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Hypothetical situation.

The government decides tomorrow to grant citizenship to all of the illegals in the country. Hooray. These people are now granted all the benefits and priviledges for being citizens.

Being citizens, they are covered by wage laws and in many cases join unions, etc. They're no longer undocumented, so employers can't make up wages, pay them under the table, etc.

They've just lost the one thing that made them so attractive to employers in the first place.

The employers are losing money on the former illegals, so they hire a new crop of illegals to fill the positions and lay off the new citizens.

Now we have a large number of new, unemployed citizens from a poor, uneducated background with few marketable skills. They are forced to rely on government service just like they did as illegals.

But now we have a new crop of illegals pulling from the system as well. We're back to the drawing board with more mouths to feed.

What's the solution?

2006-07-19 05:54:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Cher, I really like that article you quoted. It's extremely relevent to the current problem.

2006-07-19 12:57:45 · update #1

20 answers

Exactly, so they should NOT get citizenship for illegal behavior. They should be deported, not given amnesty. It only makes the situation worse.

And YES!! We CAN deport like Ike did over several years:

Some 750 agents swept northward through agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.

**The USA has more agents NOW than they did then, we could round up even more per month.

2006-07-19 06:23:21 · answer #1 · answered by vacant 3 · 1 2

Deport everyone in the U.S. that is not a citizen. I don't care what nationality they are or if they have work visas or green cards or whatever. They all go. That would save the government time and money right there. Probably billions of dollars and they don't have to use their brains to think about it, just do it.

Patrol all of our borders to every where with our own armed forces. Anyone gets caught sneaking in, they get shot. That will get the message out clear to everyone that doesn't belong here. The way it is now they all say, "U.S. doesn't mean it. They let everyone in". Leave the other countries alone and let them kill each other. If they try to enter our skies, shoot them down.

I think it is time we took care of our own people and forget about saving the world. The U.S. needs more help than some of the damn countries we pour billions of dollars into.

Ban any and all outsourcing to other countries. It all has to stay in the U.S. We give other countries jobs at slave wages and hours and pat our government on the back for taking the jobs away from Americans. We actually contribute to the slave force(including children) . The huge American companies become richer and richer because of this. Does that make sense to anyone???????
If the jobs were made to stay here and anyone that is not a citizen is deported, we could do away with welfare and hell of a lot of other programs. Our people would have the jobs, health insurance and other benefits. They could regain their self respect and become better people and be proud.

THERE....THAT IS YOUR SOLUTION...................

2006-07-19 06:19:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the solution is we need to stop enabling mexico.

granting amnesty is humane, and i do prefer it to deporting the illegals, because i think deportation is more trouble than it is worth. however, illegal immigration has always been an issue for our nation. you are right to point out how much we benefit from this massive discounted labor pool. it is also how we built the railroads and a lot of our infrastructure, we had periodic infusions of irish and chinese then. if you read "the jungle", it's amusing to hear the lithuanian main character ***** about the polish invading in the 1900s to take his job.

right now, our major problem is unskilled labor trickling in from mexico. they come in and take advantage of tax supported services that they don't help contribute to. that is an issue, especially when we are in a recession and government services have already been cut. the best solution, would be to make mexico more functional. mexico has an incredibly regressive tax code, so the rich are not burdened with paying for social services. therefore, their poor come to america where there are social services. mexico has a government that makes ours look like the superfriends. therefore their poor come to america where the government has to maintain a basic level of competency.

the solution is for our government to revamp nafta, so we can have some way of influencing mexico's internal policy through our trade. we lean on them in the drug war, it is time to lean on them to become a better neighbor. it's all the same problem.

