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I put in a lot of time throughout these years to teach him how to respect others, have self confidence, face problems logically (as far as HIS logic permits, of course) and so on. Most of the training he received was through me, from using utensils in eating, to toilet training and showering and brushing. Therefore it’s obvious we never had any qualms about nudity or anything like it. I remember I always tried to indirectly let him know that there was nothing in particular so interesting with the body so that later on he would not put so much emphasis on or be exceptionally interested in or curious about the body. The result has been that he is very relaxed about his body and is not overly curious. But I feel that the time has come for him to know that the body is something personal and private. I don’t want to contradict what I have always tried to teach him. I am at a loss and need your advice as to what to do. And thanks a lot in advance.

2006-07-19 05:06:42 · 13 answers · asked by onlyhuman 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

13 answers

My son and I are the very same way! he is 15 now and we talk about everything together. Im his mother though! Theres been a few times he had ME blushing and speechless! lol Its good that you are so close to him and have built a good relationship out of trust- love- and communication! Now just take it one step further and start teaching him about kissing- touching- and answer any questions he may have. If u talk to him about sex remember to make sure to talk about protection and safety from diseases too. Its a tough time for a parent but i found out you just need to go in there and talk talk talk! They WILL stop u when they have a question!!! U wont confuse him he will know by natural instinct what u mean! Good luck dad!!! U sound like an awesome dad!

2006-07-19 09:20:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Sounds like you've got a great child on your hands:)
Don't be nervous you're doing fine.
I've always taken the approach that to the point honesty is the best policy.
I have 3 sons; 11, 7, & 4. I also have a daughter; 9. I was also a little unsure about how to approach some subjects sometimes. (at first more so than now) When I do talk to each of them, they're totally open and understanding. Just don't make a big deal about it, talk with him. Ask what he thinks. You won't contradict yourself by being honest. Invite him to ask questions. I would also suggest having several small talks versus having one long talk. He's still young and will lose interest. A bonus to having small talks is that you're always leaving the door open. It'll help when he's older. Good Luck & Best Wishes to you and your son! I hope this helps.

2006-07-19 05:43:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good for you. I brought up my daughter in a very similar way. There were occasions were things happened when I gave her corrections. Like:
When she was about halfway through 1st grade, at dinner, her mother who had picked her up from school that day, told me in German (which my daughter didn't understand) that a teacher had told her that our daughter had shown her equipment to a boy in the same class, in the bathroom. And I had better talk to her about it.
I waited until I was done eating, leaned back in my chair, and calmly asked her
So, Sweetie, how was your day today?
Great, so, did anything unusual happen today?
Hmmm. Does that mean you show your pussy to the boys in the bathroom every day?
Total shock on her face.
I let it sink in for about ten seconds. Then:
You know, I don't think that was a big deal, but as you grow up you'll find that I am a very unusual father.
Here is the problem. This boy will go home and tell his parents about you and what you did.
They will tell him 'That is a terrible little girl, we don't want you to play with her anymore'.
And you'll lose your friends. Is that what you want?
Well, in that case I'd suggest, you don't do that anymore.
And she never did again.
I asked her about three months later as I finished tucking her in:
Oh. by the way, have you ever shown your stuff to any of the boys again?
Her response, vehemently: No Daddy, I don't want to lose my friends.
me: Ok, just checking. :-)

2006-07-19 05:32:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A simple way I used was to explain that the bits that go inside a swimming trunks are personal and private after a certain age, 7 being the obvious. It is now time for him to look forward to manhood and what is private should remain private. Females may be frightened or scared in a year or two if they see him in the nude and therefore he should be careful and respectful towards girls and women where nudity is concerned. I think he will understand, if not now, in a year or two..............

2006-07-19 05:15:18 · answer #4 · answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7 · 0 0

Maybe you can start by saying " Now that your gettin older, at this age things are being done differently with our bodies and we learn to respect others and respect ourselves if we want to be treated with respect". Something like that but also teach him that everyone's body is a temple and now its time to keep it private. You can use examples like going to school is where we all wear clothes and respect each others space of body and such and the difference between school and going to the pool.. I don't know, i dont have kids so i hope this may help.

2006-07-19 05:14:11 · answer #5 · answered by deviousbeautifulangel 3 · 0 0

Being that he is such a young boy, the subject about his body might not even cross his mind or even put it down on the "to know" list. I feel that if you set an example of what you mean he will catch on. You know, teach by example. Also, when situations arise in which you feel he needs to know that his body is personal and private you need to tell him. I think that by telling him slowly when the time is appropriate he will catch on. Do emphasize to take care of his body with proper nutrition so that he can be big and strong. He might ask why? say, because our bodies are very important and (if religious) God wants us to respect it by taking care of it so that we can be healthy and happy. In regards to the changes he might undergo, it is important to approach the situation head on. Don't make up names for things, be sure to explain in terms that he understands and that are suited for his age and maturity. I think, being that you have a close relationship with him it shouldn't be difficult.

2006-07-19 05:17:32 · answer #6 · answered by Erika 2 · 0 0

Ah, a nudist, I'm guessing. If this is the case, then just tell him that some people are offended by nudity and since we need to respect the beliefs of others as well as our own, wearing clothes is not a bad thing. Kudos for teaching your son what LIFE is. He sounds very well adjusted.

2006-07-19 05:14:55 · answer #7 · answered by Lonnie P 7 · 0 0

One of the things a friend of mine told me once has stuck with me for a long time, while teaching anyone anything, follow the acronym
Keep It Simple Silly, so explain to him that freely doing what he wants at home when it is just the two of you ok, but when there are others around some modesty is required.

2006-07-19 05:40:02 · answer #8 · answered by papaofgirlmegan 5 · 0 0

i imagine they're purely being beautiful 14 365 days olds, no biggie. yet regardless of this, it truly is ME. You needa ascertain the way you're. yet, there's a reduce. sex communicate and such is not purely irrelevant, in spite of the indisputable fact that it may bring about unlawful habit. i imagine PDA and affection between both boys is person-pleasant and may be tolerable, yet trash communicate may bring about sex, it truly is risky. i tips you and your son have the sex communicate. also, tell him the way you experience. tell him what you're fantastic with and what you're not from now on fantastic with. different then that, some thing look widespread to me. Calling one yet another 'babe' and lacking them even as they're no longer there purely potential they quite like one yet another. My gay acquaintances do not do such infront of human beings, yet i guess it truly is how Apollo and Austin tutor their affection. privateness should be their determination. yet you needa ascertain what's crossing the line for YOU. you're the daddy, and look at that extreme. G'success:)

2016-12-01 22:10:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sounds like youve done a cracking job as a father to eleven children , biologically to five, i always put a stess on honesty and loyalty, if you are honest with your child then he will in turn be honest with you and others, i believe that you can explain that his /your /all bodies are not to be nude in public, because that would offend the rules of society, you could use the nudist camp as a marker,ie some adults take thier children to nudists camps were they do not wear clothes , although they are in a public place ,but still in a private camp.this way your child can get understanding
of when its ok to be naked or even when its ok to with others outside of his family members, we all live in this one world we have codes of conduct this is just one of them ,one of societies unwritten laws , tough job .best of luck

2006-07-19 05:25:21 · answer #10 · answered by lefang 5 · 0 0

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