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I read questions like if the word or god is perfect, why there ar so many versions of it? Some people say something like: don't listen to others, see what god is telling you. Personally I think this is a big load of C.R.A.P. because everybody who think that god is speaking to him/her is actually a schizophrenic. Catholic church "listened" to god and burned the scientist of thier time, "night of St.Bartholomew" catholics killed protestans, on TV there are funddamentalists who say something like:"god be praised because he killed muslims in tsunamis" , god told christian to go in crusades and kill muslims, allah (another god) tell to kill "infidels" bible and quaran is full of nonsense people did becasue "god told them so" and so on and so forth. So, what exactly is the "perfection" of "god's word" if not what people think and then tell that "god told them so"? I hate any religion and any god for it seems that the end of world will be due to the religious fanatics who tell "god is peace"

2006-07-17 16:42:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

*laughing* GOD also told George W. Bush to invade Iraq remember? And we can see where that is getting us.

So is GOD a GOD of peace for any religion? No *laughing* obviously not.

Something else you should add to that is why is it that when a natural disaster happens, people start saying its GODS retribution cause he is mad at us. O my, well I guess he is a cold blooded killer then. If fits one of the many profiles of a serial killer as a matter of fact. Before you ask yes I am an atheist, yes I tried christianity, and yes I decided that it systematically makes zero sense.

2006-07-17 16:50:46 · answer #1 · answered by trevor22in 4 · 2 1

It sounds like you have a bible.
Read the first chapter of John over and over again
Jesus is The Word and He is perfect
The Word is more powerful than a two edged sword (Heb ch 4)
The Word returns unto God and He performs it.
The Word has power to change your life
The bible was written and translated but if you take the time with a proper concordance, dictionary and KJV bible you can dig in and translate yourself.
God does not advocate for fighting and death - people use Him as an excuse and let me tell you they will regret it.
Let the Word be perfected in you and change you into the image of His dear Son.
Relationship is what it is all about between Him and you. He wants you and He is the Word, let Him get in you by reading His word and His word will change your life ! :) Do not get bogged down by what others are doing, on judgment day it will be just you and HIM. :)

2006-07-17 16:51:04 · answer #2 · answered by LRB B 2 · 0 0

People are goofy, they say stupid things. Don't let the stupid things that they say make you believe that God thinks the way that they do. The tv fundimentalists are mostly bigots. Don't let them convince you that most people think the way they do. They are a tiny minority. They make a lot of noise so it seems like they are the majority. They are not.

The vast majority of the people in the world are loving and compationate. Don't let the hate mongers convince you that everyone thinks like bigots, they don't.

As for the idea that anyone who talks to god is skitzo. Don't believe this. It is a lie made up by orgainsed religion to discredit those who can do this. Get a copy of the course in miracles it is a manual that can teach you how to do this. Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.

2006-07-17 16:54:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God speaks through angel and His Prophets. There're no different versions when God sent his message. The vested people made them so. And there were slight variations in some particular Commands it was so because each Prophet was assigned his mission to a particular people and region. The Last Messenger of God, was given the Message for whole humanity and all times to come. It enjoins in it all the relevant things brought by earlier Messengers plus such message, which would be universal and good for all times. Any variation within it is man-made, who interpreted it in their own words.

2006-07-17 16:51:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow what a packed questions. Lets see. God does speak to us. We just are not intune with his channel. However as to speaking to those that are schozophrienic that is mostly dogma. It is not God speaking, it is what they have head or read and then their minds believe it to be god. Not so.

As to the Catholic's burning the scientist of yore, well it certainly was NOT God speaking to them, it was some set of priest that felt if the scientist might be right then they, the church would lose power over them, the masses. Once again you are talking about dogma, or doctrine not of God, this is to be held true of the cursades, but then again the crusades were actually entered upon orginally to protect the christians as they made the journey to the holy land, of which they at that time controled and had for about 200 years or so, they the Crusaders were protecting the traveling christains from them, the muslims.

Now to the muslims, dogma is the mouth piece of God is mohamud, oh, my once again dogma, doctrine of one individual at the begining and then like most religions, many mouths to speak what God is saying to move the masses by force and to protect their power.

