i don't know. that's too deep for me to think about tonight. it's after 12.
2006-07-17 17:17:20
answer #1
answered by ♥ Tori ♥ 5
I think the theory of a one world government is the only chance this world has of surviving the next century. What are we fighting for? Borders? What good is fighting for your country if it ends up nuked?
And who is it we're fighting? Other humans. Why are humans from one country better than humans from another? We are all part of one race. The human race.
This doesn't mean that I think we should all be "the same". Differences are great and the world would be boring if we were all the same. All people should be able to practise their own beliefs and traditions, religious or otherwise. But if we were all under the banner of a one world government, who would we have to fight? We would still need policing, mind you. Definitely. But the billions upon billions and billions of dollars spent annually throughout the world on military defense could be drastically reduced, providing basic levels of food, shelter, clothing, health care and education for EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE!
There are enough resources on this planet so that no one should starve to death. Yet each day children starve. Why? Because we "sell" our resources to each other. It is a business. We make money off of it, while children starve or are forced into slavery in parts of the world.
Yes, I know it sounds kind of simplistic and obviously I haven't thought about every detail, but I believe it could work. I don't necessarily think that the U.N. is the the agency to do this though. I think we'd need to start an entirely new agency without the existing politics of the U.N.
2006-07-18 00:26:42
answer #2
answered by LindaLou 7
I do not see any reason why the United States should be in the UN. Remember, the United States did not join The League of Nations, which preceded the UN.
In my opinion, there are several reasons why the US does not belong in the UN. First of all, the UN never seems to solve anything. The UN has talked about peace in the Middle East, but has done nothing but talk. Since both the Arab States and Israel are vocal members, nothing will ever happen; "battle lines" are drawn, accusations are hurled, and nothing happens.
Secondly, the US foots most of the bill for the UN. Without our money, the UN would go the way of the League of Nations. By the way, the League of Nations also accomplished nothing.
Thirdly, most of the third world nations consistently vote against anything the West, especially the United States, suggests. That anti-American, anti-West bias guarantees that nothing that the West and America wants will happen.
Fourthly, though I cannot prove it conclusively, I believe that the UN provides other nations a wonderful opportunity to spy on the US. Yes, everyone spies; but do we have to invite into our country to spy?
2006-07-18 00:32:30
answer #3
answered by Don H 3
The UN represents a try for something better and it should not be abandoned. Even when things get bad and it does not function well the nations of the world should keep trying. Hold up the standard so to speak.
The U.N. Is not world government. Far from it. It is rule by consensus (except for the Security Council). It is partly charitable organization and partly a place to exchange views and dialogue. Its value is incalculable. Even at the worst of times there is still a forum for people to be heard. Sometimes that is enough to prevent conflict. It is also a great way for people to make idiots out of themselves and be forced into change. Like the USSR or South Africa. Having your actions examined by your peers is always good. Even if some of your peers are evil, on the whole it balances out and the greater good is served. A problem brought to the light is a problem eventually fixed. It must be preserved.
If you are afraid of world government, look to the WTO. All those free trade agreements are about shifting economic power away from nations and into the hands of business. Ultimately this means investment houses who control the corporations call all the shots. Or something like that. Follow the money :-)
2006-07-18 00:32:02
answer #4
answered by Michael 3
Actually that is part of the purpose of the U.N. To bring all of the countries together. People are always complaining about hunger in the world, about wars, about dictatorship. The U.N. is a barrier to try to help to keep peace around the world, sadly it is conflicted cause there are still to many different types of government. But the question become this when the world is not enough, when we have to move to another planet or when we finally find that other life out there, who is going to represent all of humanity? Each country will want claim, but what if we had a person picked by all the countries to represent us. And each country was like a state, and people worked and lived together around the world. A dream yes, but a possible one. I think it is great and all countries should belong to it.
2006-07-18 00:25:19
answer #5
answered by Artistic Prof. 3
Yes I have heard of this one world government. The European Union is increasing with power, they own the U.N., and if the U.S. joins the UN then that would comprimise our rights. Our armed forces would be under the controll of other nations, our laws and constitution would be changed and eventually as the European Union gains power, the idea of one world government, one world leader, one world religion, one currency, one constitution would gain popularity, and it will happen, they will elect a world leader. You could imagine him becoming corrupt with power and it would be terrible.
This senario is completely plausible, you don't even have to believe in what the Bible says about the end times to think that this could happen.
But the Bible says, in Revalation, that a world leader will rise up out of Europe, and make every man woman and child wear a "mark" on their right hand or forehead, in order that they may buy, sell, or trade. The mark has either the world leaders name or the number of his name.
