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me and my boyfriend we made a mistake and now that i'm pregnant. it's been less than aa month.i still dont know what to do!shall i keep the baby?my B.F. wants me to keep the baby!

2006-07-19 01:53:18 · 16 answers · asked by Musty 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

sweetheart... when I first read your question... I was angry, I tend to get that way when I hear people talk like this.. I am totally against abortion.. you are a big girl now.. you need to take responsibility for your actions. Now an days it is hard to find a man that is willing to play a productive, positive role in a child's life. Use this to your advantage.. If your boyfriend supports you that is the only thing that you need. I am sure you are scared and this will change your life... however, you need to take some responsibility for your actions. I know that you will think long and hard about this before you actually decided.

Your body is your body.. that life you have inside does not just belong to you... it belongs to him also, you need to consult, talk to, and sort this out with your boyfriend. Do not make this decision alone.... if you have never had an abortion.. I would suggest don't start now.... everyday for the rest of your life you will always remember the day that you (not to be mean) killed your child. It affects my sister everyday... 4yrs later, she still cries!

PEACE ................ LOVE..............LIFE...............

2006-07-19 02:00:35 · answer #1 · answered by Sunshine_Diva 4 · 0 0

Oh goodness girl! ^_^ I'll tell you something, you say you made a "mistake" right? And sure on the outside it might look like a mistake but think about it- Humans are made from God, God made everything you see on this earth and do you honestly thinkg He could make a mistake? This baby was concieved for a reason!^_^ Besides, Abortion is murder, you might as well have the baby and put a plastic bag over it's head and kill it. It's all horrible. Have you ever seen an aborted baby? it's tiny little hands and fingers-it's life lost before it could even begin. No matter what I know that if you have this child you'll be glad you did in the longrun^_^. Dont be selfish and take away someone's life before they've even had the chance to live it. Listen to your boyfriend and keep it! Things might be hard but it's the consiquenses you face for ever having sex before you're ready for a baby since when you do that there's always a chance that such a thing can happen. But definatly- dont abort it, have the baby and trust me, once you're holding him/her in your arms you'll be so glad you did.

2006-07-19 02:34:26 · answer #2 · answered by Kitsune 1 · 0 0

You are not ready to be mother from the way you sound so confused! Baby is innocent and is made from you and yr bf. If you aren't ready, both you and your bf should take proper contraception.

Now what happened is already happened and you should pluck your courage to born and be a responsible person to raise up the child. Even your bf is a real man who knows how to be responsible by telling you to keep the baby. It shows that he is more mature than you.

If you find timing is not right at the moment or you aren't ready or perhaps you find both you and yr bf's financial aren't stable, you may chose the option of abortion - BUT you will live with GUILT for the rest of your life. Think twice the consequences and be courage to face the consequences. Whatever your decision, DO NOT REGRET - whether to keep or to get rid, it's your choice as long yr bf is agreeable with you. Hope you are an adult with human sense.

2006-07-19 02:06:46 · answer #3 · answered by Adorable Mrs 3 · 0 0

I can tell you something girl,you aint the first one nor arent you gonna be the last one.The deal is,first check out what are youre odds gonna be if you keep the baby for exmaple is mum and dad gonna support me with the baby or is my bf gonna support me.Then you have to make youre own decision of whether you would be comfortable having a baby in the first place.Please do look at things in the long run and never in the short run when your sealing with relationships and especially a baby.So,rule number one,if there are people who are willing to support you in the long run and please do consider consolidating your parents first about this and then secondly your bf.Dont go and ask friends and close relatives,cause girl,if thers one thing i have learnt,in this world,its every man for himself.Your bf decision of keeping the baby may be rasional,but is it concrete enough to back you up in the long run in all mentallity,emotionally,physically and financially.For now,the baby isnt the problem,its the backing up and the amount of support you gonna get.If you have more problems in your path,justmessage me.Im always ther if you need help in any way.

2006-07-19 02:25:22 · answer #4 · answered by 50 cent 2 · 0 0

If you aren't mature enough or you can't financially support bringing a child into this world you should have an abortion. If you are against an abortion, put the baby up for adoption so it has a chance to grow up in a loving supportive home. Please don't keep the child if you can't support it. It's not the babies fault that you made a mistake. This country needs less people who have children they can't support and end up having a bad upbringing.

2006-07-19 02:39:43 · answer #5 · answered by ithink... 2 · 0 0

You have found yourself in a position alot of young people find themselves in.
How old are you both?
You need to sit down with both your families and really decide what you want to do.
No one is going to think any less of you if you have a termination(its no body's business).
If you abort you may feel guilt later on
If you keep the baby you have to remeber babys dont stay cute forever and they grow at a rapid pace and this means getting jobs to support your child.
You must understand what a life changing thing a baby is.
If your not prepared for it,it can be awful for you and resentment may set it.
You really do need to decide what it is you want.
If your only young then you could always plan a family later on in your life.
Talk to your parents then you both need to decide what you want.
Its ok your boyfriend saying he wants to keep it,is he working to support the baby or does he expect the tax payer to foot the bill for your 'mistake' as you put it.
Really think before you do anything and get support because if your going to keep your baby your going to need it.
good luck to you all

2006-07-19 02:04:59 · answer #6 · answered by freerange00720002000 3 · 0 0

Can you afford a baby? He will need a roof over his head, medical care, food, utitilities, clothing, furniture, and the costs will go up every day. Money will have to be set aside for his education. Will your boyfriend be there to raise this child for the next 18+ years. Will he walk the floor with him and sit up with him at night when he's sick? Are you willing to stay home and care for a child instead of having fun with your friends night after night, year after year? Your youth will end when this child is born. This is a very serious matter. A child deserves to come into the world with 2 parents who have planned and saved for his arrival. If you are a couple of teens who made a mistake, you better think it over carefully.

2006-07-19 02:02:02 · answer #7 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

what do YOU want to do? can you afford to care for a baby? are you ready for the responsibility? remember ...the committment is a lifetime....think about your reasons for keeping the baby or not keeping the baby..if they are selfish..then you shouldn't...because being a parent takes total unselfishness and complete committment...you can't just decide not to be a parent after you already become one. All children deserve to be loved unconditionally and with 100%! Good luck!! I would consider talking to a counselor or planned parenting center!

2006-07-19 02:00:17 · answer #8 · answered by beautifully broken 3 · 0 0

Keep the baby. You don't want to go through life with a black shadow of (abortion) hanging over ya. With babies come blessings, they are gifts from God. What God giveth only he shall take away.

2006-07-19 01:59:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

keep the baby .it not a bad thing many young mom oppt to keep there baby and in the long run you will be glad you did. yes life will be hard and yes you will have to grow up faster . but thing of the baby it yours and will need to be loved by you.. if you do decide to give up the baby please find a good foster home.. best of luck CD

2006-07-19 02:01:16 · answer #10 · answered by celticdragon 6 · 0 0

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