You can hate whom you wish and what you wish, but the truth lies in the fact that it is NOT God which spoils the earth and mankind, it is man and his hatred of God, and the control of men and mankind for their own power.

God is Love, God does speak to you and all of us, you just dont want to hear what he has to say because it requires something of yourself greater than the sum total y ou see now. It requires you to actually live UP to something outside yourself. It requires you to think for yourself and act according to a just and mericful set of laws and rules that not just benifit you but the entire world. That is hard. So, you can hate, you and do what you want but you now fall into camp of those that can be lead like cattle to the slaughter.

God loves you! This you will find out sooner or later, makes no difference to Him for you and He have eternity.

2006-07-17 17:00:46 · answer #5 · answered by kickinupfunf 6 · 0 0

This may come as a shock to many. All those gods from all those beliefs or religions , the christian god too, are beings of another dimension. Because they are of another dimension, they appear celestial to us from our physical perspective. We've had our freedom of spirit cut off for many generations. Religion (I mean no offence to anyone) is the most massive mind control technique. People think (like many questions on here) so fearfully. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Mankind is awakening, that is why there is so much chaos at this time. Once we're through the roughest of it, we'll be a society of freedom, total mind freedom.

2006-07-17 17:03:08 · answer #6 · answered by Roxw 2 · 0 0

Interestingly enough, the word "religion" does not appear in the Bible. It is word that is applies to a set of beliefs and practices which may or may not be in accordance with God's will. I too am outraged of all the attrociticies done in the name of God, by all factions and faiths.

This is not and never was in God's plan for mankind. The enemy of God is Satan, it is he that is responsible for the desctruction and the misguidance of mankind (it started in the Graden of Eden).

To say that God has spoken to me or told me that I (or we) must do these terrible things is a direct contradiciton to God's law.

In the days of Moses and Abraham, of Isaac and Ishmael, the prophets and holy men of God, there were ture prophets and false prophets. God spoke to them either directly or through the prophets.

In modern times, God's can speak to you through Scriptutre and sometimes by words of common people. provided that it does not contradict God.

Religous zealots (extremists) were alive and well in Jesus' time (Barabbas was jailed as a terrorist). What you see today, and in centuries past) is political struggles and man's ambition, pride, and greed, who force there respective views and beliefs on other societies. God never uses force, nor does He want anyone to die (Matt 18:14 "'Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.'")

Take heart my friend, God suffers along with us, but He will not put up with this forever (Gen 6:3 "And the LORD said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man")

2006-07-17 17:04:39 · answer #7 · answered by emjaymuir 2 · 0 0

Humans are pretty curious and when they don't have an answer to a question like.....say how we got here......they make one up. Religion is like an elaborate fairy tale for adults. I mean telling people there is no God is like telling people there is no Santa. They don't want to believe, but unlike the Santa case, there is no proof that God isn't real. Just speculation.

2006-07-17 16:47:36 · answer #8 · answered by WILSON 3 · 0 0

I communicate to god extremely lots. I requested him how Elvis became doing and to furnish him my ideal regards. God stated positive ingredient brother i am going to let him understand once he comes out of McDonalds. God doesn't communicate to absolutely everyone because he does no longer exist. it is your concern of the unknown, concern of demise and yearning for immortality that makes you imagine this ingredient exists. Do you've faith in Zeus? to those who do you're to them an atheist.in case you've been born in Baghdad or Tehram you could be a muslim. In Japan a zen Buddhist. the most violent international places are the most non secular. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern eire, Mexico and the USA of a. faith is only a spritual narcotic designed to boring the senses to an unjust and vicious international. once you next communicate to him are you able to ask him why he made one of those undesirable interest of starting to be the international with its tsaunamis, earthquakes, floods. How about the Black demise what did he do to provide up it or the holocaust and far better. Your prisons are finished of religious nutters.

2016-12-01 19:51:12 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

heh....same ehre....I think that those fanatic religious people often seem to do more harm than they do good.....like in the situation of Israel right now is 'coz the Muslims and Christians are saying things like:
"Allah says Israel is an unholy place!Let us make them meet their maker!"
"God says that the unholy ones are those who do not accept his teachings!"
kinda one-sided,doncha think?

2006-07-17 16:48:36 · answer #10 · answered by Blue-Love-Sky 1 · 0 0

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