do something and do it soon, or you will have a 3 year old that whines all the time, which is even less charming than a 2 year old whining. We are finally breaking our 3 and a half year old of his constant whining...I would love to say that I came up with the solution, but it was my sister that had the answer. When my son starts to whine, we stop him immediately often by gently placing a hand on his head or shoulder, and we say, "take a deep breath, it will make you feel better...Now you are ready to talk." It works. He feels like we understand he is upset, and we are offering him a solution without scolding him for whining, if when he starts to talk again he is still whining we stop him again, and have him take another deep breath, and again until he talks in his normal voice...I feel for you, and I hope this simple solution works for you too.
2006-07-17 15:19:18
answer #1
answered by Amber S 1
I'm sorry that spanking is not an option b/c it works. However, I have also used, "Go to your room to whine b/c I don't want to hear it." She does and then comes out when she's "done". My dd is 2 too. However, screaming/yelling is NOT an option while whining..she gets a spanking for that. That's throwing a fit and not allowed.
2006-07-17 22:19:11
answer #2
answered by SAHM2_1B_1G 3
Ignore his request when he wines, tell him that if he talks in a big-boy voice that you will listen. If he still wines, tell him you cannot listen when he is whining. Tell him you understand he is upset/angry/frustrated (whatever applies) but that he has to talk in a normal voice if he wants you to listen. I don't mean ignore him entirely, just ignore his request. This will require a lot of patience, but he does this for attention, and it will work. A couple of weeks should break him of the habit. If you still have to say "no" to his request after he has asked in a normal voice, tell him "thank you for asking in a big-boy voice, but you cannot have this right now" (don't give him any complex reason or explanation) If it causes him to start whining again tell him that he will get a time-out. This only works if you do it correctly. For great tips, check out the website below...
2006-07-17 21:10:02
answer #3
answered by Sara B 4
Talk to your son.
Tell him that whining will get him no where with you and that is not the way to get what he wants from you. Make him calm down and then tell him to ask for waht he wants without whining. If this doesn't work just know that it is a faze. Whatever you do never let him get his way when he is whining.
2006-07-17 21:55:29
answer #4
answered by s. life 2
I ignore whinning. It drives my kids nuts when they asked for something in a whine and get no answer. Extreme patience is called for with this though. Sorry. You get a lot more whinning before it gets better. Good Luck.
2006-07-18 10:15:48
answer #5
answered by Sarah J 3
Explain to him the difference between whining and a big boy voice. Then when he starts whining tell him you only listen to big boy voices. Ignore him until he changes his voice.
2006-07-17 21:12:00
answer #6
answered by teach 2
Give him nothing he whines for!! Tell him he must say "please" before he can get his juice- or whatever. BE CONSISTANT!!!!!!! Really- give him NOTHING he whines for!! If he can't talk, do sign language. It works for us. (whinning is one of my biggest pet peeve- if I detect any whinning at all, I will give my other 2 kids the treats, and tell that one "no treat because you whinned"- they get the hint in a hurry-
2006-07-18 08:14:02
answer #7
answered by Miss America 4
I agree with the others...ignore it! I have been through the same with my son, and he is almost 4 and still tries to whin to either get his way or just to get attention..even if it is bad attention they want it
2006-07-17 21:58:52
answer #8
answered by jenlew73 2
only respond to him when he uses his big boy voice then reward him to get my 22 month old niece to stop whinning i made her a chart when uses her voices she can color it or use stickers on it then i reward her for being a big girl
2006-07-17 21:41:35
answer #9
answered by eyes_kitty_green 3
ignore, bribery, or talking to him (not nag).
2006-07-17 21:09:28
answer #10
answered by Pearlz 3