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And I am seriously considering harming myself. What's worst is that I have a 1++ yr old little girl and I love her soo much. Last week, there was this mother who committed suicide who took her kids with her. Two of them died. I questioned her maternal instinct yet here I am today, with probably the same thought she had that day...

Pls.. I need someone to talk to..

2006-07-15 21:57:28 · 25 answers · asked by cadbury FREAK!! 4 in Health Mental Health

25 answers

Sweetheart ! Please Take AURUM MET 200C twice a day once in the morning and once before going to bed always on an empty stomach for three days and after that just once a day before going to bed you will get over your suicidal depression very fast and will feel like a million dollars in a day or two it is a side effects free homeopathic remedy . Please do it if you love your daughter.
Take care and God Bless you email me if you want to talk or want to discuss your situation Please !

2006-07-15 22:04:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

OMG sweetie! I have a daughter who is turning 2 months old on the 18th. Even though she is so little, I know what an impact it would make on her life if I had given up... I could only image what it would do to a child over a year old!!!! Through whatever thoughts you are having about harming yourself, think of how selfish it would be! I am in no way trying to be mean or rude. I am just trying to say that you really need to take into consideration what your child would go through not having their mother around. You need to be there to teach them that they should not ever give up so easy.
A child is a wonderful gift. For whatever reason you are feeling these thoughts of suicide or whatever they may be, think of your child... You now have a reason to live, and what in the world is better than creating a life? Something... someone that looks like you, is your flesh and blood, and most importantly, needs you and you most of all to survive in this world. What kind of example would you be setting?

2006-07-16 05:35:23 · answer #2 · answered by Kera Marie 1 · 0 0

What's going on in your life? Why do you feel so bad? Is it many things, or someone? Try talking with a counsellor. You can see them privately. Contact a hospital in your area, they would have emergency numbers. If you think you'll commit suicide then make a promise to yourself that you'll call. They should also have numbers or know somewhere you can contact for information on mental health workers. (counsellors, psychiatrists and so on) The only way to begin is to take the first baby steps. You need to see someone. Read books about depression and suicide. The worst condition is ignorance. It doesn't leave room for objectivity or perspective. You can make it through this, believe that, trust it and celebrate yourself.

2006-07-16 05:26:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The plain and simple fact is that you shouldn't be having those kinds of thoughts. If you are, it's a sign that you should get some professional help. Do not hesitate, go see a doctor, or a psychologist or a psychiatrist and tell them you've been having thoughts about hurting yourself.

I think if you do that, you'll start to feel a lot better. Also, don't be afraid to take any kind of medicine. It will make you feel better. You won't have those kinds of disturbing thoughts. But please don't let my note simply make you feel better and then do nothing. You must make yourself an appointment as soon as possible and get this problem taken care of.

Try to think of it like having a really bad flu. You'd go to the doctor and take care of it immediately. You wouldn't wait around for weeks and months. Take care of this as soon as you possibly can. In the meantime, if you start to have those kinds of thoughts, be aware of them and decide to simply think about something else. Try to think about something that makes you happy, or feel peaceful - it's easy.

Sex, chocolate, a good workout, a funny movie, music you like that makes you want to dance, a pretty sunset, a vacation you took that gave you good memories, a vacation you'd like to take someday soon. There's a lot of good things to meditate on.

Still, you must get yourself an appointment as soon as you possibly can.

2006-07-16 05:13:57 · answer #4 · answered by Good Times, Happy Times... 4 · 0 0

Hi wish I could be there for you in person. How you are feeling right now is very serious and you must take action immediately. Not tomorrow or next week or never but right now, either go staight to accident and emergency or call your out of hours doctor or call social services and ask for an immediate visit from the mental health crisis team.
Don't be afraid to do this you do need help and believe me I have been in your shoes. I am a single parent also I too could not bear the thought of dying and leaving my kids but with the right support I am now in a different place. There is professional help out there but please act now

2006-07-16 05:13:08 · answer #5 · answered by bronx 4 · 0 0

Sounds like you haven't, gotten over your prenatal depression yet. I don't know what allis going on in your life, but you need more help than most people here can give. There should be some hotlines available in your area you can call. Also give your OB/ gyn or family Dr a call Monday . There are medications out there that should help take the edge of some of those feelings. HE/SHE might also help refere you to a professonal . Don't do no crazy stuff this weekend!!

2006-07-16 05:17:46 · answer #6 · answered by sabina-2004@sbcglobal.net 4 · 0 0

Dear Lord please take it easier dear friend.
God does not want you to cut yr life sho short. And if you try you are not guaranteed that you will die. Believe me I tried and dit backfired. I remained alive. Then what? Plus while you try to end yr suffering and finally you did something the first thing that comes to mind is yr darlind daughter.
PLEASE THINK OF YR DAUGHTER. SHE WILL HAVE NO MOM AND SHE NEEDS YOU. I think you may be going through some postpartum blues that need to get checked out so you feel better. Yr baby loves you and you are her mom the only one for her rightnow. Pls do consider seeking help from a doctor and do not try anything to hurt yourself.

Love yr daughter as she will love you always and wahtever problem you have that makes ou feel this way, if medical will go away with medication and therapy. There is a way out. Satan is tempting you my friend. He does it all the time to us moms. And that is not good.

If you want to write to me use the message on this site I will be glad to help you out.

AND WRITE TO ME. I am a mom now who survived two attempts, and my daughter now thanks me for staying alive. She is 19yrs old now.

2006-07-16 05:07:06 · answer #7 · answered by noteparece? 4 · 0 0

Oh honey....I know how you are feeling...life can be so hard sometimes and depression doesn't help things at all. I am going through a hard time right now too and though I don't have children...I do have a cat that is just like a child to me....everytime I think about ending things I think of her and what she would do with out me. I know she would go on...but she would know that her mother wasn't here for her. Please think of your children and know that they need you in their lives. Maybe you are going post pregnancy depression....have you thought about seeing someone about this? You are not alone.....please call on me when ever you feel the need to talk. jezzie71@yahoo.com

2006-07-16 05:30:41 · answer #8 · answered by Aimee B 2 · 0 0

Please, think of your dear little girl. Things may seem hopeless at times, but you wouldn't really want your baby to have to grow up motherless. Life may be difficult, but a one year old needs mom. You don't want her growing up thinking that maybe she was the cause of your demise. Just take a moment for yourself to relax. With your eyes closed try to see your beautiful little one. You cannot possibly see her without you. Sleep on it over night. I'm sure you will feel differently in the morning. If you feel the same in the morning get help, you may have a problem with depression. You should try to seek help from a professional. If you don't have the financial means to get that help most states have government funded free clinics that can help you.
Look at that baby girl, give her a hug and a kiss, for yourself. And give her another hug and kiss for me. I wish you success in conquering your depression.

2006-07-16 05:35:25 · answer #9 · answered by Schona 6 · 0 0

Why do you feel like your giving up? you should live for your child, make that child your priority and live on for them. Its hard if your doing it alone. i know that myself. but life can be hard sometimes.. you have to find someone to talk to about how you are feeling. maybe change your surroundings from all the negative aspects in your life. Stay away from negative people, do things that will make you happy and especially BE STRONG. Only you can change your life. you have to make the moves and stay positive. God has a plan for everyone.. Without the hard times there will never be Happy days. HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER

2006-07-16 14:43:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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