"getting" a pet is usually the cheapest part. We have had luck with adopting from shelters and rescuing strays. When I say luck, I mean that the cats have been healthy and lived a long time.
Check with your local vet of clinic and they will be able to give you an estimate of health care costs. We have lived in different parts of the country and it can really vary. The vet cost is usually the most expensive. Litter and food is usually easy to fit into a budget and you don't really need "toys" from a store. Cats usually find there own things to play with.
2006-07-17 05:11:31
answer #1
answered by avonez 2
There are many good answers but I'd like to add a few more pointers. First, I'd recommend getting a consultation with a veterinarian to make sure that a cat is right for you. He/she will be able to give you some pointers in selecting the right pet.
Second, purebred cats are wonderful, but they often come at a higher cost and may even come with their own hereditary problems! Make sure to research the genetic lines. If breed isn't important, than I'd highly recommend going to the local shelter and adopting from there. There are many high quality cats (and dogs) that need good homes.
2006-07-17 06:26:19
answer #2
answered by hiker798 1
It just depends. If you get a free kitten or if you buy a purebred, or adopt one from a shelter. There is cheap food for like 3 bucks a bag, to expensive food that is 15 or more a bag. Litter pans can be 3 dollars to over a hundred. The advantages of getting a cat from a shelter is they have had their first shots and have probably been fixed. Breeders also usually get the first shots for the kittens and guarantee health.
2006-07-17 04:57:40
answer #3
answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7
It depends on the type of cat. If you choose to get a Ragdoll, for instance, it could be about $1,000. However, you can adopt at shelters/humane societies for generally a nominal fee. There may also be ads in your local paper for "free kittens." Of course, if you get a kitten, there will be the cost of shots and getting it fixed. Generally, though, if you're not picky about the type of cat, it's all pretty inexpensive.
2006-07-17 04:57:41
answer #4
answered by Kiki 6
I would advise you to get your cat from a shelter or rescue centre, where you donate however much you can. This means that not only are you giving a homeless cat a new and loving home, but you also pay money that will go to a good and honest cause.
2006-07-17 12:44:04
answer #5
answered by AI000 2
cats price range is about 20-200 dollars for a breed-ed one you know the really expensive pretty cats like you see on t.v. but where i live you can look on the news paper and like in the classified advertising where all the help wanted stuff at they usually have a pet part on there and they have FREE adorable kittens to a good home!you should try that and get a free one.
Good Luck!!!!!!!
2006-07-17 05:10:34
answer #6
answered by @$h1ey 2
Im sure you could get a kitty for free, since there are allot of ignorant people in this world who arent responsible enough to have their pets spayed or neutered.
Check the free section in the newspaper.
2006-07-17 08:01:03
answer #7
answered by Katz 6
it deepends on the breed they sell alot of them at no cost if they don't have a good breed.But if they do any where from 75-500 dollors.
2006-07-17 04:59:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It depends on the breed
2006-07-17 04:56:09
answer #9
answered by oriental_dr 3
it depends.
the breed and if you get it from a shelter or breeder. if you get it from a shelter or rescue group, it's usually cheaper (i think) because they don't do it for profit.
2006-07-17 07:18:31
answer #10
answered by twinklee_x3 3