If you see anything that you truly did not purchase on your statement or online, call you credit card company right away. You can dispute the charges, and they will research them. Keep in mind...DO NOT LIE about this...if you truly made the purchase, don't say that you did not. If they prove you are lying, they can prosecute you, and you will have a very hard time getting another credit card. If you don't have the card on you, and you lost the card, call them now and tell them you lost your card. They will review the last few charges with you, and issue you a new card.
2006-07-18 07:04:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you are suspicious of any transactions you did not authorize. Call your bank and report the card stolen. Identify the transactions you were not responsible for and request a new credit card. They will handle the rest for you. Do this as soon as possible, or you may be liable for some of the fraud since you didn't take reasonable steps to keep an eye on the account.
2006-07-18 06:45:14
answer #2
answered by ZCT 7
A thief doesn't have to have your card to steal your number. Stealing is using your line of credit with out your permission. My suggestion is ask any family member or friend that could have access to your card if they know what the purchases where for. Tell them that something was bought from (insert name of store or website) and you can't remember what it was. See if they know. If none of them have any idea what the items are, then definitely report to your credit card company that your number has been stolen.
2006-07-18 05:32:42
answer #3
answered by bigsmiles 2
You need to call the company and report it as lost/stolen so they can stop future purchases on that card and reissue you a new one. I do not believe they can tell you who did it because obviously they were posing as you, but you shouldn't be held accountable for those purchases
2006-07-18 05:16:29
answer #4
answered by purpleama456 4
Call the credit card company RIGHT NOW.
2006-07-18 05:16:20
answer #5
answered by snvffy 7
I hope you mean the credit card number!! You should be able to fill out an unauthorized credit/debit form with your financial institution to get it resolved if the companies won't help you to resolve it.
2006-07-18 05:22:15
answer #6
answered by shylahnicole 2
it will be your name probably. goes with the card. i would just report it stolen, its free usually to get a new card with differrent acct number
2006-07-18 09:01:51
answer #7
answered by Ricky P 2
they can get you where they shipped the purchased items. you should have checked your credit report more often.
2006-07-18 05:16:26
answer #8
answered by got_deam_munalla 3
you need to call the company and report it immediately.
2006-07-18 05:17:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous