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20 answers

Kim Y... primary reason you claim Israel is cursed and always at war is because practically every Arab and members of the Islamic faith have vowed to wipe them off face of the earth. Your buddy, the president of Iran made that proclamation only a few months ago...and yes I people know he is a Persian and not an Arab but it still makes him a religious zealot proclaiming a "holy war"against people of faiths. I don't recall Allah or Mohammad calling for the elimination of an entire group of people. People who they called "People of the Book". And then of course every Muslim is a potential hypocrite, murderous and intolerant SOB. Why, you are no doubt asking...because those of the Islamic faith proclaim death to all infidels....anyone who isn't a Muslim; correct? You even are instructed to murder Muslims that convert to other religions. My what a loving, benevolent and tolerant person Allah must be. You noticed I didn't call him a God, because a god, MY GOD of the new Testament loves his children and would never command his children to slaughter his children for merely having a difference of opinion. There is only one God and he loves us all.

By the way, Sofia you really should learn how to spell (or at least use the spell checker provided) and work on your grammar. There is not such word as ocupate. Try using occupation or to occupy neither which apply ro the situation.

And robb10036, you need to site your exact source where Israel declares that they should rule the world and that Israel should be the capitol of the world. And please don't site or referenece any books or verses from the Bible or the Torrah as you apparently support the Qur'an and its teaching, which you have the right to do so,at least in th USA.

Also, like Sofia. you need to become more proficiant at uesing American grammar.; specialy when it comes to tne proper use ofwho and whom. You usedtheword whom incorrectly 7 times and use chosen instead of the propr form of choosing. The proper use of grammar and the correct spelling indicates a well educated individual. Thank you for forsahring your thoughts.


2006-07-16 05:53:33 · answer #1 · answered by iraq51 7 · 6 2

If Israel keeps the philosophy of their people are better than the rest of the world and therefore they should rule the world by having Israel as Capitol of the world because others nations and people besides themselves aren't the choosing ones and we should be under their rule and wishes...I think it will always have war, after all the war isn't anymore about to whom the land originally belongs to but whom have the right to controls others by having the land as excuse. If the real reason was about to what people Israel really belongs all it would be already resolved by the modern civilization the whole world lives today. The owner of the land is the one whom pay for it, the one whom have the property's certificate of ownership of this or that land...like anywhere else in the world. America is not with war or hasn't been at war since its colonizations with the remaning native indians because theiy were its primotives habitants, so Asians, Europeans and even Africans (Africa lives a war about poverty created by its european's colonizations).
The case of Israel is that Israelis believe and based their reasons of their "superiority" creed sustaining the idea of land's ownership. They think if they are the real owners they have the right to impose their rules by slavering and discriminating all others whom are not part of their group.
I am not the one whom is telling this, all this idea is expressed in the Old Testament and by their attitude in foreigner lands.
All the problem is on the idea of being above all people and nations.

2006-07-15 22:38:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The situation in the ME is due to 2 factors. Primarily it is being caused by large corporations wanting to keep the natives stirred up in order to gain control of the resources (in this case oil) just as they do everywhere in the world. The way they are doing this is #2, using the religious differences of the indiginous peoples- Islam and Jew. It is irresponsible to say that either of these religious groups is more responsible than the other. It is the global corporations and the diverse governments which support them, that are the cause of this and other "cursed" areas of the world.

So long as ANY government supports big business over its people this kind of problem will persist. Religious people will ALWAYS seek peaceful means to settle differences. It is business people who care only for who "wins" and they determine that by looking at the bottome line on the profit/loss statement. Because the US government has been taken from the people and is now in the hands of corporate entities and has the largest military in the world, the US government is the enabler of anything and everything that happens in the world today.

So long as people are passionate about their religion it is easy to use religion to inspire them to actions which they would normal eschew. People must wake up and see that it is not religion but big business USING religion that is the problem and do everything they can to take power away from business. Has anyone really considered why the WTC was chosen as the target? It did not represent the US, or any religion or group of people - it represented corporations which are above or control governments and their militaries.

2006-07-16 03:36:59 · answer #3 · answered by ab72756 2 · 0 0

ab72756 just gave you the correct answer.

Israel was given to the Jewish people as a homeland as part of the British Mandate in 1948 to carve up the map of the Middle East following WWII.

Israel was given the land it wanted - the land it claims it owns by the will of God - the promised land. Unfortunately, this land is also considered holy to Christians and Muslims - and more importantly, it was OCCUPIED by people!

