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28 answers

Muslim extremist is the proper term.

2006-07-15 20:55:32 · answer #1 · answered by Teacher 6 · 0 0

Open you eyes. Only a minority are terrorists. The media are exaggerating too much. Muslims who practises Islam do not want to kill innocent people. Muslims by name and practises extremism feels there is a need to kill. Look at the history. G. Bush waged war with the Middle Eastern countries. What happened? It made the people living in the Middle Eastern countries angry. Why? He has not answered this question. All he said was that it was because of 911. His mission was to find Osama bin Laden. But he cannot find him. Where is he? No one knows where he is exactly. People claims that he's gone. But then, how long ago was this conflict? 4 years ago! Isn't that long? And imagine to have a soldier pointing his gun towards you and raid your home. It's very sad and it angered the civilians there. It's just Osama G. Bush wanted. The fact that the soldiers provoked the civilians imbued the feelings of hatred and anguish in their hearts. Thus, leading to terrorism. So, who's fault is it? If the Muslims are not provoked in the first place, they wouldn't be so hostile.

2006-07-16 04:05:45 · answer #2 · answered by Kurniawan A 2 · 0 0

well i just want to clarify that i am not a Muslim
i think the word terrorism or terrorist tagged on Muslims is highly sensationalized.
there are so many other crimes that happens around the clock, robbery, rape, murder, assult and battery.
don't you think that the victims of this heinous crimes were not terrorized?
How about when air strike was ordered against iraq and innocent lives were abruptly killed, do you call it patriotism, or simply call it caught in gun fire?
furthermore, there are so many peace loving Muslims who defy terrorism acts as well, why generalize the word Muslim?
while only these extremist groups are the only one concerned or guilty of acts of terrorism.
would you consider yourself an assassin because of a fellow American or English assassinate someone?
but it's a good question though

2006-07-16 04:29:20 · answer #3 · answered by raddie 2 · 0 0

Islam is one of the largest religions in the world. Middle Eastern countries make up a major part of this religion, and are some of the few countries without a democracy. It is not ALL the Muslims who want to kill everyone, it is the people who follow leaders in these underdeveloped countries. These people claim to be on a holy jihad, and are what some consider extremist Muslims, but they are just guided by leaders who are angry with the US and its allied for past / current relations.

2006-07-16 03:58:24 · answer #4 · answered by snakehawk37 3 · 0 0

There is about 1 billion Muslims and only a few thousand Muslim terrorists

2006-07-16 03:58:07 · answer #5 · answered by Brad I 3 · 0 0

Unfortunately Muslim Extremists are growing like rabbits during mating season. It's getting to point where it's hard for an average non-muslim to distinguish between extremists and non-extremists.

Extremists give every peaceful Muslim a bad name. Unfortunately, because of the wide-spread terrrorism caused by them... and all the news about it... people tend to lump both together.

When was the last time you heard a Columbian or an Irishman cutting off someone's head, blowing themselves up in markets? The truth of the matter is ... it's disproportionate.

It's something like 1% crazy Irishman/Columbian stabbing someone And 99% Muslim extremists beheading, sending rockets into civilian areas, blowing themselves up in markets, blowing up cars and killing hundreds, hiding in civilian areas and putting women/children at risk, mass rapes, etc. etc.

It's time to stop defending Muslim Extremists!

2006-07-16 04:10:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All terrorists are not Muslim for terrorism needs no creed or religion.Going through the news one feels the Govts of USA and UK in particular have unleashed a malicious propaganda in order to justify their illegal intervention in Muslim countries. What is USA doing in Iraq, Afghanistan and South America and what is UK doing in Africa and the middle East can it be called by any other name. What Israel doing in the middle East with the connivance of USA and UK is worse than terrorism. Just search your heart patiently and evaluate who is the terrorist. People fighting for their own freedom from foreign yoke are freedom fighters and this stage has happened even to US in the 18th century.

2006-07-16 04:09:32 · answer #7 · answered by bashah1939 4 · 0 0

I am not a muslim believe me, but my conscience will not allow me to keep quiet on this.
I will like you to think about the following;
(1) was Hitler a Muslim? (2) was Oklahoma bomber a muslim?
(3) was the Balkan cleansing agents muslim?
(4) was the Apartheid nation of almost 100 years a muslim nation? ETC, ETC, ETC.
Yet, all these will tell you that their intentions was not to kill.
You will need to ask yourself, who is the most cynical?

It is cheap to point to muslim killers, I think it would have benefited
us all if we direct our accusations at people that are naturally bad regardless of their religions.
Using their religion to cover their inhumane behaviour on others I think, is unfair.

Please do not misunderstand me, there is no excuse for some of these people for their atrocities. It will be good if we look at ourselves before we start to point accusing fingers at others.

2006-07-16 04:19:14 · answer #8 · answered by private_footballfan 3 · 0 0

Spiritualists are not fanatic, not sentimental, not extremists. There is no word like Christians extremists, Muslim extremists.

Christian, Muslim, Hindu is a designation. You real identity is to love God. God is neither Muslim, Hindu, Christian. God is All-Attractive. Does He have a Name. Yes Christ said "Hallowed be Thy Name". The name is Krshto(Greek origin) Christ is the son of God(God's name is Christo), in India Krishna.

God is one. These people who are killing other human they are neither Muslims, Hindus, Christians. They have chosen to live animalistic way of life misusing their life to love God. They are carrying some designations, Muslim etc so that they can carry out their sinful acts, whimsical acts that is take pleasure in murdering.

If one loves God he loves everyone. It is not possible to love people and not love God. The centre should be God. Then everything is revealed the relationship of everything and everyone is understood because there will be the common platform that common platform is God.

2006-07-16 04:13:52 · answer #9 · answered by EKumar P 1 · 0 0

That question suggests that your definition of "terrorist" was defined by George W Bush... Those with weapons of mass destruction are not terrorists; those without are. Okay, so even with pea brain's definition (oops, that was disrespectful), learn about what's going on in Africa today, the history of the IRA, the KKK, the fools who blow up abortion clinics.... There are lots of non-Muslim terrorists out there.

2006-07-16 04:05:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Muslims are terrorist for you but a good man for Islam. The Muslims who are not fighting to convert everbody to Islam are not true followers of Islam.

2006-07-16 05:21:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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