His number is 666.
What do you think this mark will be?
Probably a computerchip with GPS and personal information. the #666 will probably be downloaded into the chip.
I saw on TV the other day a computerchip being implanted into a amns hand between the thumb and index finger. For the purpose of unlocking doors that have sensors on them, and traking the individual via GPS.
The forehead and the hands have the perfect body temperature for computerchips and are the most ideal locations for this type of device.
The Bible says that anyone who recieves the mark, by choice, their soul is cursed, because you will have the oppertunity to refuse and if you do then you die. But you will not lose your soul, if they are saved.
I believe that this will one day happen, and that we are in the end times before Jesus returns.
The Bible says that the world leader aka antichrist will be very very popular, almost in a seductive sense, he will have control over the entire earth and everyone will love him, but he is evil and totally currupt. He will declare himself god. He will be allied with Satan and will promote a fake peace between Muslim countries and Israel that is supposed to last 7 years, but will only last 3. He will bring all the nations against Israel and WW3 will begin at a place called Armagedon or Meggido.
But he will lose and be destroyed when Christ comes back on that day. Israel will be saved. and there will be peace under Jesus rule for 1,000 years.
according to the Bible.
Hey it's happening all around us. The stage is set. the Antichrist is alive and well waiting in the shadows before he comes to power.
This senario is not as far fetched as it used to be, it is completely plausible and I believe that it will come true.
For more read the book of Revalations in the Bible at the very back, it is the last book in the Bible.
2006-07-18 00:46:21
answer #6
answered by Mr. Agappae 5
The UN is a waste of our time and tax dollars. We should move the whole thing to France and get out altogether. The UN is the basically (for lack of a better term) a whore house with people using their authority to make money. They have done nothing to help out the people that need helping and stand idly by when serious crimes against humanity are being committed. Somalia - where were they? Iraq and the inspections - again, nothing. N. Korea - nothing. so what purpose is there? Think of what nations are part of the Human Rights commission - Iran??? China?? It is time to get it out of the US and put it somewhere else where we, the taxpayers of the US don't have to fund it any longer.
2006-07-18 00:21:34
answer #7
answered by bigej65 3
I truly hope the US will be out of the UN for a long time.
The UN uses diplomacy as its biggest weapon to solve problems in this world, The UNHCR, Unicef, the WTO all follow that same principle and have managed to solve many problems in this world.
The US however, maneges brilliantly to make problems bigger, to make problems escalate into wars, to use brutal force as a manner to show people what 'freedom' is.
Since Bush is in office he manages to disagree with almost everything the world reached at least some consencus on. Environmental-agreements succeed merely because the UN exists. Bush is against it. The world-order we established today is the success of the UN. The US always manages to ruin that world-order.
The US even tricked the world into agreeing with a war in Iraq, by simply lying to the UN. Publicly! It's insane.
Of course, today the US is the world-leader when it comes to military power. It's sad to see that same power being used against anyone or anything that disagrees with the US.
Bush has a long road ahead of him, in learning what the word diplomacy means.
2006-07-18 00:47:15
answer #8
answered by Thinx 5
Well, I think the US will be staying in the UN for quite some time since (as I read it somewhere) it saves them money! No you wouldn't believe.
But when you look at the facts, Clinton sent 20000 troops to Haiti to bring Aristide back in 1994. With the war in Iraq going on, in 2004 (ten years later, I guess we never learn....) they first sent us (Haitian), multinational forces then a few thousand UN troops. So even with the US being the biggest contributor to the UN they save up a lot of money when the UN replaces the US at the job since UN troops costs much less then US troops.
2006-07-20 09:55:33
answer #9
answered by mjasmin_ht 4
Well it is a good question. The UN set out to mandate international laws. It has largely become a farce, because funding is their main goal.
They do not get serious with violations by super powers therefore - "the" UN is not serious about international laws when funding is used to sway decisions.
I think there is far too much corruption at the UN also. So the answer to your question is - not - if the United States can't follow international laws and especialy the Antartic treaty and the 1972 test ban treaty.
2006-07-18 00:24:38
answer #10
answered by firstamendmentpress 1
I'm not for or against us being in the UN because if you have noticed we don't really listen to what they say anyway. :) However, I am sure the UN could have something to do with the One World Government the Anti-Christ sets up in the last days. HOWEVER, we all have to realize (or at least those who believe) that it will happen whether we want it to or not. So, all we can do is try and make good decisions and let God do his thing.
2006-07-18 00:19:48
answer #11
answered by ???? 3