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20 answers

I don't think that anyone is smarter then anyone else...A sign of true intelligence is understanding both point of views and why people feel the way they do. When it comes to Athiests I understand that alot of them believe that way to "go" against the grain or they feel like there can't be a god because of something bad that happened to them. And as far as religous people go I understand that they need something to hold on to...they couldn't feel comfortable living thier lives like athiests...and whether either side is right is not clear but fighting about it is really ridiculous

2006-07-19 00:46:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

*** warning - rant ahead*****

Because it is hard for the religious to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that god really exists. much the same as santa. ?

take for example parting the red sea.
for a non believer this is a classic example of fiction because we know that it is impossible to do such a thing let alone back in the day when it was supposed to have happened.

what happens when people go crazy??

they think irrational thoughts and believe things that arent real (much like acid). so how are we to know that someone wasnt sitting in a corner writing in his book calling himself jesus or whatever. back in those days they would not have the technology and advances in the workings of the mind. could a couple of people started believing this and started the ball rolling? was the government at the time having trouble controlling the antisocial behaviour so decided that there was a higher power that would burn you forever if you didnt behave??

now im not denying that these miracles really happened because i wasnt there so cannot prove it either way. but the above two examples are the kinds of things that atheists think about. im not saying im smarter than you. im just saying i am not convinced and there has been nothing i have seen that the religious have called a miracle or gods wrath that couldnt be explained as something else. as for near death experiences where people see
the other side, the lack of blood to the brain can make you quite dillusional.

can you see why we dont believe your faith?
we see children dying daily needlessly and ask " why if there is a higher power, is he letting this happen". you cant just say words from the "Good Book" and expect us to all come rushing into church like that. people will figure things out for themselves in their own way. they dont need " god says all sinners will burn in hell". shoved into their face every day.

that will just make the gap bigger between the two groups

on the other hand atheists, dont insult what they believe because we are not in a position to understand where they are coming from and what point they are at now. this just makes everyone hate eachother.

everyone has the same needs regardless of who they believe

to be loved
to love someone

My open letter

Dear christians and other religions,

I love you because you are special in your own way.

see you on the other side. y'all

p.s. dont forget to bring sausages with you, as ill be dying of starvation

lots of love

Mr Atheist

2006-07-19 08:06:47 · answer #2 · answered by elmoishiding 2 · 0 0

It sounds like your question is tongue-in-cheek, but I think I know what you are driving at.

I spent 32 years of my life as a hard-core atheist. I was bombarded with some of the most outlandish and grotesque attempts at "conversion" that you could possibly imagine. The last straw was when a well-meaning self-proclaimed "Jesus Freak" told me that God was going to start killing off people that I love until I come to my senses.

It so happened that my I.Q. was typically higher than the erstwhile evangelists, and invariably, they were frustrated and tied up in knots. In my case, it took a personal appearance from Jesus to get the job done, and a lifetime of bad information was gone in seconds.

Our hands as Christians are not always squeaky clean. We can do as much harm as good attempting to represent our Savior to a lost world. It sounds like you and I could stand to "kick it up a notch" in the "show the love" department.

Don't ever give up on anyone. I was the least likely candidate for salvation I have seen to date. Atheists make wonderful Christians. They have incredible faith. It takes an enormous amount of mental energy to deny the existence of God. But don't worry, God is up to the challenge. All we need to do is be good ambassadors for a great Lord!

2006-07-19 07:53:32 · answer #3 · answered by Elwood Blues 6 · 0 0

Atheist are not smarter they just look smarter. Because they are not fooled by religion and stick with real things

2006-07-19 07:43:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey, some people can handle reality without the feel-good pie-in-the-sky crutch of religious mythology, and some can't. Who knows why? Many religious people technically have the intellect to see through the dog and pony show of religion (deep down inside many religious people know it is all horse manure) but they cannot handle their fear of death, they are confounded by human suffering, or other emotional reasons. So they take the opiate of the masses in order to cope. Atheism is just as much about emotional intelligence as it is with pure intellect. Not everyone can cut it.

2006-07-19 09:03:28 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

We don't find ourselves restricted by religious dogma and are therefore "free" to think, solve, and experiment. We are "free" to look elsewhere for solutions.

We are not inherenly "smarter" however we find ourselves at liberty to rationalize.

Think of Galileo, and others who the Catholic Church imprisoned after having scientific, life changing, breakthroughs. Had they been restricted by a religous belief system, we'd still be under the impression that Earth was at the center of the universe.

2006-07-19 07:43:03 · answer #6 · answered by bitto luv 4 · 0 0

Everyone knows the created and the creatures are always so much better and intelligent than their creator...right?

Remember what Michael said to Lucifer when the War in Heaven broke out? "Who Is Like God?" It was a rhetorical question they both already knew the answer to. NO ONE

You people crack me up

Moni? You OK? For someone with a superior intellect your spelling and grammar are horrible. Try again please.......

2006-07-19 07:44:04 · answer #7 · answered by Augustine 6 · 0 0

Not smarter. Just that our minds are free of religious nonsense so we can can think for ourselves

2006-07-19 07:39:56 · answer #8 · answered by Atheist 3 · 1 0

be real-"professing themselves to be wise (apart from God) they became fools"
how much intelligence does it take to believe everything came from nothing-with age so it had to be created -without a creator -and became alive without a fairy- and had a perfect dna to reproduce itself and turned into a human being a billion accidents later -each with a perfect dna blue print to reproduce only exactly itself- may each let Jesus into their heart and get a real life and joy and inner peace -that is being smart

2006-07-19 07:42:52 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Because we use our minds instead of blindly following and trusting BS answers that are handed to us. It's called critical thinking and i used to think it was common sense.

2006-07-19 07:51:51 · answer #10 · answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 · 0 0

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