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Romans 3, verse 10 says, "...as it is written: 'None is righteous, no, not one.'" Yet, James 5:16 says that the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. If absolutely no one is righteous, then who is James talking about? Luke chapter 1 says that Elizabeth and Zechariah were righteous before God. If absolutely no one is righteous, then how can that be? Is Scripture contradicting itself? No, the folks who interpret Romans as saying absolutely, without exception, no one is righteous, are misinterpreting that passage. They are failing to realize that the key to understanding Romans 3:10 is the phrase, "it is written."

2006-07-15 21:04:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Here in Romans, Paul is quoting from the O.T., Psalm 14 to be exact. In Psalm 14 it says, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God. They are corrupt...there is none that does good.'" But then that same psalm goes on to talk about the "righteous." Well, if none has done good, who are these righteous the psalm is talking about? Obviously, when the psalmist says that none has done good, he is talking about the fools who say there is no God. He is not talking about absolutely everyone.

Just so Paul when he quotes from this psalm. Paul is not saying absolutely no one is righteous, if he was, then how do you explain all the Old and New Testament passages that refer to the righteous? In Romans 3:11 it says that no one seeks for God. Does that mean that absolutely no one is seeking God? No, to interpret it that way would be ludicrous!

2006-07-15 21:04:31 · update #1

Just so verse 23 which says that "all have sinned". Babies haven't sinned, have they? Little children haven't sinned, have they? No! This is not an absolute. There are exceptions. What about John the Baptist? Did he sin? Scripture says that he was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb. Can someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit his entire life ever sin? It's something to think about.

So, it is perfectly legitimate to say that these passages from Romans, when interpreted in context, in no way conflict with the Church's teaching on Mary being without sin.

2006-07-15 21:05:07 · update #2

Source: Bible Christian Society

2006-07-15 21:06:01 · update #3

15 answers

that verse means that without faith in the savior's sacrifice there is none that could be righteous. those in the Old Testament that had faith enough to persevere were not only considered righteous but saints.

2006-07-15 21:15:26 · answer #1 · answered by Dragonfly 2 · 1 1

Do you remember Paul's lament,"Oh, wretched man that I am"? The idea was that a dichotomy existed between what Paul intended to do, and that which he found himself doing. This was not because Paul intended to do anything wrong, evil, or immoral; it was a very real example of man's plight. Remember Paul's thanksgiving for the fact that Jesus had saved him? This was the power and effect of The Law--- that it convict and condemn. The Glory of The Lord is in His Releasing from bondage those who were under the curse of The Law through faith in Him... NOW THEN; Will a baby, growing to an age beyond that generally accepted as the age of accountability, having not received salvation, then dying, be counted as righteous at all? Will such a child be without sin? You decide... The righteousness of The Lord is what Christians must exercise; and, that is not a thing that any man can take credit for. Remember: Peter denied Jesus three times. King David committed adultery and indirect murder. The point is, men are imperfect. Taken as a lot, they are unruly and wild and greedy and lustful at heart. They are also contentious and prone to splitting hairs over words rather than being humble in accepting the truth of a concept imperfectly rendered through translation... Remember: The Sword of The Spirit is The Word of God. If that same Spirit is present in all that you read, then you've got the concept. If your reading of the words fails to show that Spirit, then you've gotten off-track. As for me, I would count myself privileged to stand next to the least of the servants of The Lord. This was the guy that Jesus hit with lightning and knocked off his horse--- remember? And the guy who was not worthy to loose Jesus' sandal strap--- How great was he seen by The Lord to be? I sincerely hope this helps. Blessings to you. jb

2006-07-16 04:38:54 · answer #2 · answered by jbarry315 2 · 0 0

You didn't read the last half of Romans 3 I guess? Because the first part of Romans 3 talks about no one being righteous yes? This applies to the people before Jesus came. Then comes the last part of chapter 3, called, "Righteousness Through Faith", that talks about righteousness coming from God now that Jesus has came, died, and freed everyone from sin. And now the people CAN be righteous, if they believe and follow Jesus.
"But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known... This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
Romans 3:21-24.

Also notice that the characters that you said were righteous were from the New Testament, when Jesus was around.
Do you get what i'm talking about? this is my interpretation, by the way. but i feel this is right.
btw, we can filled with the Holy Spirit and still sin, unfortunately. Sometimes we subconciously choose to ignore what the Spirit says.. leading to sin.

2006-07-16 04:27:31 · answer #3 · answered by always_with_mee 2 · 0 0

How does one explain what makes one righteous? I'll try. Every person is born with sin. It is what Adam & Eve gave us through their mistake of believing that they can be like God, and they ate the apple. Every child born is born into flesh, which is sinful. To be righteous, you must accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. He will forgive you of all your sin, and you are reborn with a clean spiritual awakening. The people who do this and follow God are considered to be righteous before God. That is how the Bible can say that no one is righteous, no, not one. Everybody is born with the sin. It is only when they are born again spiritually that they are righteous. {Except for Jesus who was perfect and without sin.} Those who take up their cross and follow Jesus become clothed in Jesus' righteousness.
Hope this is helpful.

2006-07-16 04:15:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Master Yeshua Messiah was the perfection of God in man.
The righteous refers to those people who try their best sincerely to live righteously - and when other Books say no one is perfectly righteous - we're not - we all make mistakes, no matter who we are. even the righteous people mess up - that's what life is about - learning, growing - and the Master experienced life with all its joys and sufferings firsthand so he could become our Teacher, and Advocate before the Throne.
That doesn't mean we don't stop trying to achieve what the Master taught which was 'you are all the children of God'. He gave us the manual for the relationship with YHVH that touches what He Has. this is the whole point.
"...Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven..."

2006-07-16 04:29:39 · answer #5 · answered by Kevin A 4 · 0 0

ok...you should have broken this down into 2 or 3 posts.

1. not one righteous means that we have all sinned....romans 3:23.
2. The bible says "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrightousness" 1 John 1:9, so we are made perfect by his blood, but in our human side we have all sinned.
3. Babies are still unrighteous because they are borned into sin. So not even babies are pure of sin. But the blood of Christ makes us pure, so in HIM we are perfect.

4. Mary was also a sinner, but perfect through the blood of Christ.

2006-07-16 04:14:07 · answer #6 · answered by p_boxter03 4 · 0 0

This isn't a question...it's a mini sermon.

No man is righteous. Righteousness is a gift from God. A form of recognition bestowed up those who HE as deemed worthy through their deeds, belief and faith. A fulfillment of the promise. At no time can we, as men, claim or proclaim righteousness on ourselves or others. The Bible references how God bestowed righteousness on certain followers, not that they were righteous themselves. Bestowing righteousness is another way of saying they are Saved in the eyes of God. Even though imperfect, they have earned their Eternity with God through their faith and actions. We can only be righteous in the eyes of God, not in how we view or judge each other.

2006-07-16 04:09:46 · answer #7 · answered by Dale P 6 · 1 0

2Tm:3:16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Tm:3:17: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

2006-07-16 04:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by flindo61 4 · 0 0

Jesus was the only person EVER who did not sin.

John the Baptist and Mary were both sinners.

Mary was a "virtuous" woman not a sin-free woman.

2006-07-16 04:12:04 · answer #9 · answered by Whats it to ya? 2 · 0 0

you really have nothing to do on a saturday night do ya. if you really want to get into a debate about the scriptures, talk to the senior pastor of your church.

2006-07-16 04:09:56 · answer #10 · answered by BOBCAT 2 · 0 0

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