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Although I now we are doing the right thing, as parent you get the guilts. I have an appointment with our GP tomorrow night and basically wil be demanding action after 2 years and trying all that has been suggested. I found on the net a product in the USA called FOCUS , has any one heard of this? It is natural and sounds good but I don't think I can get it through customs. Does anyone in Australian know of a natural product - alternative for ADHD.inattentive

Desperate and depressed mum.

2006-07-15 21:30:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

My 12 yo is a girl

2006-07-15 21:55:18 · update #1

12 answers

Homeopathy :-
AVENA SATIVA's Mother tincture 20 drops in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before meals will greatly help your son. Please give his complete details for a comprehensive prescription for your son !
Take care and God Bless you !

2006-07-15 21:38:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you want a natural remedy, try the company True Hope at www.truehope.com. You can get their phone number from their website. Give them a call - they will explain how their product can help. They believe problems like ADHD come from a nutritional deficiency. They are non-profit and sell a vitamin/mineral supplement to counteract the deficiencies.

My daughter has/had ADD (no hyperactivity) and while it isn't a perfect cure, she has been greatly helped by their product. I started noticing results after about 2 months using their product. Now after many months, I notice she has improved even more. There are still attention issues, but they are better now than they were on meds (which I was able to eliminate after starting the vitamins) and now I would classify it as very mild ADD rather than severe. The company tells me that it will slowly keep improving. So far they have been correct about that.

She usually hears me when I talk to her now, and I no longer find myself holding her face in my hands, starring into her eyes and asking, "What did I just say?" Or after asking her to brush her teeth I no longer have to make continual "course corrections" to the bathroom as she stops along the way, distracted by everything in her path. Now when I ask it is (usually) a straight shot to the toothbrush.

It is worth making the phone call, just to see what they have to say. Good luck to you. I hope you find the help you are seeking. Oh and by the way, their product also has the lovely effect of alleviating depression too - it did for my daughter.

2006-07-16 06:28:40 · answer #2 · answered by woolie 2 · 0 0

I had to pause and meditate on yr situation. I know what it is to live with a chronic illness, though not adhd i have cystic fibrosis a different and endocronological disorder that kills my lungs and pancreas an other.

Medications are onetough issue as you may now b aware. I know that many doctors give to adhd children medicines which cause extra pyramidal effects on the body. That is involuntary muscle movements and weird otu of place motions of eyes, neck, and other. I've had this probelm form a medication given to me after a gallbladder surgery. Compazine. BEWARE. ANy of these drugs like Compazine have the potential to harm you neurologically permanently. AS it has for me. If I dont take ANOTHER medication for this problem, I end up not being able to "talk" at all for my tongue gets locked up by neurotransmitters that tell it to do things it should not. Same with my hneck muscles they start hardening and unstoppable pain come to my neck and face and ears.

Many ADHD medications can cause this problem, pls beware of it. I dont know the drug you call Focus. But I would certainly make sure that your child will not have any problem with his neurological system as I am describing, by medications such as Compazine, Riddlin etc

If you go into any google search for Focus adhd drug treatment it will give you a list of web pages where you can get the most info.

Do not be depressed. Humans we all have different medical problems. And if its not that, its something else. You are not a lone my friend. I will pray for you. Always look at below our expectations there are many people in very bad conditions with no help, no medical, no medications an ddieing. WE are lucky to have what we do in America to save or at least cope with our illnesses.
Mine is incurable. It sucks. And Im dieing. But that is life. Some have something other dont. I beleive that us who have it toughter will have it easier up above.

I will pray fo ryour son and you.

