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20 answers

Why can't they? What if evolution was a part of God's plan? Who knows? The Bible isn't absolute truth, why such closed minds?

2006-07-19 06:20:01 · answer #1 · answered by James P 6 · 10 4

Define god. If you are talking about some old idea of a bearded guy in the sky walking hand in hand with jesus, decending onto earth with the devil in the red suit and horns, and a pointed tail, and all that stuff of fairytails, then no, of course not. Those who believe in the literal trans. of the bible are sorta stuck in the 13th century. (no actually the 6th or 7th...) But if instead god is energy, love, the smile on a child's face, the beauty of a flower, the marvel of a human invention, the young foal running with its mama, across a green field, the creativity of the artist holding a paint brush, the ability to fix a broken bone by a surgeon, then god is in that hand of the artist, and in that hand of the surgeon----god is in all of us, in us, and in each breath we take.... god is the good we all do on this planet, it is the discovery of its laws, it is in the science of the wonder of DNA. If one is stuck in the "easy", the simple the fairytale, one is still believing in the easter bunny and santa. And there is nothing wrong with that, it is simply contrary to experience and the thinking mind....(and if those who believe that sort of stuff, find that it helps them lead a better life, or helps them cope with their problems, then so what if they are not thinking, or questioning? But for those who think, question and are blessed with some intelligence and education, fairytales are unacceptable...) So your questions really becomes, "Can fairytales and reality coesist? And of course the answer is no. But if you define god as something larger than an old grey man in the sky, then, yes, everything then becomes god, and god is evolution. Leonardo said it best; "god is in the detail."

2006-07-19 13:33:34 · answer #2 · answered by April 6 · 0 0

Nope. Read "The Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel if you want the details. They can't coexsist because if you believe it happened the way God said it happened (in the bible) than you know that he certainly DIDN'T say that amino acids randomly put themselves together somehow.

2006-07-19 13:21:13 · answer #3 · answered by Kansas 3 · 0 0

God is a creator, who knows how God creates, I do not believe he does things instantly, He can, but I do not think He has .
So using evolution to put a proces of life on earth prepare everything until the finale, homo sapiens, which has everything to hold, a soul, a mind, to be touched with the final touch that finished the long proces of "6 days". But it is still not the end, I read somewhere in the New Testament , that the whole Universe awaits revelation of the children of God, today we are humans but what we will become , only God knows.,and the joyous Universe with all the creation awaits.
So do you realy not think that God and science can no coexist, God who is Truth, has given us logic and faith to discover Him and his creation with every sense we have.
So we search Him with faith ,and we search Him with logic, and when it seams that there is a contradiction we must reevaluate ourself and find mistake in our conclusions because there are no contradictions.
When you eat some meal, you are sensing it with most of your senses, not with only one., when you explore reality you make a picture in your mind that is made from data of multiple senses, faith is also a sense, and by using it we find hope, in ourselves in other persons, and perhaps a brighter future.
The second passion in my life is science fiction, the third would be science in which I never dealt but wanted, but the first is my faith, because in my faith and views of people of my faith I find that the future could be more fantastic then some science fiction writers write in their visions.
I can see glimpses, alusions, which are the same in the New Testament ,as perhaps in works of Arthur Clarck ( end of the childhood), Asimov (Gaia, Galaxia), and more and more writers.
So call me what you wont, the future with God ,Christ and Holy Spirit is much more wonderfull then the picture that the ancient writers could write, and witch some people think dull, because they are explaining it only with ancient terms. But in the last 2000 years we have improved our dictionary, and we can better imagine things, but still not sufficient.
So can evolution and God exist, why not?!

2006-07-19 13:43:44 · answer #4 · answered by haruvatu 3 · 0 0

No because God created all and evolution is just false. If there are legitimate fossils then they are from the earth God created good before but then there was a rebellion against God and sin made the world dark and evil so he punished the leader and destroyed the earth, and decided to restore it after the dateless past and created man in his(their - trinity) image. read the bible.

2006-07-19 13:21:31 · answer #5 · answered by morobell 3 · 0 0

God and evolution can not coexisist. This is a very deep subject, and there is not enough space here to even begin to answer why. So, I have pasted a link below to a web site that has helped me understand not only this issue but many others.
The authors of this site back up their articles with the Bible and with real science. Hope this helps.

2006-07-19 14:30:33 · answer #6 · answered by RoundAbout 1 · 0 0

No, they cannot coexist. God is an irrational concept with no credible evidence to prove its existence in reality and based upon primitive mythes. Evolution, by contrast, is supported by the reality of natural selection which can be found occuring throughout the world even today. As conditions to an environment change, animal and plant species respond by adapting to the new conditions through the process of natural selection.

2006-07-19 13:22:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that religion and science coexist. Yes the bible says that we were made in the image of God, but I think that meant our spirits were made in the image of God. Whos to say that God didn't make the earth in seven days by the "big bang theory"? Why couldn't we have evolved from monkeys and all of the other creatures on this earth. Evolution states that we came from dust and worked out way up......the bible states the same.

2006-07-19 13:21:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe they can. I believe in both, actually, though I'm not too sure on the concept that we evolved from monkeys. However, it's entirely possible that Adam and Eve did not look the way humans look now. It's entirely possible that we possessed certain apelike qualities, and evolved from there.
As others have said, the Bible does say that we were made from dirt. Doesn't that actually support science? The chances of something like LIFE happening randomly are so close to nonexistent, that they are.

2006-07-19 13:38:24 · answer #9 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

No. The Bible says God created the earth in 6 literal days. It also says that God created everything that exists out of nothing. That pretty much shoots down evolution.

2006-07-19 13:22:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find it utterly amazing how many people rant and scream that it's not possible for God to have created life on Earth and guided it to its present state through evolution.
God, the all-Powerful, could not possibly have done it that way.

2006-07-19 13:35:25 · answer #11 · answered by McGeezy 3 · 0 0

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