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PLEASE........before this question is deleted! I know that 25,000 AMERICANS are to be evacuated........are they the BAD GUYS?

Sorry if this question offends anyone.

Peace and love..Andrew/FreeBird

2006-07-19 06:53:27 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Embassies & Consulates

27 answers

I *heart* this question...it makes me think...

Well on all the shows like Hannity and Colmes, The O'Reily Factor, Scarbourough Country, and The Situation (with Tucker Carlson) they point the blame at many different people, such as dead and/or captured guys. They point the blame at many terrorist leaders, mainly because they started the problems, like the war, the oil problem, bombings, the W.M.D. possibilities, and kidnappings. Some major leaders they blame are Sadaam Hussein, the Israeli Government, Osama Bin Laden, and many members of Al Queida. They claim that these were the cause of many problems that affect us today.

My personal opinion is that it is Sadaam Hussein's fault. My reasoning for this is the fact that he started the Gulf War, which lead to Al Queida, which lead to 9-11, which lead to the War on Terror, and other things. If we could have just stopped him then and there there would be no war, no bombings, no worries of W.M.D.'s...

Others might think it is Osama Bin Laden's fault, for causing 9-11 and starting this whole war. Others might think this goes back to Hussein, because he took the next step which exploded into war. Then others might think it is the fault of the bombers and the others whole cause the petty problems which keep the war going...

And then we have the President. People think it is his fault for many reasons, which include the fact of the starting the war, keeping the war going, not having a plan for the war, not withdrawing our troops, oil problem, trying to make Iraq get back on its feet, and others. People also like to think he is stupid because of the handling of other problems. This leads them to believe it is all Bush's fault. I think it is a little bit of both, because you can't have the war without the Middle East but you also can't have the war without the U.S.

Basically, to sum this all up, The bad guys are not the U.S. because if they were, we'd be stupid enough to have the war and bombings here. Hence the reason our country is still mostly intact.

2006-07-19 16:39:19 · answer #1 · answered by straight_a_blonde 2 · 1 2

This isn't an easy question, because the truth is complicated.

The short answer is Hezbollah are the bad guys. They were the ones who over-stepped the bounds of reasonable conduct when they attacked and kidnapped soldiers in another country.

Or you can point your finger at the string-pullers and agitators in Damascus and Tehran. Syria appears willing to fight to the last Lebanese. Hypocrites.

Or you can point the finger at the angry clerics and their rhetoric of hate. That sort of thing would be labeled as hate speech here, and would likely get you arrested or worse. Yet the world has tolerated it for too long.

Or you can point to Israel's response if you believe it was too extreme. Although I personally find it difficult to argue that they have been anything but reasoned and measured in their response to an outright attack.

Or you can point to America if you think we have anything to do with it (there was fighting before we came in, they'll be fighting when we leave, you do the math on this one). Some people seem bound and determined to blame the U.S. for everything. Must be nice to live in such a simple world.

The truth is, various elements in the Arab world have acted as instigators and hate-mongerers against Israel for decades, stirring the illiterate masses. And how is an illiterate person without easy access to the truth of a situation able to overcome something like that? They can't. They actually believe what these angry clerics and leaders tell them. The result can hardly be surprising. Yet it is the illiterate masses who will pay the price for their leaders' hate.

Finally, in recent weeks, the political leaders of the Arab nations are beginning to seek moderation as they have seen their nations teetering towards the brink of a war that would actually annihilate the leadership as well as those poor souls who have paid for their rantings in the past.

In short, the leadership of the Arab world knows exactly how to stir the populace against the West. Why? Because the West has become the scapegoat for every failing of the Arab leadership. This scapegoat allows stunning amounts of avarice and hypocrasy on the part of the Arab leadership without generating popular revolt. And anytime the anger is stirred too far? Those same leaders then engage in 'diplomacy' to ensure that the West doesn't finally take action to end their vicious cycle of manipulation against their own people.

The bad thing here is that some of the leaders of Hezbollah apparently believed their own lies. As a result, they let their followers take things too far. And where is the rest of the Arab world that so resoundingly condemned Israel for so many years? Standing back and watching Hezbollah be decimated like the puppeteers they are. Disgusting.

2006-07-19 07:22:04 · answer #2 · answered by OccumsRevelation 2 · 0 0

I'd have to go with Hezbollah on this one. They provoked this conflict, and continue to provoke it by not returning the two soldiers to Israel and backing off away from the border. They "want" this fight. The more Israel continues to pound Lebanon, the longer Hezbollah gets to keep fighting and causing destruction. Israel at least has strategic targets they seem to be striving for, while Hezbollah basically just aims their rockets wherever and hopes for the greatest amount of human injury and death.
This is just a slanted viewpoint since I have not been in that region though. What I'm seeing is from the media's viewpoint.

