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If God is all-seeing and all-powerful and he is against abortion THAN WHY HAS HE NOT COME DOWN TO EARTH HIMSELF AND TELL US TO STOP ABORTIONS

If you tell me Jesus did this, I will accept that surely, but apparently this message didn't take. SO IS IT GOD'S INTENTION THAT EVERY BABY THAT IS ABORTED BE ABORTED?

2006-07-19 04:59:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I'm having an abortion right now!

2006-07-19 05:34:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

You either believe that there is some power that created the universe or you don't.

If you don't - end of conversation.

if you do, then you surely have to believe that giving human beings freedom of choice, free will etc. is part of the creation and that surely if this power kept interfering with humans and their choices that the greater picture (that in which free will is essential) would all go to pot.

I personally think its our decisions which are important. The fact that you make a wrong decision is not so much dependent on the outcome of that decision but on the way you make a decision. Hopefully with some thought, with good intention and with regards for others as well as the "greater good".

If God kept coming to earth to sort out all tje bad stuff that goes on, our free will would be pointless. We are all able to do immensely good things but we are also able to do immensely bad things. That is the nature of life.

As for whether God is "pro-life"? who knows. I imagine God is always for the greater good. If a girl gets raped and is forced to give up her studies and raise a child who was fathered by a rapist, I wonder if that is the greater good, at the same time, if a girl refuses to use protection and is on her fourth abortion because she's just too stupid to learn, I wonder if she should be sterilized. Harsh but true. But that is just my rationalised opinion. I suppose God knows best.

We can never really truly know what God's intention is. But I think free will is part of it. As for abortions, I think that's a side effect of our free will. (As are many other things)

2006-07-19 05:19:23 · answer #2 · answered by RP 3 · 0 0

ok. you have a lot going on in this question. i definitely think God is all seeing and all powerful, and he is against killing babies before they have a chance to live. He is probably not happy about abortions, and we have no idea about what God's plan is, but right now, i am not sure it would fit into his plan to come down just to stop aborting, and maybe he will some day, but i think he is using other things to stop aborting, and maybe he is doing it now, or maybe a lot later, or maybe idk if he is ever gonna try to stop people from havin abortions. He lets those babies go to heaven i am sure of that. Those babies and people w/ disabilities can't consciously make a decision to accept Jesus' sacrifice for their sins, and ask God into their lives, so obviously God being loving and all, would let them all live, and probably let them go to heaven. Idk why God hasn't come down, but neither does anyone else, except that it hasn't been His plan, and if anyone says they know what God's plan is they are lying and all, and shouldn't talk at all. The Bible doesn't say what God's plan is except that he want everyone to have a personal relationship with him, and accept him into their lives, and stuff.

2006-07-19 05:08:50 · answer #3 · answered by VGW 3 · 0 0

there are no scriptures attributed to Jesus that say anything about abortion. however, the bible god is not anti-abortion. in fact, the bible god provides a recipe and ritual for the use of an abortifact in determining whether a woman is an adulteress or not.

Num 5.27 Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's hand, and shall wave the offering before the LORD, and offer it upon the altar:

Num 5:26 And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, [even] the memorial thereof, and burn [it] upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.

Num 5:27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, [that], if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, [and become] bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

the bible god is not pro-choice, of course. women are chattel and must submit to the will of their husbands.

2006-07-19 05:17:48 · answer #4 · answered by nebtet 6 · 0 0

Sometimes God's purpose for a person is fulfilled before it is born. Unfortunately, like all pain and suffering, I am afraid that abortion and the deaths attributed to it are not the work of God. It is part of the human condition. Maybe a little Satan mixed in? Just pray for the the ones who have passed. Pray for strength and hope, wisdom, for those considering abortion. Oddly enough, God is pro-choice. He gave us free will. He wants us to make right choices on our own. I know that all babies bring glory to God. I pray that God gives wisdon strength and hope to all women considering abortion. There are so many other options.

2006-07-19 05:15:45 · answer #5 · answered by horseteacher 2 · 0 0

God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. Of course, he could do all of those things, but then He'd take back the gift He gave at Creation: free will. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from, but would there be a reason for life if not for free will, the ability to choose? No, it is not His intention that every aborted baby is aborted, nor is He pro-choice.

2006-07-19 05:06:27 · answer #6 · answered by gui1tysp4rk 2 · 0 0

Law of the land, so yes God would be Pro-Choice.

