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What makes you believe there is actually a God?

2006-07-17 21:12:49 · 32 answers · asked by Ashley T 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

a feeling I have that nobody else can take away from me or judge me on

2006-07-17 21:14:14 · answer #1 · answered by Velociraptor 5 · 0 0

I know there is God and I could go on and on of how I know but I know you don't want a novel for an answer. So I'll answer with this because we as people can't do what we desire. From the time we come into this world some one else is over our lives. We didn't choose our parents we didn't choose where we would live the color of our skin our hair our height. People don't get their way always sometimes they do but not always . You can't control your thoughts are your dreams. You don't even know before hand you have to use the restroom. You have no control who's going to call you are if you'll be late to work or if your company just shuts down and you didn't know. And what about our feelings we as people don't even really control that. You tell me why you can say you love someone so much then you wake up and you just don't love them anymore. Now who willing wants to be the victim of someone cheating on them? No control whould you ever cry if you didn't have to if you had the power. There are so many things that lets me know yes there is God a mighty God who has control over everything. We don't live in a world that's out of order most people just don't understand that everything that happenings has been told to us that it would happen and all the answers are in knowing Jesus and understand His Word The Holy Bible

2006-07-17 22:03:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The way things grow. The way my son was developing within my womb. The way I can't explain how my husband is an integral part of my being - even though I had been married before and that man was not. Because to not believe would be to deteriorate the very foundations upon which the earth's axis turns. Because when I ask his son into my life, and he gave the Holy Spirit as my conscience, there was such a dramatic change in who and what I became, that to deny that would be heresy to my own experience of salvation and to deny the very Christ who gave himself for me. I don't have to believe or wonder or just have faith - I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is God - not a god - but God. It is within me that the knowledge is entrenched, just as having my son was a part of who I am, so is knowing God.

2006-07-17 21:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by dph_40 6 · 0 0

Wow. Are you sure you want someone like me to dive into this one? Because this could take awhile.
The short answer is that I have been witness to irrefutable proof of the existence of God. The long answer...I'd have to get another cup of coffee for. Be right back.
Okay. Deep breath. I have many reasons, but I'll only state the main ones. You ready?
1. Through science. Weird, right? But physics professors have proven that once you break down the components of the human body, we are fundamentally made of sound. Therefore, it was sound that brought us into existence, and it is some sound that will separate spirit from body.
2. The Bible (which is the foundation of my faith) has been used not only for historical reference, but also for archaelogical expeditions. Too many events in the Bible have been proven to not believe in it. For example, scientists discovered petrified trees that had been turned upside-down due to some amazing force. They have since realized that it was caused by a catastrophic flood, which at one point encompassed nearly the whole earth. Sounds like Noah's flood, doesn't it?
There are more secular records of Jesus's life than any other person in history, even Plato. Egypt has records of a Joseph and Mary living there (as it states that they did for the first eight to ten years of Jesus's life in the Bible). Israel also has secular records apart from the Bible that describe a Jesus who lived and was crucified, almost exactly in the method described in the Bible. His tomb has never been found, though the tombs of other "prophets" have been. And they had the body of the prophet within. Not Jesus though.
3. Science again. They have proven that every human was descended from one genetic code. Only evolution has given us different blood types and races. That also holds to Noah's flood. The human race was obliterated in the flood, apart from Noah's family. So once again science proves, rather than disproves, the credibility of the Bible.
I'm one of those people who can't just use "faith" to decide what I believe. I had to have it proven to me, using irrefutable evidence. Such as science.
I have more, but I confess I'm not very coherent right now (still not awake, though it's almost 11 am and I've been up for over three hours). Perhaps I'll find what I'd really like to say later. If not, the reasons I named are the main reasons.
If you don't believe in God, may I recommend a book to you? Not the Bible, lol, but there is a book written by a man who had many doubts. He set out to prove that God didn't exist, and wrote a book about it. The book is called "Evidence That Demands a Verdict", but don't ask me who it's by. I know Amazon has the book, though.
If you do believe in God, or at least the possibility, keep seeking. I sought, and I found. Just keep your mind open.

2006-07-17 21:34:20 · answer #4 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

I see poor people begging in the streets. I see people disabled and suffering. I see a lot of Injustice in the world. I see everything that we build with a lot of effort - breaking up. I see innocent infant children getting killed by Tsunami's, floods and Earth quakes. I see people suffering from hunger - innocent children in Africa and Asia dies off hunger. The world is not fair.

This makes me cry, feel sad and have so much of empathy and love in me for these less fortunate. I don't have faith for a better tomorrow.

If there was a creator God - he should shed more tears than me, have more empathy, sympathy and love for every one of his creations. He will not send Tsunami's to kill innocent infants.

These are some of the small reasons I don't believe in GOD !

2006-07-17 21:51:43 · answer #5 · answered by R G 5 · 0 0

I don't believe God as the body, But I believe God as Love, Knowledge and eternal Soul, Don't you believe that? that is the only truth. (Body has to be destroy and Knowledge remain eternal) Worship God in the form of Knowledge and Love which we can Experience easily.

2006-07-17 21:32:56 · answer #6 · answered by La_Vish 2 · 0 0

Every day is a new beg gin for all of us. Many small and big miracles happened. Such as the birth of a child or the construction of humans,the nature. That are some of the reasons

2006-07-17 21:33:01 · answer #7 · answered by d 2 · 0 0

ur very birth,it will take long time to scientist to make ur clone,but that will not be truely urs,Experience GOD with in u,u love to be within when u will discover the true bliss is very close within u,since GOD is a matter of experience thus cannot be described by any means,how u will describe the unlimited,with limited mind?

2006-07-17 21:26:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well there is nothin that makes us feel that there is actually god.its on u n ur wish that u believe on god or not.its about ur experience.well suppose ur grandfather expired before u were born u havent seen him ever .y do u believe that he was in this world.u havent seen him.is it just bcoz others tell n u have seen his pics,thats not correct.u have also seen gods pics and many say that he is there .than if u believe that ur grndfather is there u have 2 believe that god is there.well i seriously believe that god exixsts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n e way dont believe others just do wat u feel.

2006-07-17 21:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe in God bec. He save me and my Family from near danger
Everytime I ask Him he gives answers through signs
I believe there is God bec. we r here in this world..

2006-07-17 21:19:29 · answer #10 · answered by SHERIEN 2 · 0 0

Because when I was lost in the world, seeking to fill a void in my heart with sex, drugs, alchol and self injury, nothing filled it. When I was depressed, suicidal and tormented by memories of my past, nothing could help. Not the doctors, psyciatrist or any pills they perscribed. And 'religion' didn't help either. Then one day someone introduced me to Jesus, the only way to the Father and I established a relationship with HIm; He took away all my pain, He filled the void and He saved me from my sins and from myself.

2006-07-17 21:40:43 · answer #11 · answered by 4CHRIST 2 · 0 0

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