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Why do men have to work and women don't? I know this is not it is in every case, but the majority of the time, all women, is spend 30 minutes a week cleaning, and they spend the rest of the time sleeping, and complaining. It seems really unfair. Thanks...

2006-07-15 23:27:31 · 31 answers · asked by Jon 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Also don't call me names, or tell me im dumb or anything, please give me a real answer, why women don't have to work. Thanks again

2006-07-15 23:27:45 · update #1

Okay, beautiful_1 if "a lot of women will do it cause guys like you are stupid enough to take care of them" then why would you work?

2006-07-15 23:32:46 · update #2

Pretty much men do everything women do plus work.

2006-07-15 23:45:50 · update #3

Why do women go to the gym every day, why don't they just get a job, and use up there energy that way?

2006-07-15 23:48:05 · update #4

Women spend more time convincing themselves that they work then they do working.

2006-07-15 23:54:01 · update #5

"Women help children with their homework after school and attend teacher conferences, school plays, exhibits, etc" Wow that so much harder then a real job...

2006-07-15 23:59:03 · update #6

"Get stuffed idiot. Women have put up with hundreds of years of mistreatment by men" you havent

2006-07-16 02:11:59 · update #7

Playing with kids all day is not a job...

2006-07-16 02:18:03 · update #8

"I get less than 4 hours of sleep a night." then why would you waist your time on yahoo answers?

2006-07-16 04:11:16 · update #9

31 answers

A man's work is from sun to sun....a woman's work is never done.
Stop and think about it. A man goes to work and comes home sits in his chair til dinner is on the table.
A woman come home from work (if she works out of the home), goes in prepares dinner,cleans the kitchen, (if kids are involved) makes sure they are fed , bathed, and ready for bed. There is laundry, vaccuuming to be done, dusting only to name a few of the household chores.
Then there is possibly carpooling, doctors appointments, grocery shopping, taking kids to their prospective sports (if any).
I can't agree that women are lazy.
A little poem for you:

"What Do Women Do All Day"

Every minute to and fro,
That's the way my hours go;
Bring me this and take me that.
Feed the dog, put out the cat.

Standing up I eat my toast,
Drink my coffee, thaw the roast:
Empty garbage, make the bed,
Go to church, then wash my head.

Sweep the kitchen, wax the floor,
Scrub the woodwork, clean the doors:
Scour the bathtub, then myself,
Vaccuum carpets,Straighten shelves.

Eat my sandwich on the run,
Now my afternoon's begun.
To the baseball game I go,
When will there be time to sew?

Meet the teacher, stop the fight,
See the dentist, fly the kite.
Help with homework, do the wash;
Iron the clothes, put on the squash.

Shop for groceries, cash a check,
Fight the crowds, now I'm a wreck!
Dinner time it soon will be,
"What's for supper?" Wait and see!

Dirty dishes crowd the sink,
Next there's popcorn and a drink.
Will they never go to bed?
Will I ever get ahead?

"Bring me water," "Get the light."
Turn off T.V., Lock the bike,
"Where's my pillow?" "Hear my prayers."
"Did you lock the door downstairs?"

At last in bed my spouse and I,
Too tired to move, too weak to cry,
But e'er I doze, I hear him say,

"What do women do all day?"

2006-07-15 23:39:19 · answer #1 · answered by Auntiem115 6 · 3 1

I object to your premise that women are lazy. But I will answer you with facts. Even now, with labor saving devices, women do most of the housework. Maybe you do not notice, but cooking dinner and cleaning dishes (whether in the sink or piling them in a dishwasher) take much longer than 30 minutes a week. Even if you purchase take-out or buy frozen dinners that more than 30 minute time frame applies in shopping for the meals, waiting on line and setting the table, even if you use paper plates.

Women usually do the wash. For a family of four, this means at least 4 loads a week, dark clothes, light clothes, white clothes and linens (towels, sheets). Each load takes more than 30 minutes to wash and dry. It also takes time to sort the wash and redistrubute the wash back to it's owner even if the woman doesn't iron.

Most woman are largely responsible for childcare. That includes feeding, diaper changing, training, clothing, (shopping for clothing), and transporting children to various activities. These activities may include sports, music lessons, even daycare (so she can go to her eight hour a day job.)

When there is a health care emergency for a child, the woman is usually the one called from work (because her job is less important according to most men, and because she gets paid less than most men). She is the one who makes the well baby appointments, dentist appointments, etc and acts as driver both to and fro. Mothers are also there to comfort children, discipline children and teach children things like ethics and manners, things that are not the responsibility of the school systems.

Most women clean their own houses. Scrubbing toilets, sinks, floors, wiping prints off of walls, appliances and spot cleaning rugs and furniture. Women also arrange for workmen to repair home problems, if their husband can not do it himself. And in some cases, should not do it himself. Women help children with their homework after school and attend teacher conferences, school plays, exhibits, etc.

Women also do many other things I can't think of at the moment, however, I suggest you ask your mother or grandmother exactly what they do or did. By the way, women generally wind up as the principal caretaker of elderly family, both their husbands and their own.

Now, try and tell me that you can accomplish all of the above, properly, in under 30 minutes a week.