2006-07-16 04:40:49 · answer #3 · answered by noteparece? 4 · 0 0

I have heard that fish oil capsules may also help with this problem, before you decide on anything maybe its worthwhile looking it up on the net and maybe talking to someone from the health food shops about this. There was also a little bit about this on today tonight so if you go into their website they maybe able to help you also. Good luck and I think its great you are looking for natural alternatives, as so many people just shove drugs into there children, I have to wonder where this will all lead to in the future!!!!!! please also note on talking to my sister who works in a pharmacy, she said they have had some parents who say 80 percent fishoil and 20 percent evening primrose oil is a good combination and also does wonders although what works for one child may not neccesarily work for another, but at the end of the day I think you need to talk to not only your doctor but maybe try a naturapath.... they will be able to inform you about the above mentioned combination. There was also an article in the daily mail.....http://www.dailymail.co.uk..... maybe you could also have a look at this.

2006-07-19 17:58:06 · answer #4 · answered by wicked one 2 · 0 0

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a child. The Doc was pressing my Mother to put me on Ritilin. She rightly refused and decided to find the root cause of my attention problem. She tried everything from herbs to diet. The one and only thing that completely cured me of this problem was her almost completely removing refined sugar from my diet. My grades improved tenfold. I went on to get several scholarships for Universities and acquired several Dean's list awards. I am also a chess master. My mother was diligent (and smart enough) to find out the root cause and not to just mask the problem with drugs. Doctors will not tell you this stuff, they all want to sell drugs. Just as heroine dealer does. Get your kid off sugar. Natural sugars are good as found in fruit. Find the hidden sugars as well. Even so called healthy cereals contain massive amounts of sugar. Do your homework and read ingredient labels.

2006-07-16 04:42:09 · answer #5 · answered by chessguy 2 · 0 0

I am a middleaged female and have had ADD all my life. All antidepressant have helped some. I am now taking Strattera, a nonamphetamine for ADD. When I first started taking it, it made me feel really weird, like my brain wasn't working right. That only lasted a few days. Also, I lost my appetite for about 2 weeks. It came back though. I don't have any bad side effects now.

2006-07-16 14:46:06 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

My son was put into a special education classroom, after being out of control in his previous class. This was the best thing for him. The low student to teacher ratio meant that his inattentiveness was noticed, and dealt with. The following year, he was assigned to a gifted class.

I was afraid to try medication for him. He is now admitted to Cornell University which is one of the top schools in the USA.

Get him the educational environment he needs to succeed, before medicating him to conform to "normality."

Regardless of what happens in school, let him know he is not "deficient" but unique.

2006-07-16 04:49:36 · answer #7 · answered by Triple M 3 · 0 1

I don't know how bad the situation is, but if he or she can go without medication then that would be best, just talk to them , but remember that if you put them on medication then their going to get addicted and they could be on it for life, but if their realy anxious to a point that their not feeling good, then it may be a good idea, but if their ok, then wait and see what happens, they may grow out of it, but it may be a good idea to see a psychiotrist. and tell them that you don't want them to get hooked on drugs, and ask them if they can make it through without taking medication, and remember that they also want your money so sometimes they might rather put them on medication so they can make money off of you, so be very careful, and be patient, don't rush to make any decisions, take time to think it through realy well before considering medication.

2006-07-16 04:56:55 · answer #8 · answered by v k 3 · 0 0

Check his diet. Is he eating too much junk food. At 12 you do need to be careful with medications. I would see if he is getting all the right nutrients and fresh healthy foods and ban all fast foods and trashy snacks. Sometimes that is all it is.

2006-07-16 04:51:49 · answer #9 · answered by pieter U3 4 · 0 0

i have a second opinion, its called beat his a$$. there is no such thing as adhd, its called being a little bastard syndrome. in stead of trying to pass the blame off of your son for being a little sh!t, hold him and yourself responsible. beat him and yourself for not correcing his assholism sooner. whats next? "oooops im sorry mom, i just mass murdered 26 old ladies in a church, i guess i need better medician cause its not my fault". slap your goddamn self.....thank you that will be 45$ for my 2nd opinion.

2006-07-16 04:40:26 · answer #10 · answered by jennifer s 1 · 0 0

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