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It means he either wants some space or he wants you to get lost. You know the answer better than we do.

2006-07-19 05:19:17 · answer #1 · answered by jdscorrupted 5 · 3 1

So many times, this phrase can be so easily mistaken. Take it from one who knows - a guy myself, and also one who has said this before too. It's not cause for great concern... though if you push it, it could lead to that.

Here's the thing... When your man tells you he needs space, it means just that... Yes, maybe space away from you, or maybe even simply space for himself. In some cases, he may feel as though he's being smothered by you, but try not to let this last one overtake the much simpler things first... Please hear me out...

If your boyfriend needs space, maybe he has some stressful things going on in his life right now? Is he having difficult times financially? Is his job/career in jeopardy? Does he have other stressful things going on in his personal life, that might be adding unnecessary burden to him emotionally right now? That's exactly how it was with me, some time back, but my girlfriend at the time was under the impression that I was cheating, that I didn't care for her, etc... WHICH ONLY made things much worse between her and I since she simply didn't understand what was going on with my life!

Give him the time he needs, and let him know you care for him... Extend the simple invitation to allow him the space he needs, and also tell him that if he would like to talk with you about anything, that you'll lend him an open ear.

Trust me... This can go a long ways in understanding your significant other, and also in making communications between the two of you that much stronger for it.

Good luck to you both!

2006-07-19 05:00:16 · answer #2 · answered by loving father 5 · 0 0

You have given absolutely no background by which I could craft a useful answer.

The best I can guess is that something about the relationship is scaring him. That could be anything from you wanting what he thinks is an excessive amount of his time and attention, to you having an aggressive "take-charge" attitude in the relationship and aggravating heretofore dormant control-freak tendencies, to something that has absolutely nothing to do with you - perhaps he has had bad experiences with relationships in the past and is getting panicky because he expects the axe to fall any minute now. (For example, it took me ten years to believe that my husband wasn't going to just up and leave me someday, because I was never told why my parents split up - as far as I knew, it just happened out of nowhere for no reason.)

Ask him to define "some space", then decide if it's reasonable or not. If it's reasonable, give it to him. That way it's much easier to paint him as the bad guy to all his friends later if things don't work out - you gave him everything he asked for and he STILL walked out on you, the jerk!

2006-07-19 05:07:50 · answer #3 · answered by Katie S 4 · 0 0

Basically you can look at this situation in many ways.Well most of the time when a guy Say's that to a female its just a nice way of breaking it off, but at times it can mean what it says. For example if your around a person to much, always calling, always checking up on them, it may irritate that person and force him/her to say" I need some space" One of the most important things people must understand is to let their mate have time for them self so it would not come to that conclusion in where He/she have to say that. Also when a person Say's that no matter female or male you must say to yourself is this the person for me? Every time the road gets ruff is he/she going to keep telling me they need their space? Truthfully if your a point in life where you want to be settled down
then it's up to you do decide if you want to give that person space, it's your choice, your life,and if you want to be happy you have to do whats best even if it hurts. I know it's easier said then done but you just have to believe in yourself

2006-07-19 05:23:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He needs time alone, does not want to be attached. Give him his space, and move on if necessary. Do not "push" the relationship.

Ask him also - what he means my needing space. If he wants time apart as a couple, that is fine too.

2006-07-19 04:54:24 · answer #5 · answered by 'Barn 6 · 0 0

Means he wants to know new people or may be hes confuse about his feelings. Men doesn't work like women. They need space to think, they need to test their feelings.

I suggest you to move out of there, and well then if he wants you back, would be your choice if you want him back.

My personal opinion I don't think even when they need those kind of stuff, If they were sure about their feelings then they will stay and proof them in another way.

I know how it feels, and this why im telling you, be careful and the one that have the game in the hand is you not him.

Good luck

2006-07-19 04:57:22 · answer #6 · answered by Sweet Papayita :) 3 · 0 0

It may just mean he really needs some space!!!!!!
You might be crowding him, he might want more time with his friends, he might want to take a step back and go slower in the relationship because he's not ready for something so serious for whatever reasons.
Or he doesn't have enough nuts to tell you he wants to break up.

2006-07-19 04:54:59 · answer #7 · answered by HE'S NOT INTO ME 4 · 1 0

Just what he said. Guys need that social time to be with their male buddies, and go grunge around. It doesn't mean he's getting tired of you, or he's out looking for someone to replace you.

It simply means he can't belch, fart, cuss, act like a low-life, go to the strip joints/bars (if he's old enough), or just shoot the breeze with his friends while you're around.

Know that guys DO leer, jeer and slobber over other women when they are not in our company (the significant other). But when you're in the dating scene, don't get too serious or too uptight about your guy's behavior.

You all have a lot of dating left to do with each other (and probably other people when and IF you decide to go your separate ways).

2006-07-19 04:57:53 · answer #8 · answered by blakelycollierbrown 4 · 0 0

It might mean that you dote on him and chase him too much. Give him plenty of space. Read the books Mars and Venus on a Date and The Rules. Check out the forums below. Good luck.

2006-07-19 04:57:38 · answer #9 · answered by sharbysyd 3 · 0 0

Hold on a second! How old is your boyfriend? If he's 25 or older, he probably just needs a little space, nothing wrong with that. You may be smothering him.

If he's under 25, then you're history.

I realize I'm generalizing, I'm just using my life lessons.

2006-07-19 04:56:49 · answer #10 · answered by DapperDan 3 · 0 0

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