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We can't take care of the ones we have now.

Is that not abuse if you take in more children when some of your own are starving already?

2006-07-19 03:11:08 · 19 answers · asked by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

for your information post 3
Not one case of starvation has come from Mexico-not one.

2006-07-19 03:19:07 · update #1

roll-those are facts-we can't take care of the ones we have-

2006-07-19 03:20:28 · update #2

19 answers

Hadenough: I am just wanting to respond to your answer to another question in this forum. You asked, "Who is doing the jobs in Mexico that the Mexicans don't want to do, since they are all here doing the jobs in the USA that we don't want to do?" Anyways, in Mexico, they are having the problem with the Central Americans who are coming through on their way to the USA and, apparently, many of them are staying in Mexico to do the jobs Mexicans don't want to do and, also apparently, Mexico citizens are complaining about them (although on a much smaller scale) same as we are complaining about the Mexicans here! Funny, eh?

Anyways, now that I am here, I'll give my answer to your question: Yes, absolutely it is wrong to take in more children when some of your own are starving. You wouldn't be allowed to take in foster children if you couldn't even support the children you already had - likewise, USA should not be taking in illegal immigrants when we are not completely fully supporting of our own people such as our elderly, our own children, and our handicapped.

2006-07-19 21:15:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have never met a lazy immigrant. Immigrant come to the US to work! Some of the hardest working people I have had the blessing to meet are immigrants. There are soooooo many Americans who do nothing but sit on their behinds receiving welfare and whining and complaining that all their jobs are being taken by immigrants! I work for a state agency and receive calls everyday from people on welfare complaining! Hello!!! The jobs are out there for people who are willing to work! If you don't like the lower paying jobs go to school and get a better education! This country was built on the sweat and lives of immigrants! Check you history books! Who built the railways? Who is truly an American? The last time I checked my history the real Americans were and still are the American (Native) Indians! So what right do we have to prevent people comming over here who honestly want to make a living for their families. And by the way, they do pay taxes too! You don't have to be legal to pay taxes, the government doesn't care as long as they get their part! And by the way I do know for a fact that in my state Arkansas the majority of people on welfare are not blacks, asian, mexicans etccc. They are White!

2006-07-19 10:55:47 · answer #2 · answered by aminahrice3 2 · 0 0

no we do not need more people here. we will be facing population problems , social, economic problems, do to illegal immigration, and if the guest worker scamesty goes through then get ready it will bring millions more how can they see that as a solution its crazy and while (some) come here to make a living and work hard that doesn't make it ok!! its making greedy companies rich while killing the working class and making a legal slavery group and why should we pay for mexico's corruption . with all the previous amnesties it has not worked and i cant see helping such a group of people who show no desire to assimilate who spew demands and hate yet love their home country if they love it why did they leave why do they not have evil words- demands from them? so i have to take what they say and what they demonstrate in their actions . and there is no way we should help them anymore ! not every American wants a college degree nor should we have to ! why don't they protest mexico? why should we keep giving and giving till it hurts us and these same people crying we should are in for a wake up call if the guest worker goes through it will force down more higher paying jobs so when it effects them it will be to late and they will feel the pinch . and they cry they work hard and don't make much bla bla bla , but most do not pay taxes . well guess what i work hard too and i have to pay taxes.

bunt lady nazis eh? lol i did not invade your country put you in a train car and force you to come here and make demands of you now did i ? you invaded us and are making demands of us !

2006-07-19 10:50:58 · answer #3 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 0 0

If those people can support themselves,sure. If they pay taxes,then that money goes towards taking care of our less fortunate. One big problem here in this country is that not many people are "work orientated".Look at your local social services department...people are waiting outside to get in. Then go check out the newspaper and see the help wanted ads.There are jobs,people just don't want them.Which I don't understand.I'd do anything to feed my kids and give them a home.

I've found that most immigrants(legal/illegal) take care of their own. I don't think we'll have to worry too much about supporting their kids. But what do i know?No one can tell the future,except Sylvia Brown, maybe.Lol.

2006-07-19 10:27:24 · answer #4 · answered by Fluttery 3 · 0 0

Some of these people come here to work and make money. unfortunately because thier immigration status they are not able to progress in this country. Not all immigrants are bad like some people think. What I THINK is abuse, is working 50-60hrs in a kitchen for less then minimum wage!! Slaving yourself to provide a better life for your children, Cleaning toilets, doing someones landscaping when it is 100 degrees outside. etc...

2006-07-19 10:28:37 · answer #5 · answered by Ladyshy 2 · 0 0

Yeah right, they take care of their own, what a joke!
I volunteer one Friday a month at the local food bank and the vast majority of people that we serve are Hispanics! So if your definition of taking care of their own means relying on handouts from the food pantry then by all means they are doing a fine job!

2006-07-19 10:39:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hadenough, you are such a trouble maker, lol, I love it, you can get people so uproared with such a simple question. NO we do not need more people in this country. YES, hell YES.......It is abuse.....and neglect...last I heard abuse and neglect of a child is against the law in this country, yet we inadvertanly commit this crime everyday by not taking care of our own. Get this....it costs me $400 a year to pay for my kid to ride the SCHOOL bus, no kidding, yet if I can't pay and my kid doesn't get to school I'm in deep doo-doo accused of abuse and neglect. I'm an American, tax paying citizen required to pay for a ride on the public school bus! $400 buys a lot of groceries and clothes, which if I don't provide my child will land me in deep doo-doo also. Nothing in this country makes any sense to me anymore. The most recent study that savage and I could find on homelessness in this country was 2001. What does that tell us? Where's the 2005 study? And hey did anyone notice that from that study only 10% of these were Hispanic? HMMMM, makes me wonder. Millions and millions of American Citizens can barely provide the basic essentials for their own children yet we freely give away millions of $$$ for the provisions of illegal children and their families. I want my tax dollars back damnit, I need them to pay for that damn public school bus, feed and clothe my child, and keep my butt out of deep doo-doo. I need my tax dollars to take care of my own AMERICAN child not some ILLEGAL MEXICAN child. My child needs to eat, be clothed, get to school, have opportunity, a roof over her head, a future with liberty, and a chance to survive. I will not sacrifice my own child for the sake of another! What descent human would?

2006-07-19 11:33:06 · answer #7 · answered by warriorbabe 2 · 0 0

Without immigrants the US would be suffering negative population growth. The US population is getting older and older. We need immigrants to support the Social Security System.

Let those who could contribute to our society in, while keeping those who are a burden out should be our immigration policy.

(It doesn't matter if the cat is white, yellow, black, or brown, as long as it can catches mouse is a good cat.)

2006-07-19 14:31:50 · answer #8 · answered by sharpshooter 5 · 0 0

Your name says it all. We do not need more people here and I think we should make a very strong suggestion to the people that come from Mexico to use birth control for goodness sake.

2006-07-20 00:06:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We can't take care of the ones we have now.

And yet we send Astronauts to space An unGodly amount of money there,send money to countries who we have wars with To rebuild,spend Billions of dollars on unnecessary research, And the list goes on.

2006-07-19 10:26:03 · answer #10 · answered by gidget lil bit 4 · 0 0

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