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Someone asked a question about the muslim religion and his replies where like 'learn about other religions before asking questions' and then reported him! Others where far more scathing. I'm not asking about their religion but why are non-muslims not allowed to discuss and ask questions about their religion?

2006-07-15 21:31:00 · 22 answers · asked by brian h 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

cinamon. thank-you, good answer. I presume that some muslims are touchy about us 'infidels' (lol) asking questions and some are more tolerant. In my work I come into contact with a wide range of religions but find most Muslims tend to look down on me. The exception was the Muslim local leaders who where very nice people. I believe in tolerance and education

2006-07-15 21:54:06 · update #1

22 answers

Im fine with people asking questions- in fact, the more the better! I like discussing Islam and I understand and believe in my religion completly. Im not afraid to talk about it because i "dont know the answers" as someone said; on the contrary i know a great deal about my religion.

However there is a difference between questions and abuse...If the question begins "why are all muslims terrorists?" of course you wont get a good response. The way a question is phrased could be malicious and the questioner may not really be interested in Islam but may wish to cause trouble instead, and I have seen THAT on Yahoo Answers in abundance.

Please email me if you have questions about Islam, i and mllions of other Muslims, are more than willing to engage in conversation about Islam. See www.harunyahya.com for more information.

Also, Muslims at your workplace "look down on you"? Thats a shame and i diagree with that type pf non-Islamic behaviour. You could try reminding them in a friendly way that in Islam humility is a basic good characteristic which Muslims are supposed to have..

And why do people always use the derogatory word "infidels"? I have never used it myself and neither have any of my Muslim friends but i always see it online....Please dont put words in our mouths, especially when the majority of people never use them ourselves!

2006-07-16 02:09:40 · answer #1 · answered by Aaliyah 2 · 1 1

Though it's not an excuse to jump down someones throat for asking a ligament question about your religion, I can understand why Muslims might be a bit on the defensive side! I mean look at some of the post that are left on here. Muslims are evil, Muslims kill people, Muslims were behind 9/11. Seriously, some people have it in their heads that all Muslims are horrible people who are on a mission to destroy anyone who doesn't believe what they believe! Many people have always thought this stuff about Muslims and the Middle East, but since September 11th, it's gotten worse and is almost out of hand!

2006-07-16 01:37:43 · answer #2 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 0 0

Let me first assure you that what you are doing is not wrong at all. You can criticize the religion as much as you like as well as the Muslims who follow it. That's the only way to make the Muslims more aware of the religion they follow. The biggest problem with such people is that they got Islam by chance and not by choice, when it should by choice regardless which religion they are born into. It's the wrong belief the common Muslim, as well as it is predominant in other religion as well, is that they will get heaven in the eternal life just believing a few things, which i strongly object. Believing something is not the only way but practicing the religion completely as GOD wanted us to. For this don't go to the priests instead read the scriptures and follow them. Then put a test on the people who teach religion based on the scriptures and if they teach what the book says then follow them.

I cannot tell why most Muslims behave that way, maybe because of the years of pointing fingers it has become a habit of being defensive. The main reason which I believe is that when a Muslim is asked a question it becomes necessary for him/her to clarify if not at the time even at a later stage. For such a thing he/she has to go through vigorous study of religion and then answer. This is what most Muslims don't want to do or in other words they are laziest people on the entire planet.

In short it is every Muslim’s duty to answer any query that relates to the religion not defending it but to clarify the doubts in non-Muslim as well as Muslim minds by stating facts and figures whatever it takes to make him understand. Then it depends on him/her to accept it or reject it.

I hope I have answered your question.

P.S. I am a Muslim.

2006-07-15 22:36:12 · answer #3 · answered by Monk Mst 3 · 0 0

Muslims want to criticise other religions and at the same time they don't like others criticising their religion. In countries where the governments are Islamic, the Muslims will approach non-Muslims talking about their religion but if non-Muslims talk something that makes them difficult to answer, they immediately interpret it as blasphemy and reports to police. On the other hand many non-Muslims criticise Muslims too in other parts of the world. Either way, it is not helpful for a peaceful life. I have an experience that a Muslim tried to convert me and he failed. Thereafter he turned to be an enemy to me and finally I had to leave the job what I was doing.

2006-07-16 00:09:13 · answer #4 · answered by latterviews 5 · 0 0

Havent a clue myself , probably something to do with the fact that muslims tend in the main to be private people or the fact that they believe they are gods chosen people or possibly even the fact that they dont know about their religion. As an atheist I would like to see either the end to religion in general or should the majority still wish to follow superstitons propagated by their so called enlightened leaders then maybe a bit more tolerance for other cultures views.

2006-07-15 21:39:25 · answer #5 · answered by mike_caledonia 1 · 0 0

I am a Muslim I have never become upset when asked questions about my religion so I don't know what you base your question on. Maybe you have been asking insulting questions or deriding our religion in which case anyone would become upset whether they are Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists or whatever other beliefs they have.
I welcome questions about my religion as it helps people to understand Muslims and learn that the vast majority of us are not terrorists or suicide bombers.
By the way can somebody tell me what the difference is between a Catholic and a Protestant.

2006-07-16 02:03:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There can be many reasons and one of them could be that the question you have posted has been answered many many times here on Y!A and other places.

Instead of wasting time with typing your question and wait for answers, you can use a search engine and find the answer within minutes.

Also, there is an even amount of people who get upset from all religions (and athiests) over asking ignorant questions.

Why do you think people are upset when they ask you to do a reseach before possing your question?

2006-07-15 22:24:24 · answer #7 · answered by Mesum 4 · 0 0

this is a damn good question... it could be for a number of reasons...
1 they think he might be taking the piss...
2 they are afraid he might end up knowing more about it than they do,
3 they don't know anything about it and just follow blindly along like a bunch of lambs to the slaugther
4 he really is taking the piss

and as for threatening to kill someone for a cartoon... why don't they get a life.. that was just stupid... have they ever seen the anti christian things onthe net? well I have and they are a damn sight worse than they were and what did the christians do? nothing not a damned thing...

5 they don't like people trying to get in on their virgins when they blow themselves up in a bombing...

hope this helps...but not sure it will, I'll probably get reported for saying it... ohh look he said something bad about us... kill him open up a can of fatwa on him... well come on then if you think you're hard enough...

2006-07-15 21:35:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We don't get upset,maybe the people u met were upset 4 their own reasons,,but I think u would agree with me that 4 the past several years we had 2 pay 4 the acts of extremists,which every religion has...and I guess this would make anyone bitter...

2006-07-15 21:59:54 · answer #9 · answered by seaba 2 · 0 0

As their system is full of flaws but they claim to be perfect so do that with violence then claim they are growing fast.

its a sexaully repressive violent abusinve cult... you need to look it and its culture.

Some are moderate but they are like those who were part of the nazi party and did the fund raising but did not beat up jews.

Those who dont like criticisim are usually in the wrong

2006-07-16 00:58:03 · answer #10 · answered by Joey 4 · 0 0

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