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14 answers

The orientation of this logic is a bit like the statement: "when are you going to stop beating your wife?"

Does G-d punish men and women for having a sexual orientation to their same gender AND acting on these feelings, whether in a committed relationship or in the fashion of "hook ups"? If you believe, yes, then you will need to reform. . .and it will take longer than 60 seconds even with an incredible prayer or guide at your side!

If you believe, no, then this question cannot possibly harm or fear you. . .unless you are not so sure.

2006-07-15 21:06:11 · answer #1 · answered by MIKEBAYAREA 3 · 0 0

While I'm sure that you are going to receive some answers to this, including a few that are taking it serious, I'd like to answer with a question.

Where, in anything religious involving 'God', does it state that God has the ability, let alone the desire, to turn gay people into straight people?

I ask because I am curious.

After reading through various religious texts in my life, including the Bible, the book of Mormon, the Koran, gnostic texts, and many many more, I don't recall that this is something that God has tasked him/herself with.

If we were to first push the reality envelope and believe that there was a God, and then we were to push it further by assuming that this God had abilities and powers that allowed him/her to bypass standard laws of reality...and then we were to assume that this God opted to change someones full view of reality by altering their inner needs/desires so that they were contrary to what they felt was correct/right for them...then I'd say that it would not even require 60 seconds...in fact, if such a God existed, and this God desired to make this change, it appears to me that they could do so before that person was even born.

No wait, if they had that goal in mind, they could just make it so that there were never any Gay people to begin with, cuz heck, why even make them at all if they should just be changed?

So I'd say that the true answer, assuming the above to be in any way true, would be that a God could have made this happen in negative 2000 years or so, thus making it easily under your 60 second goal.

Love as always,


2006-07-15 21:06:15 · answer #2 · answered by octo_boi 3 · 0 0

Oh yes. God can do anything. He/she made the person gay in the first place. Certainly no human would actually desire to be hated, discriminated against or sometimes beaten or killed for being who they are. Often on here I have read that the animals do not practice same-sex unions. The facts simply do not support this. Other animals have about the same percentage who have those tendencies as humans. Be aware that facts like that are suppressed by those with a "heterosexual agenda"

It is true that a person can pretend to be changed in a second and can actually live the rest of his/her life by watching and reading how heterosexuals are and trying hard every day to emulate that. Millions of people do that every day of their lives and so can you.

A left-handed peron can in a second decide that he/she will be as right handed as possible the rest of his/her life. AND DO IT.

2006-07-15 21:09:51 · answer #3 · answered by Ricky 3 · 0 0

Ask Him? But, please be ready for some type of change now!
God (Jesus Christ) is no joke! I had things going on in my life - that needed some attention! I was told to pray to God (Jesus Christ) for help to make the changes that I needed to; I did!
Well it wasn't a 'sixty second flat' type of change - but believe me I never participated in that activity with the same abandonment as before I prayed to God (Jesus Christ) - now I don't do that particular activity. Some things I have prayed for - the answer or request was handled immediately! If God (Jesus Christ) wants to change a persons sexual desires or orientation in 60 seconds He will! But He will do as you ask - if it's for your good!
God (Jesus Christ) knows the desires of your heart - good and bad - also - your heart has to desire the change - if your heart doesn't truly desire the change - it won't happen! This does not mean that you can't have a relationship with God (Jesus Christ)!
God (Jesus Christ) hates the sin - not the sinner!

2006-07-15 21:17:35 · answer #4 · answered by twinklecomfort 3 · 0 0

Can God turn you gay? People don't turn. Religion can't change a persons' biology I don't care what the clergy tries to say.

2006-07-15 21:02:27 · answer #5 · answered by Myr 3 · 0 0

well, because God doesn't have any say in the matter I would say as long as the person wants to be.

2006-07-15 21:02:27 · answer #6 · answered by Morrigan 2 · 0 0

Since he made the person gay, why would he want to change him?

2006-07-15 21:01:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We will never know, God does not like to be tested.

2006-07-15 21:03:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God can do anything, because through him anything and all things are possible!!

2006-07-15 21:01:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutly,but ya got to be willing.

2006-07-15 21:03:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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