There is NO comparison. Jesus was created in the womb of a virgin. Muhammad was not.
Jesus was the Son of the Living God - Muhammad was not.
Jesus confessed he was the Son of God - Muhammad denied Jesus was the Son of God and thus in effect called Jesus a liar. God spoke to the people and confessed Jesus was his Beloved Son in whom he was well pleased - Muhammad in effect called God a liar - and in fact said God had no Son.
Jesus performed miracles from God proving he was from God.., as did the Apostles whom Jesus gave that authority. Muhammad nor his followers ever performed one miracle. Muhammad however was big about spouting strange miraculous tales that never happened in history.
Jesus spoke the very words of the Living God. Mohammad only spake the words of the supposed angel Gabriel (but was Satan in pretending to be Gabriel) and did things contrary to the teachings of Jesus WHOM Muhammad told his own followers to listen too -BUT - only what he himself (Mohammad dreamed up).
Jesus died for the sins of mankind in crucifixion - as the last blood sacrifice for sins. Muhammad died an old man, who killed and murdered in the name of his God forcing men to convert to Islam only giving them an option of paying a mob-like protection tax and living as second class slaves or being killed outight.., bringing death behind him - NOT LIFE!
The list goes on and on but let me conclude how Jesus and Muhammad can not be compared......
Jesus ascended into heaven after his death and resurrection - and there are no bones to show contrary. However, Muhammad supposedly ascended into heaven BUT Muslims claim to possess Muhammad's bones.
In short - Jesus was the very expressed representative of God and eternal life. Muhammad was only a representative of himself and what this false Gabriel told him and represented death, pain, misery and left destruction in his wake.
Jesus or Muhammad? The choice is clear. (HINT: the one who did Gods works and miracles and gave life and offered peace)
To Explain the Violent Differences betwen Arab Muslims and Jews seeing both descend from Abraham... read what God says about Ishmael and his descendants...,
GENESIS 16:11-16 ... and pay attention to verse 12
2006-07-17 17:44:18
answer #1
answered by Victor ious 6
It would take along time to completely answer this question. But I will say a few things. The most significant difference with Jesus and not only Muhammad but all walks of religion (i.e Hindu, Buddha, etc.) is the fact that Jesus did not have to go on some spiritual journey or quest to find himself. From the beginning Jesus knew what he was to do on earth and claimed outright that he was God. No other religious leader made such a bold claim. Because of this I think it has made a impact on the way Christians worship and the way the message is carried to the world. As for their deaths, Jesus is not dead and that makes a huge impact on Christianity. God Bless
2006-07-17 17:42:36
answer #2
answered by fwbeer4 2
I will take this as a serious question.
Both Jesus and Mohammad came at a time when the people were confused and ignorant of their spiritual station. Jews followed the law but not the spirit and the Arabs had fallen into idolatry.
Both Jesus and Mohammad had outward limitations that caused people to easily dismiss them. Jesus had no father and was a simple carpenter from Galiee and Mohammad was illiterate and a simple merchant.
Both had inate intelligence and knowledge that allowed them to challenge the leading divines and intellects of their time.
Both claimed to speak only what God (Allah) bade them to speak.
Both taught to the capacity of the people of Their time. Jesus taught with parables and miracles and Mohammad thru laws and stories.
Both were persecuted by the people they came to teach. The Jews denied Jesus a moments peace to even have place to rest His head, while the Clan to which Mohammad belonged rose up against Him with arms, were the last to convert, and continued to persecute His familly after He was gone.
Both abrigated the social laws of the dispensation that proceed them. Jesus changed the laws of marriage and the restated the 10 Commandments as two commandments. Mohammad change the Qiba from Jeruselm to Mecca and established new laws for prayer, fasting, and charity.
Both reconfirmed the spiritual teachings of those who preceded them. Jesus claimed to be Moses returned, and Mohammad confirmed the missions of Moses and Jesus among others.
Jesus remained a rabbi or spiritual teacher, Mohammad became head state of a nation.
Jesus allowed His name to be invoked when seeking the bounties of His Father. Mohammad forbid His name to be used.
Both taught that there is only one God. Mohammad rebuked the Christians for declaring there were three.
Both declared that they fullfilled the prophecies of the past. Both prophecied that another would follow in the future.
The followers of both believe that They will not be superceded. Christians because Jesus is God. Muslims because Mohammad is the Seal of the Prophets.
Both declared that Their word was the path to salvation and that once accepted Their laws should be obeyed.
Both declared that Their mission was universal and for all people but the followers of both have limited Their message to specific peoples and civilizations.
Currently the followers of both have declared doctrine and practices as essential to their faith that prevents their faiths from achieving their universal potential.
I could give more - but this should suffice. The references give a far better discussion of the similarity and station of these two Sons of Man.
2006-07-17 19:00:50
answer #3
answered by Timothy K 2
Short and sweet Jesus was sent as the son of God but he was also GOD. He was the visible imagine of the invisable GOD. He was sent to give GODS message to Mankind. And to die for our sins so we may be saved. Mohammad was a Prophet that wrote things down as he saw them. He should not be worshipped at all. he was not Allahs son he was just a man. Holy to them but not a bit like Jesus Christ. He did not travel far and wide spreading the gospel or even Allahs word. So there is no comparison. Jesus is the Living Savior and will be back to take his faithful home.
2006-07-17 17:30:53
answer #4
answered by soeur_deux_de_ny2005 3
Jesus lived prior to being born and putting on human flesh. Mohammed was born. To go further than that would cause a great backlash that I'm not into entertaining tonight.
Jesus rose again and lives forevermore. He claims and I believe Him to be the Messiah, and True Saviour of the World.
Mohammed died, and many people follow his teachings, many add a twist, get radical and kind of strange.
Many Christians are considered twisted, radical and kind of strange as well.
2006-07-17 17:28:57
answer #5
answered by Wise ol' owl 6
Muhammad did no miracles. He just rewrote the whole Bible and started a whole new 7th century religion. Jesus provided us with salvation and eternal life. There is no comparison between the two. That's like trying to compare aluminum to gold.
2006-07-17 17:29:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Both have fundamentalist freaks making the world a mess in their names. I'm sure both would puke their guts out if they saw what has become of their teaching.
2006-07-17 17:31:30
answer #7
answered by Bad Buddhist 4
both were used by the angel gabriel to cause the great divide of humanity. think about it.
2006-07-17 17:28:02
answer #8
answered by santosh s 4
Well, they both loved children. 9 year old wives, let the children "come" to me. They both preached peace and tolerance and ganja, and the followers of both of them took the message and went bat**** crazy. And, uhhh....their followers have killed jews at one point or another. Yup.
2006-07-17 17:30:07
answer #9
answered by Tarantism 2
Jesus is Alive mohamed is dead
2006-07-17 17:26:13
answer #10
answered by jp 6