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Meaning, your solution and what to do with the ones the U.S. is helping now, that are not legal citizens.

2006-07-18 04:01:01 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

25 answers

My solution is, start enforcing the law. Not like they did in the 30's or whatever, don't harm a hair on anyone's head, but kindly but firmly start turning people around. Seeking a better life isn't a crime, but when the freeway's full, the cops park across the on-ramp so you can't enter...and the same sort of problem exists now. I also think the border fence needs to go in, and we need to have good talks with mexico and other countries about how to best assist them in meeting the needs of their people(not the rich people, because for too long 'foreign aid' has meant poor people in rich countries sending money to rich people in poor countries) and maybe help them have more schools of their own. I'm sure if you canvas around, you'll find lots of people willing of their own to go and help, as well as send money to Mexico to help. And, Mexico can spend some of their own fortunes on this too, after all this is THEIR people we're talking about...and they can ask for volunteers in their own population, too. It's possible to build Mexico up to where it will be a prosperous country in its' own right, which will let them help their neighbors on down the line, neighbor helping neighbor. What we've got now is a car wreck, and it's not helping anybody, and it's making people mad. A Mexico that can stand on its' own two feet and provide for its' citizens is the best of all possible answers....also, Mexico needs to make an important scientific discovery called 'birth control'. The catholic church needs to stop telling their people to have 10 kids per family or whatever dream story they're handing out these days, I don't know because I never attend church anymore.

Mexico needs to focus on Mexican problems, America needs to focus on American problems, and we'll all get along famously, in my view...

2006-07-18 04:19:30 · answer #1 · answered by gokart121 6 · 1 0

The illegal alien issue is a smoke screen to take people's minds off the real issues facing our nation right now.

Also, by giving the US people a focus for their frustration, intolerance, and fear, the current admin. is able to unite the people against a common "enemy"....the REALITY of the situation on immigration is that the presence of these people is barely noticiable.

Far more damaging to our economy is the fact that High School drop out rates are at an all time high! Instead of blaming people who have come to this country as every other American's ancestors except the NATIVE Americans did, we should be looking at what is REALLY going on in this country. Why aren't people more upset about this drop out rate?! Forget college, the government keeps cutting college money to where it is now impossible to go much past an Associates degree with any kind of assistance at all!!!! And the difference between a High School Grad and a College Grad money-wise is a million dollars in their lifetime!!!! So what about the High School drop out!

Despite what people think, the illegals are NOT stealing jobs from all these High School drop outs! On the contrary, the drop outs end up on some kind of assistance, working multiple low-paying jobs to make ends meet, and worse - find their way into some kind of crime. They have no health, dental, or eye care. They have families but no help to support them, even though they are working hard just like every other citizen. The so-called middle class is a myth at this point - there is the poor class, and there is the working poor class. What we think of as the middle class are people heavily in debt and mortagaged and loaned out. And THAT'S the IDEAL!!! That's the GOAL for all the working poor people - to have enough money to get into debt! It's a travesty.

Meanwhile, the immigrants work crap jobs that most people aren't even aware of. The people that employ them are not choosing between immigrants and citizens! That's a big ol' lie. They are choosing between following the law by hiring people and paying Social Security and other taxes on them, and likely not being in business at all, or by hiring the only workers they can afford and hoping they don't get raided by INS. These are not jobs that are posted anywhere. Officially these jobs don't exist. It's a big lie that places like Walmart and McDonalds hire illegals over other low-wage-earning job applicants. Illegals work under the table and they don't pay taxes because their bosses don't pay taxes!!!

Why is it okay right now to think of people who are born and live just two hours from my home as ALIEN, as OUTSIDE what is NORMAL, as OTHER THAN.....?! When did this become all right?! These are PEOPLE who only want what everyone else wants. The level of anger, fear, and hatred in this country right now is horrific.

2006-07-18 04:31:36 · answer #2 · answered by Happy Guesser 3 · 0 0

In a disturbing trend, state and local governments are devising new and often ineffective ways to crack down on illegal immigrants. This year, more than 500 pieces of immigration legislation have been introduced in state legislatures.

You see the trend in Pennsylvania, where legislators introduced a series of bills that would deny public benefits to illegal immigrants. And you see it in Colorado, where lawmakers have already passed just such a bill, after a special session on illegal immigration. The bill requires anyone seeking state or federal aid in Colorado to verify U.S. citizenship.

And it's happening in Escondido, Calif., where Councilwoman Marie Waldron wants to levy a $1,000 fine on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants. Those who don't pay the fines can be arrested.

There are similar happenings in Hazelton, Pa., where the City Council recently passed an ordinance levying $1,000 fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants.

We get this. We understand that many state and local govenment officials are understandably frustrated with illegal immigration and what they see as the federal government's unwillingness to do anything about it. And we also understand that some of these state and local oficials are tempted to take whatever action they can to remedy the situation at the grass-roots level.

What we don't understand is why these officials can't see that the way to solve the problem is not to persecute illegal immigants by denying them housing, education or medical care. All that does is create a permanent underclass. These people aren't leaving, and, when we cut off vital services, we ensure that they and their children remain at the bottom of the economic ladder, which isn't good for anyone.