Needless to say, the people living there didn't care much for the sudden influx of Jewish people. There have been a number of full scale wars since then, but none lasted very long. Israel moved to its new neighborhood with one very important friend: The U.S., whose interests are and always have been driven by the interests of it economy. Access to oil and a foot in the MIddle East was America's underlying motivation for supporting Israel. We armed them to the hilt and give them billions of dollars a year "just because." Our policy on Israel has been maddening for millions of Americans who just want us out of middle east politics for good.

So, today, as rival forces and rogue factions band together in an effort to make Israeli life hell, America continues to support her ally in oil. The rest of the world has condemned Israeli's military response to the abduction of 2 soldiers near the border - but not the U.S. We blindly support Israel, even when behind closed doors we disagree with them.

The fact that the president hasn't called Israel's Olmert yet should be a pretty good indication that the folks in Washington aren't sure how to respond to this latest escalation.

As for the future - this is clearly a doomsday scenario at work. The differences over there are irreconcilable and it's only a matter of time before things get so out of hand diplomacy will be impossible.

2006-07-16 04:34:19 · answer #4 · answered by www.ayntk.blogspot.com 4 · 0 0

Its the beginning of the end as God predicted it. The whole world will stumble on this issue, then finally there will be a peace like situation. But it will be a false peace to overcome israel. And they would overcome israel in the end, if God would not have promised to direcly intervene at the last minute.
God wants us to show how uncapable we are of living with eachother and solve problems. Religious or not, we have bad hearts to begin with.
Even if we are saved, we still have lots of sins going on. Salvation is truly grace.

2006-07-15 22:08:24 · answer #5 · answered by Preacherman 2 · 0 0

Jews that lived in other countries one day mischievously deceived a couple of bully countries to create a brand new country exclusively for them. This had to be done by forcefully evacuating other peoples from their lands. Until this injustice is corrected, they are cursed and can never have peace. It is not just a matter of one soldier "kidnapped" (soldiers are never kidnapped, they are captured) by Hamas or two by Hezbullah. They may devastate their enemies or win wars, but they can never have peace.

2006-07-16 04:27:07 · answer #6 · answered by WEBBADGER 3 · 0 1

When you are surrounded by a billion people who want you eliminated off the face of the earth just because you are different, yes, it's hard to have peace.

When terrorists are constantly lobbing bombs and rockets at your country, hoping to kill random citizens just for the glory of the kill and to please Allah, then yes, it is hard to have peace.

When you are a tiny, almost insignificant country compared to the hugely populated and sprawling land masses surrounding you, yet for all the land and wealth they possess, the Arabs still want that one little piece of land that they don't have, and are willing to send their children off with bombs strapped to their chest in hopes of killing a few shoppers, then yes, it is hard to have peace.

Israel cursed? I don't believe that. The fact that they have remained intact in the face of all the hatred against them, and have withstood the military attacks over the 50+ years of their history suggests that, no, they are not cursed. If they were cursed, they would have been destroyed long ago.

2006-07-15 22:08:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Churches in the West are becoming dens of thieves,
money changers, sellers of religious trinkets and
worldly music. Christ said that you have turned my
House of Prayer into a place of merchandise and
corruption such as the world has never seen.

Repent! Repent!

If this answer offends any of you devil worshipers,
take it up with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Don't mention God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy
Ghost, Holy Bible, Church, Christians, sin, Religion or Spirituality if you don't
want to hear from me.

David Source(s) King James Version of the Holy Bible.

2006-07-15 22:34:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The whole Middle East is a basket case. Peace will only come about when people are willing to give up some principles.

2006-07-15 22:07:14 · answer #9 · answered by Scozbo 5 · 0 0

i visit function this one theory to all the others: and that they have got better than a 4th grade training. solid previous elementary training is obtainable in obtainable, no longer in straightforward terms like the uneducated morons of Saddam's in Kuwait or all the others in the area. occasion: after all the time Saddam's military held Kuwait his genius forces, broke pc video demonstrate gadgets via fact they theory they have been broken TVs, used hammers to knock off the blend dials from vault doorways, rammed the doorways and vault partitions with vans, cut back off the hinges,(it relatively is how we knew a secure attack became into performed via a junky right here). All that factor, with artillery to hand, those F ING MORONS weren't even smart adequate to blow a vault wall with a one 0 five or a hundred and fifty five. ALL contents have been secure.

2016-10-07 23:37:41 · answer #10 · answered by mauzon 4 · 0 0

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