This is a basic human right guaranteed by the law. No state has a right to interfere in body issues. This is not the state territory but a part of ones individuality.

One isn't human until they are born. A fetuses doesn't count as human, so it isn't called murder in the eye of the law to have an abortion.

2006-07-19 07:59:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that GOD certainly does not want these babies murdered. It is not GOD doing these killings....it is man. He cannot stop it because there is this thing called FREE AGENCY. I have a a hard time with these things also. He can't stop murder or rape or war. He cannot stop abortion because MAN has been given the right to have free agency. We make our own choices and we also pay the consequences for those choices.

2006-07-19 05:07:38 · answer #8 · answered by Crystal L 3 · 0 0

There is no god. It's O.K. You didn't read that info. yet did ya?
seriously, check it out....www.godpart.com here is a piece of it.....
How else are we to explain the fact that all human cultures - no matter how isolated - have maintained a belief in some form of a spiritual/transcendental reality, in a god or gods, a soul, as well as an afterlife? How else are we to explain the fact that every human culture has built houses of worship through which to pray to such unseen forces? Or that every known culture has buried (or at least disposed of) its dead with a rite that anticipates sending the deceased person's "spiritual" component, or what we call a soul, onward to some next plane, or what we call an afterlife? Wouldn't the universality with which such perceptions and behaviors are exhibited among our species suggest that we might be "hard-wired" this way? How about the fact that every known culture has related undergoing what we refer to as spiritual experiences? Perhaps we are "hard-wired" to experience such sentiments as well. Just as all honeybees are compelled to construct hexagonally shaped hives, perhaps humans are compelled to perceive a spiritual reality...as a reflex, an instinct.

Essentially, what I'm suggesting is that humans are innately "hard-wired" to perceive a spiritual reality. We are "hard-wired" to believe in forces that transcend the limitations of this, our physical reality. Most controversial of all, if what I'm suggesting is true, it would imply that God is not necessarily something that exists "out there," beyond and independent of us, but rather as the product of an inherited perception, the manifestation of an evolutionary adaptation that exists within the human brain. And why would our species have evolved such a seemingly abstract trait? -In order to enable us to deal with our species' unique and otherwise debilitating awareness of death.

2006-07-19 05:07:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

people who're professional-life strongly have self assurance in the seen very own accountability. What she did became into thoroughly with out private accountability. as a count number of certainty, it became into downright INSANE!! How in the worldwide ought to she in all probability think of she ought to assist 14 infants with out earnings?!! they're offended together with her via fact she did this to mooch off of taxpayers' money, and our money should not be used to finance her psychological ailment. even nonetheless, professional-lifers additionally understand that it's not the toddler's fault that their mom is an irresponsible, lazy welfare slob so there is sympathy and understand-how for the youngsters.

2016-10-08 02:20:16 · answer #10 · answered by wichern 4 · 0 0

Lucifer. Know that name? It means Morning Star. He was the arch-angel of arch-angels; the most beautiful, the most wise, the one closest to God. He experienced the most intimate and deep things of God. He was created to lead the angels in worship, in adoration of God - he knew God intimately.

What did he become? Satan. That is his name today. How did it happen? Did God create him to be evil? Definitely not. He chose to rebel against God. He took pride in his beauty, wisdom and power and wanted to build is own kingdom. He chose to use the awesome gifts and abilities God created him with, to sweep up a third of heaven's angels in rebellion against God.

It lies in choice. Always. Twin brothers grew up in a broken home. Dad was in jail, mom an alcoholic that didn't care. The one brother became successful and happy, the other followed his father's footsteps into the criminal world. Both born and grown in the exact same environment. You know what they replied to an old friend of both, when he asked them what happened? The successful, happy brother said "...those circumstances... I had to get out of it..." the jailed brother said "... I couldn't get out of the circumstances, its just how things went..."

Both these are true stories, both reveal that no matter whether you're in the best or the worst circumstances, its what you do with what you have that determines your destiny. You can miss your purpose by your choices, or you can realize it through your choices.

God doesn't make people kill !!!!!!!

Your destiny is by choice, your purpose by creation... e.g. a scalpel was created to heal, but it can also be used to kill.

2006-07-19 05:32:27 · answer #11 · answered by ans 1 · 0 0

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