OK - I don't know. But I did find a website in which Wendy Campbell claims to have researched the issue, but she also doesn't know! Here is the entire page (but click on the link I pasted in the source section, because there are a few links near the top of that page that you might want to read):
By: Wendy Campbell © 2003
E-mail: joyconference @ hotmail.com
Web Site: JoyConference.com | JoyMinistry.com | MinistryOnline.org
God has a specific purpose and plan of great revival and harvest for many regions around the world. His desire is the fill the earth with His glory and to answer the prayer, "On earth as it is in heaven." The Joy Conference is an event which seeks the manifested presence of God through whole-hearted prayer, praise, and prophetic worship. We believe that these worship conferences are ordained by God for this place and time, not only for the benefit of the church, but for the benefit of this region and the country.
This area is geographically part of the heart of America- a stronghold! This is a strategic moment in our history to ask God not only to move powerfully in our region, but also to heal the heart of America through it. From the Trail of Tears, to the American Civil War, to the Civil Rights Movement, to the Presidency it is time to see a new era arise from the heart of God to the heart of the church to the heart of America! Everyone attending this conference is here for a time such as this. We are all are part of the bigger picture of countless people, churches, and ministries all praying for God to be the God of America again!
When the Lord called my husband and I to move to this area we were in Israel making plans to live there long term. We were both surprised when the Lord called us back to the U.S. and to Fayetteville, Arkansas. Promptly, we made NW Arkansas our ministry and church headquarters. Shortly after we moved here I received a letter from a friend, which read:
In May 1986 Brother Paul Crouch, president of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) in Southern California confirmed a Word of Prophecy given by Sister Corrie Ten Boom on their televised program back in 1980. Looking directly into the T.V. cameras, she said, “The Lord has told me that the center of the Christian movement in the United States will begin in Northwest Arkansas.” Turning to Brother and Sister Crouch, she asked, “Where is Arkansas?”
A year or so later, Sister Corrie came to visit Arkansas. Members of Eureka Springs’ Great Passion Play said she was standing in a field North of Harrison and in her spirit saw angels with drawn swords five deep as far as her spiritual eyes could see protecting Northwest Arkansas. This is a rhetorical question, but is it possible these angels are in readiness for the saints of God to release them through prayer, in one accord, to do spiritual warfare with the unclean spirits assigned to this territory by satan? Eph. 6:12
I published this letter as shown above in a previous version of this article. I have revised this article to share my findings and insights regarding the letter. I believe in truth and I believe in speaking the truth and I believe in sharing the truth. This letter inspired me as I know it has inspired many, so I shared it with great excitement. Yet, I have come to a place where checking the validity of such a document is not only prudent, but also imperative. I believe in the life and works surrounding Evangelist Corrie Ten Boom and I would not in any way seek to discredit her or to publish information that was false.
In checking things out I found that there are three words floating around Christian circles in this region. One is that Corrie was on TBN as documented above. The second that she was in Eureka Springs as documented above. And thirdly, that Sister Corrie was flying in a plane over the region and said something to the effect that the spirit of the Lord was over this region and that it would become a place of refuge.
Was Sister Corrie on TBN and did she say what the letter records? So far, after several attempts to verify this claim, I have come up empty handed. I was told by a reputable source who also attempted to research this claim that TBN had a fire in which many tapes were destroyed, including the time which Sister Corrie's interview was recorded. I was also told by another somewhat reliable source that a letter was written to Paul Crouch in the 70's asking him if he remembered this event. He supposedly replied that the video had been taped over, but outlined the interview in his letter. How could he write about the interview in the 70's when the letter above claims the interview was in the 80's? This letter was said to have been published in one of the issues of the Agape Love Messenger in 1985. The Agape Love Messenger, a local Christian news publication, went out of business. The founder and editor is no where to be found so therefore no verification could be made. I am not able to locate anyone who has the copy of that article which claimed to have researched the facts. The letter to Paul Crouch, which my source claimed to once possess could no longer be found so I could not verify this letter ever existed. Recently, a request was made of TBN by a very reputable and prominent organization to search again for any record of Sister Corrie's interview. After searching, TBN was unable to verify such events. Furthermore, the letter stated that Sister Corrie was on the program in 1980. Sister Corrie died three years later in 1983. While she did move to California in 1977, she became paralyzed in 1978 due to a stroke. According to the Billy Graham Center Archives of Wheaton, Illinois, "The next year she suffered a stroke and, although she made some recovery, she lost her power of speech and of most movement. She continued, through the assistance of Rosewell, Lotte Reimeringer, and other helpers, to respond to some correspondence." So how is it that she was interviewed in in 1980 as the above letter states?
An interesting note is that there was another letter written by a John Brown University Professor in the late 70's asking the Corrie Ten Boom Foundation about such an interview in the early 70's. The foundation responded that such claims could not be verified. This however does show that such claims were made in the 70's. Perhaps the letter above that I received misprinted the dates. The copy of the above letter I received did not include a source or copyright information; no author with which to confirm such claims or misprints.
As for the second and third claims, I have contacted several ministries in the region who know of the rumor that Corrie Ten Boom was actually in this area, either in the 70's or 80's. I was told that these same ministries published verifiable facts regarding Sister Corrie's visit to this area. In speaking with key people in these ministries, such as the Eureka Springs Great Passion Play, Billye Brim Ministries, Sister Gwen Shaw (End-Time Handmaidens), and New leaf Press, I have found that none of them can tangibly verify any claims in the letter above nor have they published any prophetic words by Sister Corrie in regards to this region. In fact, gaining insight from some of these sources has made me come to think that Corrie was never physically in this region at all, ever.
The three different claims about Corrie Ten-Boom and the NW Arkansas region have not yet been conclusively proven to be true or false.
While I seek to find ways to encourage the body of Christ and work to see the glory of God manifested in this area, I cannot with good conscience claim the letter to be true or claim that Sister Corrie said such things. I do believe that God has a plan for this area and I do believe that God's plans begin inside every believer willing to follow Him. If we will align ourselves to God's agenda, we will see great things come forth in this region. Believing in the truth and seeking truth and searching for truth is the only way we will become free.
One of the things I have seen inspired through this letter in some people and ministries both large and small that come to this area is that they are "The One," who Sister Corrie was speaking of to bring about this prophetic word. I believe this is prideful error and advise caution. We are, catalysts, encouragers, sparks who carry the flame, but there is no such thing as the sole person or sole ministry who will be glorified as bringing about such a work in this area. To God be the glory. Whether Sister Corrie said such things or not, God does have something great for this area. It's not coming from those who think they are, "The One," but will come from those who seek, "The One who is Jesus."
Most Christians who have heard this word believe the word. I think this is because reputable ministries and ministers are repeating it over and over again. Yet I think there is something more to this, I think there is something inside them which tells them that God does have something great for this area. I also think God does have something wonderfully planned for this area and I know it in my spirit and not because someone famous has or hasn't said so.
From one of Corrie Ten Boom's many famous quotations, "Faith is like radar that sees through the fog - the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see." From these words I find a greater strength to encourage the Christians of this region to see beyond the fog of these claims and to follow the Holy Spirit, God's radar, to the reality of His plan for this area.
2006-07-20 01:35:58
answer #1
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6