yeah thats crazy. she should chill out. stalking boys is never normal..or making your boyfriends bleed and laughing. you should just..grow more distant and maybe move away.
2006-07-17 13:06:08
answer #1
answered by kat 1
Yes this is normal behavior for FOOLS,
She threw a glass at u and hit u with leaving u to bleed she thinks it's funny, she sitting there watching u as u sleep not saying a word, she tells u that she will poke ur eyes out if u cheat on her and calls u 5 times a day to ask what ur doing?
Do u see a problem here sweetie? Ur g/f/ is a nut who has a temper a BAD temper and she could do worst. U should dump her and have paper put out on her in case she trys something ( which I wouldn't put it past her) U know this is not how a relationship works. So what if she's pretty she's still has issues of which she needs to get help for, if it u were doing it to her I bet she'd call the police. So why shouldn't u do the same for ur own safety,she's a nut sweetie and if she does this to u think of what she'd do to others, when u out and some girl looks at u
U need to dump her b 4 she dumps u in a hospital or grave.
Why are u still with a person like this ( because she's pretty) thats silly, she's deadly, dump her crazy a$$
this is a big world she's not the only pretty girl
2006-07-17 13:21:17
answer #2
answered by 6
Clearly some psychological assistance is needed. I would've understood the whole calling thing-my ex nearly did the same- as merely being insecure. However the repeated violence and threats of suggest that there is something seriously wrong.
My first question would be whether or not you have discussed your feelings about her behavior with her. She may be unaware that you are being weirded out. Communication is key, after all.
After thtat if she is still continuing this erratic behavior I would speak to her family members and friends to see if this is a one time problem or a recurring issue. Perhaps they would know of a solution and could possibly stage an intervention if needed.
Last piece of advice: If all else fails and you decide to break it off, make sure that it is in a public place and be sure to have friends nearby in case of emergency. Alert the authorities if you're worried about your safety.
I wish you the best of luck.
2006-07-17 13:09:26
answer #3
answered by Brian C 1
RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, ok...I understand. Tell her you do not want to be in an abusive relationship and that is abusive in no uncertain terms. There were signs, but the "lovemaking" got in the way...let's call it what it was--SEX! NO lovemaking does this! YOU have to be in love to make love. MANY TIMES we allow SEX to begin the relationship instead of PEOPLE. We see signs, but we keep on, thinking it is something else. Thinking with the wrong brain never works. Next, do not show your intimidation to her. She is used to scaring men into being with her. Obviously, this is not new to her. I guess she thinks her body has "hooked" you. OR you have "put it on her" so well that she does not want to give it up. YOU GO BOY>..LOL...just trying to make you smile. ...Anyway...
Be very careful and also something I did to my ex boyfriend who was never physically abusive, but he was emotionally and verbally abusive and a stalker---I gave him time to hang himself. IN other words, those types are usually ones who will understand if they do something stupid and always accuse you, even if it is a friend. SO be careful, but tell her things you will break up over (choose some she does ) and the next time she does it-tell her "girl I am really not playing. If you do that again, I am out"...Then mean it and get other family members on your side. Let her know someone else is watching out for a suttle way. When that happens, and it will......RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (stop sexing her so much and so good. A woman becomes connected in sex)
2006-07-17 13:14:09
answer #4
answered by L B 2
She sounds like she has an emotional or mental problem. I am not being sarcastic, this is a very serious thing. This will only get worse..I know from experience. It is NOT your responsiblity to fix her either. You may feel as though you want to take care of her and that you can changer her, but this is not your responsiblity, nor is it something that you are qualified to address. I would urge her to get some counseling, and tell her that you care about her, but if she doesn't go get some help, that you are gone. And then MEAN it. It is the best thing for her and for you.
2006-07-17 13:07:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
get a restraining order after you gently explain that you are not interested in her anymore, people like this can make you lose your job, friends, and sense of sanity you may have. She is already doing very scary things and they may or probably will get worse. Just because she is pretty doesnt mean anything, ever heard the phrase "looks can be deceiving".... Run as fast as you can and get away before she starts destroying every fiber of your being and everything around you she sounds like she needs some help, counseling maybe, but dont stick around for that, just get out as gently as you can....
2006-07-17 13:15:06
answer #6
answered by rottie110 3
That's no way to live. Do you want to be afraid to go to sleep every night? You need to ask her why she behaves this way. Part of it seems like she had someone cheat on her in the past and she can't handle going through that again. I'm going to be very honest and sorry to say this but she sounds like she's part psycho. While your bleeding she's laughing? You can't be with someone like this forever. If you have to get a restraining order then you have to get a restraining order.
2006-07-17 13:10:27
answer #7
answered by JanLeo 3
I'm sorry, all I can do is laugh. Looks like you've gotten yourself into a tizzy. Tell her straight out that she is scaring the crap out of you. You would never do anything to hurt so why does she think that. AND tell her you WILL call the police if she ever throws anything at you again. You are not a punk for calling the police when your safety is at risk.
Is this story even true?
2006-07-17 13:08:23
answer #8
answered by shakia27 4
This chick has lost it I would have split after the throwing of the glass. I would find her some help and seek out a restraining order on her. Watch your back.
You might want to watch Fatal Attraction and that is just some of what to expect if you don't go NOW.
2006-07-17 13:09:37
answer #9
answered by railcar_exp 4
Well the first thing you should've done is thrown a glass BACK at her. She put herself in a man's shoes after all by throwing it at you in the first place. Seriously, it gave me chills reading what you wrote. This girl needs some help for real and you need to stay away from her. Is she young, older? What age group?
2006-07-17 13:07:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
ok, for real. this girl has some trust issues. if she is following you to work and spying on you, and tells you that if you ever cheat on her she will hurt you. has she been hurt before? she has some emotional insecurities, something has happened to her in the past. i understand that you are scared for your life, but don't run, help her get past or through whatever the problem is. she will thank you for it later, and you won't have to worry about being threatened again after making love!
2006-07-17 13:11:28
answer #11
answered by Anonymous