We also don't understand why state and local officials think they can get away with trying to usurp the authority of the federal government and try to limit or control immigration. The Framers wisely conceived of a system where only the federal government could regulate immigration policy--along with other tasks such as coining money and making treaties. That system has worked for over 230 years, and it's worth keeping in place for a while longer.

These people always make the same mistake by assuming that illegal immigrants are somehow lured here by the promise of free benefits. There is no evidence of that.

The real magnet is jobs. Show us a state, town, or neighborhood that claims to be overrun by illegal immigrants, and we'll show you a place teeming with people who hire illegal immigrants. If state and local officials want to get tough in a way that may actually solve the problem by depressing the demand for illegal immigrant labor, let them go after employers.

That may not make them popular at election time, since the employers probably own businesses and pay taxes and maybe even contribute to political campaigns. But at least this approach is honest in that it is aimed at those who profit from illegal immigration--namely, the citizens and companies that hire illegal immigrants.

2006-07-18 04:39:28 · answer #3 · answered by Bob 3 · 0 0

the solution is not simple but here it is:

1. amnesty for all people who have lived and worked here for the last 2 years. only those who have been productive citizens will be granted legal status.
2. introduce policy that will create a "worker exchange program". this program will allow employers to hire willing foreign immigrants (while paying taxes of course) to work for a period of two years. if at the end of two years the work is done.... the immigrants can return home... and if more workers are needed contracts can be renewed with good conduct
3. enforce strict penalties for those employers who hire undocumented workers!!! in order to do this we must have a national worker ID card. if everyone in America can get a stupid credit card.... i don't think a national worker ID card will be too hard!!!!!

all this non-sense about enforcing the borders and deporting illegals doesn't do anything to solve the problem of illegal immigration.... and just applies ban aids to the problem!!!!!

2006-07-18 04:37:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As they say Nature shuns vacuum. It is natural that where there is a vacuum winds from all over would rush there . One could control the vacuum created in a science laboratory and that too with great difficulty.Nature will try to rush in through the smallest aperature it finds.

This is the same with migration. A prosperous naion will always attrac immigration. All attempts to regulate it are bound to have limited success.
India has not been able to effectively bloc the illegration from Bangladesh.There is such ethnic,economic and regional similarity inthe population of bothg sides of the boundary that it is very hard to segregate them. In Assam the general apathy of the local residents to do agricultural work has attracted immigration from across the border.There were violent local movement and intensive steps were launched to segregate the Bagladeshis but the job did not make any progress and has now been almost abandoned.

The position with illegal immigrants from Mexico across it is similar.The ethnicity of people on both sides is almost identical and it is difficult to tell one from the other. If you press too hard it may be that even legal immigrants would suffer leading to ill will all round. Since conditions for better employment opportunities obtain in USA the people are bound to be attracted here. It would be better for USA to see its way to absord them in our system.It is not as it were that they are competing with our people in the field of employment. They are usually not that highly qualified.Moreover our local youth is not willing to take up the work and at such low wages which is added reason such immigration should be overlooked.In the Indian context there is at least a secuity consideration. No such contigency exists here.

2006-07-18 04:24:56 · answer #5 · answered by Prabhakar G 6 · 0 0

First, eliminate the incentive, illegal hiring!! Fine those that hire the illegals to the point they stop doing hiring the illegals. Second, there needs to be an "effective" penalty to the word illegal. Otherwise just call them immigrants, a law without a penalty is not a law. Third, Americans need to care enough to hold our elected officials accountable in coming up with a solution. You'll never completely get rid of the problem, but we need to get the best handle we can on a out of control situation. You can't do just one thing, but numerous things in unison.

2006-07-18 04:37:46 · answer #6 · answered by anitahooker_transvestite 2 · 0 0

Let the other countries take some responsibility for their citizenes. By the way, it's not only Mexico people!!!!! USA needs to charge each country for every undocumented worker that comes across. In addition, any hospitalization, incarceration or welfare service that needs to be paid. This way, not only the USA would have to secure the border but Mexico as well. I live by the border and there is no border patrol in Mexico...why? economics, money is being brought back. It's sad to see in those countries the rich continue to be rich and the poor continue to be poor...

2006-07-18 04:52:32 · answer #7 · answered by latina44572002 2 · 0 0

Annex Mexico and make it the 51st state. That would make most of the illegals into legal citizens and they would then have to follow laws of the US including paying taxes, and they would get the same services that we do, including being thrown off the welfare rolls and forced to work or make do without like the rest of us.

2006-07-18 04:17:48 · answer #8 · answered by Mikey S 3 · 0 0

There is no solution to this,theres too many.And think about it,who the hell is going to handle the fields because i've never seen no other race other than mexicans doing that job and i do not think anyone would like to do that kind of job.Just watch "a day without a mexican" and then you'll see what i mean

2006-07-18 05:11:58 · answer #9 · answered by Pammie 3 · 0 0

Firm up the borders. Build a big wall. Staff it with the National Guard. Set a quota and stick to it.

Of course, this will cost a lot moer money than anyone is willing to pay, so it won't happen.

2006-07-18 04:06:37 · answer #10 · answered by X 2 · 0 0

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