2006-07-19 06:19:49 · answer #3 · answered by uncle osbert 4 · 0 0

the solution is for everyone to open their hearts and agree that no human being deserves to be forced to live in opression and poverty, that every human being should have the same rights and opportunities- that we should be looking at the rest of the world as our brothers and sisters.

put yourself in the same situation. you grow up in a small village, running water is a luxury you can't afford, you live with your 9 brothers and sisters in a small 2 bedroom house. you work the family tabacco farm which hasn't done well this year, so there is even less food on the table. your father has been sending money from the US, which helps alot, but your heart is broken because you haven't seen him in 8 years. you have to pay off the cop that lives down the street more and more each year as he terrorizes your family and has an eye for your pretty little sister. you consider the consequences of making the same risky trip your father took 8 years ago- facing the unknown in the back of a truck with people who may decide to steal all your savings and beat you sensless, and leave you for dead on the side of the road. you decide that now at 15 you are a man, and it's worth the risk if it means a better life for your family. you realize the trip may take months, you will have to be hidden away in a small rooms with many other strangers who are neurotic and frightened, you will have no bed, you will be treated like a rat in a cage, maybe they will feed you, hopefully you won't get shot. it starts to sink in that you won't see your family for many years, your little brother grow into a man, but still you decide it's worth it. it's worth it.

what would you do for your family's well being?

and that's only the beginning. what they go through when they get here is a whole other story of survival, de-humanization and abuse.

i personally have heard these stories from great people that i know, and now consider dear friends. they are so grateful to be here, to be living a better life. gracias adios. thanks to God, they always say. if you have a compassionate heart, how can you look a human being in the eye and say- "go back to your country, you are not my problem"

the world needs to wake up and see that we are all connected, that we all contribute equally to life on this planet, and that we can all live together peacefully- if we would just all believe that there is enough of everything for everybody. what are you afraid of that will be taken away? fear and the closing of your heart is causing you to see a negative future. but what would happen if we dropped the fear, opened our hearts, and began working on real solutions for humanity?

laws would have to change, borders would have to be redefined, government would have to shift...all of this is possible, if enough people decided for it to be so. but the most important thing is that first- human consciousness would have to shift, open up and drop the fear.

or we could stay this way, living in fear, being controlled by it, never experiencing the true freedom that comes from liberation of the heart.

it's your choice.

2006-07-20 04:59:29 · answer #4 · answered by zentrinity 4 · 0 0

Their is no real solution. you can't kick them out because then employers loose a huge work force. if you keep them then they take jobs from citizens. catch 22 situation. you made a good point. If they become citizens they will want prevailing wages and that may put allot of companies under and create a bigger immigration problem. i say close the borders, clean house and keep immigration down to a bare minimum. only intellectuals

2006-07-19 06:07:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do what you can to keep this hypothetical situation from happening - because you are right - if we do it, we will just be starting a really bad never ending cycle - might as well just hand out citizenship at the point of entry at that point.

There are ways to become citizens - use them or get out of the country.

2006-07-19 06:00:42 · answer #6 · answered by Lydi 2 · 0 0

Secure borders or more trouble

With them here-you need Nation heath or we will go bankrupt in benefits-no getting around it-the system can not take strain-it is already hurting at high rate daily.

Welfare reform or we lose it all-than big time trouble-as many will not be able to live.

No one wants to pay for these extras-but the debt can not continue at this rate it is going. We change it or lose it.

If we lose it--expect the highest crime rate you ever saw.

2006-07-19 06:15:19 · answer #7 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 0 0

The first rush was the rush to the border. The second rush will be to harvest as much of our tax dollars as they can pocket. The third rush is to declare they are the new minority and deserve preferential treatment. The fourth rush is when we chase them back to Mexico.

2006-07-19 06:51:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah F-in Bush messed up on this one.
He tried to do something good, but I knew it wouldn't work.
I thought it was funny with all the people trying to jump the border.

2006-07-19 06:05:46 · answer #9 · answered by psych0bug 5 · 0 0

Did you forget how much drug and other crime a large portion of these illegals bring along with them? They don't all work in the fields and construction sites, you know.

2006-07-19 05:59:43 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. October 4 · 0 0

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