2006-07-15 23:50:17 · answer #2 · answered by Mary Lynn 2 · 0 1

I'm a woman, I work. Most of my office are women - they work. My mother is a woman and she works. A lot of them have kids. So they work, go home and do domestic crap as well. My brothers girlfriend has 3 kids, one of which is just over 1 and she is in the process of opening her own business. In fact I don't know one "housewife". So your opening sentence is complete bull.

I also don't know where you get this 30 minute figure from - it's total nonsense. If you're going to properly keep a house tidy and take care of all the washing, ironing , dusting, food shopping etc it takes more than 30 minutes a week. If you've got kids it's a full time job. Why don't you take a week off work and try doing it and see if you can manage to do it properly in 30 minutes?

I don't understand women who stay at home if there are no kids though.

You must of been dating unusual women. Although you should note that sleeping all the time can be a sign of depression.

2006-07-15 23:48:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get stuffed idiot. Women have put up with hundreds of years of mistreatment by men like you, being called the 'inferior' sex and the like. Being made to do nothing but have babies and clean up after filthy pigs of husbands. Now, we're finally breaking out of that sh!t and you accuse us of being lazy?? MEN are the ones in most instances that insist that WOMEN have to stay home to make sure that when you come home HEAVEN FORBID you won't have to cook your own meal or do anything other than say 'Hey' to your kids.

I'm 18, I work 25 hours a week and go to University full time doing something worthwhile with my life. THEN I come home every night and cook my dad and sisters dinner. On weekends, I'm up will 1am, doing washing and ironing because my DAD INSISTS HE IS TOO TIRED FROM WORKING TO HELP ME CLEAN UP. And What are you? The junior clerk at McDonalds? Or maybe your parents give you the money because you're such a 'Good little boy'... and I can certainly never imagine you doing anything to help out your mummy with the housework...

Just get a life, seriously. How old are you, like 14? People like you make this world a close minded and hateful place.

2006-07-16 00:48:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That question is ignorant, there may be some women like that but not all of us. I am lucky to get 15 min to sit down in a day. I am a homemaker because for me to work I would have to work two jobs to pay for daycare. My Husband was laid off last year and I went to work till they called him back and he asked me how I do it. I still came home from work and cooked, cleaned , and did the laundry. I appreciated what he did do around the house he tried the best he could. I don't get 2 15 min breaks and a lunch break. I am constantly cleaning and cooking. You need to stop classifying all women in one category . I can say my Husband doesn't take things I do for granted anymore and said that he rather work then have my job he had no idea what it took to keep up with the house and kids!!

2006-07-16 05:44:59 · answer #5 · answered by twinsmakesfive 4 · 0 0

I don't know where you get your information about how much time women spend cleaning, but this is not true in my case. I work full time (37.5 hours per week) and then come home and cook, clean, do laundry, clean up the dinner dishes, etc. On the weekends, I clean the house from top to bottom, including scrubbing the floors (on my hands and knees) with a brush and hot, soapy ammonia water, cleaning two bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, etc. etc. I could go on for hours. I generally spend about 3 hours cleaning on the weekends, probably a total of 5 or 6 hours cleaning and doing laundry during the week, and this doesn't count the numerous times per day I pick up toys, straighten up, giving my kids a bath, etc.

I don't know where you got your information, unless you're basing it on your personal experience with your wife/girlfriend or mom. This just isn't true.

2006-07-15 23:47:36 · answer #6 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

FYI I am one of the LAZY women you are referring to.

I don't clean my house the way it should be cleaned.

My husband does the dishes, laundry and works 40+ hours a week.

When school is in session, he does the AM driving to school and I do the PM picking up from school.

I end up doing MORE with the kids than HE does. I end up helping with homework for 3 kids!!! Which I might add is HORRIBLE to accomplish.

I don't go to the gym everyday either. I wish I could have that luxury!

I do the grocery shopping. I cook some of the meals. I clean some of the house.

I get less than 4 hours of sleep a night.

2006-07-16 01:09:39 · answer #7 · answered by jennifersuem 7 · 0 0

Some woman want to stay at home and raise their kids. if you don't think that's work than you should try it some time. I have worked and been a stay at home mom, believe me working outside the home is a lot easier. Besides paying all that day care cost takes more of the paycheck every week, and there's hardly anything left out of the pay check. Besides men get payed more than woman anyway. So stop complaining about it. It sounds like your just jealous. So get over it.....

2006-07-16 01:27:23 · answer #8 · answered by Kat 2 · 0 0

You sound much to young to be worrying about this. If you were old enough and mature enough you would realize most women stay home to take care of the children. I would say this should be exceptionally true in your case because it would be a disaster if you stayed home to take care of the children. I don't know many women who stay home just to stay home. Maybe it's the type of women you hang out with. Broaden the gene pool and find some real women.

2006-07-16 01:22:17 · answer #9 · answered by aliza1999 3 · 0 0

YOU are hooking up with the wrong women. I have met a few as you describe, BUT MOST DO work. In todays age they (women) don't want to be dependant on a man and as such they do work. That is unless you get one of them gold diggers.Hell my old lady just yesterday I cut the grass small lot 1/4 acre. BUT after cutting grass I hit the weed wacker and she came out and started raking the cut grass. Can't beat that, and She works, as well as cleans the house.

2006-07-15 23:34:41 · answer #10 · answered by GRUMPY 7 · 0 0

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