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It is only a matter of time before science proves there is no god, through brain scans (neuro-science) and/or a mathimatical formula (physics)... would a Christian (or any religion for that matter) still be in denial? How would the world react about such a finding?

2006-07-15 21:44:39 · 32 answers · asked by alaskanmetal 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Religion so far has no proof, not even remotely, that there is a God. As things are going every religion is pretty much a MYTH! This is absence of evidence, but as the cliche goes, it is not evidence of absence. Science has discovered many things, evolution, big bang and so forth that "disprove" creation, but in reality it just disproves religion and everything man made up about god. What I'm trying to say is that there is no evidence of anything whatsoever, not of a God existing or of him not existing. It's funny how christians are always trying to find evidence of God when in the Bible (which is full of contradictions) says clearly and you can also figure out by yourself, that there is no evidence of God, and you just have to believe. NOW, as far as finding evidence that he doens't exist.. that is practically impossible. We're insignificant little creatures in the vastness of our universe, that have no idea of how things work, where we are, why we're here, etc. People may think we have advanced a great deal in science, BUT PEOPLE ALWAYS THINK THAT. That's what they thought in the 1500's and 1800's, etc.. We don't know if there are other dimensions.. somewhere a god could be, or I'm pretty sure nobody really knows what's happening after death (there are theories, but they're only theories), another place we haven't looked. How about far deep in space... like trillions of light years away, so far away not even telescopes can see... maybe there's a hell over there. I don't know, and I don't really believe in god but my point is it's impossible to know. I'll just stick with Socrates, and say that I only know I know nothing. (sorry about my essay)

2006-07-15 21:46:52 · answer #1 · answered by vincenzi 3 · 1 1

You're confused.

The scientific method revolves around proving what DOES exist. Scientists will never prove or attempt to prove the absence of "god" in any form. It cannot be done. The contention that a higher power exists or doesn't exist is not testable or falsifiable. Because you cannot test the question, it is a non-issue in the realm of science and proper logic.

For example: can you think of a way to prove that a crow did not sit on the highest branch of the 352 year old oak tree, that grows in my front yard, at 5:03 PM on 8/16/1892?

Get back to me on that..........

But seriously folks. Science does not deny the existence of a "god" in any form. People who believe in "god" often deny science. Therein lies the difference. I see where you're going with this. But you need to rethink.

Don't let the insane Hellfire Christians rattle you. They are children stuck in old bodies. Just think about the scientific method, pure logic, and you'll begin to understand how much you (and all of us) don't understand.

2006-07-15 22:07:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What I don't understand about people like you is why try to change someones mind if they believe in God? I mean aren't there worse things people could believe in? For those of us that do believe, God is a comfort for us, and that comfort truly helps us through rough times. I don't care what your belief is. If you don't believe in God, that is totally your choice. I don't think that makes you bad or evil, I don't think it makes you ignorant. I just think you look at life in a different way then I do, and that is perfectly alright. I'm not out to try and change your mind or prove anything to you.
Nobody, at least here on earth, is ever going to be able to prove with actual physical evidence that God does or doesn't exists. This has been something people have been trying to do forever! No, I can't take you by the hand and stand you in front of God and say OK, here is your evidence. But you also can't prove to me that he's not there. There are many things in this world I can't see or touch, but it doesn't mean they don't exists. I would rather live my life believing that there is a God, then to not believe and die and find out he does exists.

2006-07-16 01:30:12 · answer #3 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 0

3 minutes ago

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i would like tostart off my days with prayer,but i keep forgetting.whats a good way to remember?

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2 minutes ago

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Put a note up on your mirror or something else visual!

1 minute ago

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when you open your eyes Thank God you made it though the night

14 seconds ago

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pray when u remember

Love Is Great
7 seconds ago

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Leave Christianity.

6 seconds ago

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Start praying before you get out of bed. Absolute first thing! Then it's very hard to forget.

David G497
1 second ago

Churches in the West are becoming dens of thieves, money changers, sellers of religious trinkets and worldly music. Christ said that you have turned my House of Prayer into a place of merchandise and corruption such as the world has never seen.

Repent! Repent!

If this answer offends any of you devil worshipers, take it up with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Don't mention God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Holy Bible, Church or Christians if you don't want to hear from me.

David Source(s) King James Version of the Holy Bible.

2006-07-15 22:05:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What an interesting question. Science may claim it can prove there is no God eventually, but this will not change my knowing God exists! I have had many spiritual experiences and I feel very close to God. I have had prophetic dreams. I keep my spiritual channel clear so I can receive God's guidance. I feel loved by God. I imagine most people of faith would not change their minds. This is the very meaning of faith. I don't think the world would change much, but maybe I'm wrong! Maybe with this finding people will no longer worry about an afterlife and give in to their dark sides. This would be a very sad mention in the obituary of God.

2006-07-15 21:54:40 · answer #5 · answered by angelicsanto 3 · 0 0

I understand what you are saying, but to prove without a doubt that there is no God, you would have to go to every place in the universe one by one and eliminate any place for God to be.

You would also have to know exactly what "God" is, so that you would not miss God when searching the universe... for example, bacteria has always been there and in abundance, but until we knew what to look for, we didn't know it was there. And, if you knew what God was, He'd have to exist first.

Absolute knowledge would be needed to disprove God, and we will never have absolute knowledge.

I think some people will be more and more shaken as time and science march on, but it will not be any time soon that we will be able to prove that God either does or does not exist.

2006-07-15 22:00:56 · answer #6 · answered by Snark 7 · 0 0

Unfortunately for your question..... in logic terms, it is impossible to prove a negative...that something DOESN"T exist because there is always the possibility that you were missing critical information that would refute your "proof" in the future. That is how science works by the way...by building on previous knowledge, throwing out old approximations of truth when a better one is discovered.

As opposed to religious orthodoxy which is unchanging in spite of all the evidence that has accumulated against it being a true state of "knowledge" Faith is very strong in these people and most people would not accept that their entire world view, everything they've believed in all their lives simply is make believe.

Pherdpherple says it better above.

2006-07-15 21:56:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the native americans didn't understand alot about nature and even child birth so they created stories to explain the feats such as the one about the spider bringing the sun. the stories satisfied the curiosity of younger children and adults as well so they could go about their lives without wondering so much all religions have a creation story and they are all completely different from aliens souls being reincarnated (Scientology) to being made from a rib or gods breath ( Christianity) religion is in place for explaining death life and all in between people use religion as a source of hope. their is nothing real about god unless you make it real quantum physics can explain miracles angels etc.. if you are interested in how quantum physics can do this watch what the bleep do we know

2006-07-15 22:10:29 · answer #8 · answered by tigermuffin03 3 · 0 0

It is impossible to prove that something does not exist. Just because there is evidence for non existance still does not mean it doesn't exist. For example, non of the craft that have been to Mars has found any sign of life, but it could still exist on the planet somewhere.

You can however, prove that something does exist by finding evidence of existence. You can even create theories that things exist bu using mathematical models etc, that's how they realised that we had so many planets in the solar system before they could see them. Then when you see then you can confirm that the theories are correct.

So, since you can't prove non existence but you can prove existence, it is up to the theists to prove the existence of god, not atheists proving non existence.

2006-07-15 21:55:29 · answer #9 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

There you go thinking that science is bigger than God again...

Give me an example of how science could possibly prove that God doesn't exist. What brain scan? What math formula? What evidence could you possibly collect that would prove that God doesn't exist?

2006-07-15 21:54:20 · answer #10 · answered by Hyzakyt 4 · 0 0

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