
these people need love and comfort and healing .. not punishment
and the god i know and love im sure understands this also

2006-07-19 07:26:05 · answer #8 · answered by Peace 7 · 0 0

I'm Catholic, but I don't know if I believe in hell. You should check out what Sylvia Browne has to say on the subject. Overall, I believe it is a major sin.

2006-07-19 07:24:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not really. After you leave your physical form though, where you go is based on your own attitude right before. If you were depressed beforehand, you'll be just as depressed after 'death'. Of all the near death experiences I've read up on, the only 'negative' ones were from suicide attempts.

2006-07-19 07:41:02 · answer #10 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 0 0

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