2006-07-19 07:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends on who you talk to.

In the Middle East,Israel is considered the enemy.Whatever they do is wrong.While many Arabs dont advocate violence,they still genuinely believe that Israel is the " Jewish enemy". This belief is fostered and maintained by governments,religious leaders,business people,etc to maintain economic and power status quo's.Even educated,aware arabs find it difficult to shake off centuries old prejudices.

For the rest of the world,Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend itself against ignorant,violent fanatics from a seemingly hostile and backward religion.Islam is not at all hostile or backward,just interpreted by manipulative people with vested interests.The majority of Arab muslims dont want violence and dont support it either.

In this particular situation,I personally think Hezbollah instigated the situation.I dont think they expected Israel to react with such ferocity.This time round,most Arabs believe that Israel is right in taking out the Hezbollah.The majority of Lebanese want to be rid of the Hezbollah,who were more powerful than their own elected government.However most Arabs and Lebanese are angry at Israel for damaging extensively a country just recovering from 20 years of civil war and killing so many innocent people.The conflict started at the start of the tourist season which isthe mainstay of the Lebanese economy.

There are also covered political reasons for the denouncement of Hezbollah and their actions by other Arab countries.This is because the Hezbollah are sponsored by Iran and Syria,which are Shia muslim countries while the majority of Arab countries are Sunni muslim countries.While Saddam was in power,Iraq had the biggest army and provided the balance to power in the region.With the decimation of Iraq,Iran has emerged as the superpower in the region,which frightens other Arab countries.

To get an idea of what ordinary Arabs think,please see the following blog article, and its comments ,from a Lebanese expatriate in Kuwait who happens to be one of its prominent bloggers.

2006-07-19 18:23:34 · answer #4 · answered by HARSHA D 2 · 0 0

Hizbollah and Hamas are the two most dangerous rogue organisations of the world in the modern terrorist outfits which span across various countries.

It is widely believed and accepted truth that they are supported from back and front by Iran and to a limited extent by Syria.

These countries use these organisations to play war games in others terittories without involving thier own Military. Vicitims of such crime are nations like Iraq and Israel.

Israel has every right to defend their territory and save their men...

2006-07-19 13:01:36 · answer #5 · answered by K 111 2 · 0 0

In war, no one is the good guys. So no one is the bad guys.

Sure, most of the time one side will say they are fighting for Truth, Justice, Freedom, or because the enemy are baby burners or something, but WAR no matter how justified, or necessary is ALWAYS a crime.

To answer your question, the "bad guys" are usually the ones with the idea system you do not agree with. OR they are the ones that are not fighting for their right to simply exist, freedom or not.

2006-07-19 07:01:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The real question is who is the good guys in war? what makes one side "the good guys".

George W. Bush had no business walking into Iraq, the UN said no and he went ahead anyway.

Maybe the good guys are the ones stuck in this war who never wanted to go to war?

All you heard about it war crimes on both sides... man turning into animals... just like in the Congo..... Actually what is going on in the Congo is worse. If the US wasn't involved in this petty oil thing imagine what sort of atrocities they could be stopping, how they could be making a difference... instead they are stuck in a mess that just digs them deeper and deeper into a hole.

2006-07-19 11:31:46 · answer #7 · answered by Twigglet 3 · 0 0

Hezbolla is a terrorist organisation supported by Syria and Iran and doing the dirty work for Iran. Israel is fighting for its life. Haven't you been listening to the President of Iran's remarks about wiping Israel off the map? I think they want the world to believe they are a peaceful people but actually want to be the new leaders of a gobal Moslem empire.

Peace and love to you too, if you mean it.

2006-07-19 06:56:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the world is not about good guys and bad guys
it is not about good and evil the stakes are too high to compare it to a comic book.

hizbollah and israel are fighting and being stupid. if either side cared about the people, they would accept a cease fire. leaders try to get political points by fighting and it is sad.

the usa should never have removed the governments and fired all the police and army in iraq and afganistan. now they are countries with no political structure and no one knows how to get out.

2006-07-19 07:06:37 · answer #9 · answered by brainiac 4 · 0 0

Those that cut peoples heads off and use children as human shields would come down on the side of BAD GUYS.
But you forgive that as long as they hate the establishment.
Do you want your world turned up side down, where you have no TV, No cold beer and no looking at or meeting women. Stop trying to join the stone age.

2006-07-19 08:53:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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