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My dashchund bit a friend last night, im so gutted, taking him to the vets today to get him checked out, could it be a tumour? hes been getting worse lately, hates ppl coming to the door and he goes for our Cavalier. can the vet force me to put him down? . :-(

2006-07-19 00:13:38 · 29 answers · asked by zbfinlove 2 in Pets Dogs

29 answers

I own a daschund. He is the most loving and friendly dog I have ever met. He is 12, and everybody in my family adores him. He sleeps in my parents bedroom in his own doggy bed.

One reason he would bite is if he's caught a prey and you want to take it away. Daschunds are natural hunters. My dog catches and eats birds. If he's caught one I would not dare to take it away from him for he growls and shows his teeth and does bite anyone who tries to, even me or my family. I respect that that is his natural instinct and I do not provoke him.

A second reason why dogs bite is to protect their owners. Once my dog bit my maid because he thought she was hurting my sister. The thing is my sister has a bad knee and she fell and she started crying and so the dog bit the maid who came in my sister's help because he thought the maid was hurting her my sister.

A third reason dogs bite is when you take away their food, in this case human food, more specifically meat. They could care less about dog food.

I've also read in a magazine about dogs that some old dogs suffer from a degenerative disease where they become increasingly aggressive up to the point they bite without warning and for no reason and they don't recognize their owners. If your dog is old you should have him looked by the vet.

About dog bites...

If the bite draws no blood it means the dog wasn't being vicious. My nephew pulls my dogs tail and plays rough with him and if the dog feels pain, he cries and mock bites my nephew without doing any harm. It is his way of protesting. I have been bitten in this way and it does not hurt for he doesn't sink the teeth in the skin.

We haven't neutered our dog and I am not about to chopp off his balls. I think that is barbaric and changes the animals personality.
If the dog is not ill or ill tempered, he could have been protecting a loved one, getting provoked or was disturbed while eating human food and in a long chance he was protecting his prey.

Get him to the vet to check if your dog is ill. If he is not, ask your friend nicely to tell you how he was interacting with the dog.

My dog barks at people when they arrive at my house but he doesn't do it because he hates them. He wants to get noticed so what I tell anyone who arrives at my door is that my pet is saying hello and that they should pet him. Once he is pet he stops barking. If your dog is not barking and instead is growling and showing his teeth to people at the door, you should tell people not to make sudden moves. Dogs do this when they encounter strangers. You should let your dog do what they do when this happens, smell the person and find out what he is about. After a short while they settle down and that is all.

2006-07-19 01:26:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There has obviously been a change in your dogs attitude, which may directly be related to his health. As long as he is current on rabies, and your friend does not wish to press the issue, they can't force you to do anything with your dog. If he's not current on rabies, then he will need to be quarantined for 10 days, and in all likelyhood, the vet will contact the authorities. But still they can't force you to have the dog put to sleep. Doxies are very territorial and very protective of their people. If there has been a change in his life lately, that could be why he's acting out. Talk to the vet and see what is going on. If it's not medical, then the dog is upset about something. Is the spaniel new to the household? If so, that could be the problem. Or have you relocated, has a child left the household, think of what may have changed that has upset the dog. Hope it all works out

2006-07-19 01:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by buggsnme2 4 · 0 0

I suppose it could be a tumor but it's more likely that your dog is either anxious about something or he is growing up and becoming an adolescent, in which case he may need castrating. I don't think that the vet can make the decision about whether to put him down unless the dog bit a child and the parents complained.

Make sure that you keep your dog under control and either muzzle him or put him in his kennel when friends come round. You are doing the right thing by taking him to the vet's. The vet shoudl be able to give you some helpful advice.

2006-07-19 00:19:10 · answer #3 · answered by Fluorescent 4 · 0 0

First of all, don't panic! It is possible that your dog didn't get much attention lately, or your friend made him upset about something... Dogs have some rights too you know... However if your dog bit someone before talk to vet than take him to the professional trainer. They will be able to distinguish the problem and correct the behavior. Dogs become aggressive because of ack of socialization, training and because they are plain bored.

Vet most likely will have series of tests done to make sure it is not infected and din't infect your friend. Stay cool, most vets are good people and love dogs as much as you do.

2006-07-19 00:19:15 · answer #4 · answered by kitiby 2 · 0 0

The vet cannot force u 2 put the dog down, some dachsunds have a tendancy 2 be this way, very aggressive and very protective of their masters. My neighbor has a dachsund female and she use 2 bite my 12 year old boy constantly so she has 2 put her up anytime he goes over there. This is what I suggest and that would be lock the dachsund up in another room when someone comes over or in a kennel. Some dachsunds do this and it does not mean they have a tumor.

2006-07-19 00:33:43 · answer #5 · answered by badgirl41 6 · 0 0

If he is a young dog he might of done it cos your friend got to close as dogs do protect there owners. The vet can not force you to hve him put down but I'm afraid the saying is if done it once will do it again and it could be someone you don't know that will complain then the vet can do something so be carefull. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about

2006-07-19 00:27:41 · answer #6 · answered by saucey 2 · 0 0

If your dog has suddenly become aggressive, it is a good idea to have him examined by a vet. If the vet finds nothing physical that can be causing his aggression, you should have him neutered. Sometimes, that can help with aggression problems. Also, you might consult a dog trainer for advice or read the book, "The Dog Whisperer".

If your friend reports his/her bite to officials, they can remove the dog from your premises and keep him under observation for rabies and in some areas, officials can recommend euthanasia if they think your dog is a danger to others.

Consider a muzzle if your dog's aggression does not cease to protect people who may encounter your dog in the future.

2006-07-19 00:24:42 · answer #7 · answered by Free Bird 4 · 0 0

Under the Dogs Act 1871, any person may make a complaint to a magistrates court that a dog is dangerous, or report the matter to the police. If the court is satisfied that a dog is dangerous and not kept under proper control, it may make an order for it to be controlled or destroyed

If your friend doesn't complain then your dog should be safe.

Has anything recently changed in the dogs environment? You may need to reestablish control of your dog through training.

2006-07-19 00:23:04 · answer #8 · answered by INFOPOTAMUS 3 · 0 0

My dog had to be put down because of that sort of different behaviour, it was a chummier behind her eye and it was too close to the brain to get out, in some lights you could actually see it, it was a slight clouded blob, if your dog keeps on bitting people, your vet might not be abal to force you to have him put down, but if some one puts in a complaint the police will be abal to, i know it's really sad to make a choice like that, but maybe it's best to get something sorted out befor you and your dog get into big trouble, if your really unsure your vet would probaly have the best advice.

2006-07-19 08:51:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The vet cannot force you to do anything unless there is an order from the Courts.

There are lots of reasons that your dog could be aggitated. He could be ill, he could not like his food, he could simply be stressed. Your vet will check him out and advise. If he suggests euthenasia, get a second opinion

2006-07-19 00:17:30 · answer #10 · answered by sahel578 5 · 0 0

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