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7 answers

I won't lie, if you look good it defenately helps, but all girls are looking for that special something that just turns them on...and since all girls are induvidually different then any guy could be the one they find this on.....

2006-07-15 20:16:51 · answer #1 · answered by Cool Chick 2 · 0 1

I agree. The entire media emphasizes beauty over substance. I find that all men want a beautiful, young woman, or nothing. They can by pornography and pretend that they, in some wild stretch of the imagination could possibly have sex with the person in the film. When, in reality, they get rejected, they prefer to mast**bate than to take the time to have a real relationship with a real woman. As for women: Good looking men have standards, ie. the best thing available that night. Although women can sometimes snag a great-looking guy for a night, they wouldn't date them. They should be insulted and look for the good guy who really cares for them. I worry about this problem, but I don't know what can be done. Music seems most responsible, and it sickens me to hear (in these questions) about 12-year-olds wanting to learn how to grind dance in a line. Dogs don't even do that!

2016-03-16 00:26:49 · answer #2 · answered by Pamela 4 · 0 0

According to many studies (which I learned of myself from a second-hand source, so I cannot cite them), both women and men look for a certain factor in a mate that qualifies them as being able to produce successful children.

According to these studies, men feel sexual attraction to women with beauty and intelligence. Similarly, women feel sexual attraction to men who are confident and entertaining (without being negative toward hisself).

There are definitely some exceptions, and like others have said, looks factor into the equation a little for women as well, but from my experience and scientific studies I've read, being well-groomed, confident, and funny creates a healthy sexual tension.

Some of these terms are functionally defined -- i.e. they can mean different things to different people. Some girls love long hair and tight clothes, others prefer a cleaner look. Sense of humor varies widely. Confidence, however, is pretty much universal.

As always, there are women out there who are as stuck up on looks as men, and some so-called "size queens" who rely on penis size as the determining factor for sexual relationships. Similarly, there are women who rely on the size of a man's wallet to determine sexual relations. The latter two are more unlikely than you might think, and the former is less important than common media would have you believe.

Some people state that being a "nice guy" in that you are extremely polite, giving, and self-sacrificing does not create a sexual attraction, but rather repels it. I will not vouch for the accuracy of this statement, however, as I have seen a number of my friends act this way while being very sexually active.

Keep in mind that sexual attraction in both males and females can be affected by dispositions or mental instabilities. One girl I knew only dated clingy, annoying wussy-boys that had no confidence, showered irregularly, and had rather dry senses of humor.

Remember: the number one killer of sexual attraction is the vibe that you're out of your league. If you have nervous body language, incoherent speech, and an extremely sensitive gauge for offending the girl in question, you will definitely give off an unattractive vibe.

On the flip-side of that, of course, is women who have a predisposition to like guys with that nervous aura about them. They do exist, but my personal opinion is that it makes the woman feel good, with a sort of power trip in the reaction they cause in men, and so they seek out that kind of man. Of course, that *is* just personal opinion formulated from observations and personal experience. They're also pretty uncommon.

The number one way to boost your chances of sexual attraction is to remain calm, cool, and collected while talking to women. Don't treat them like a completely different race, as that causes both parties to be uncomfortable.

I guess the best thing to know is that all women are different, and so sexual attraction comes in different ways to all potential mates. However, I would suggest that the vast majority of women look for confidence, good grooming habits (as in clean teeth, clean, trimmed nails, etc.), and an entertaining personality in their sexual partners.

Hope that helps.

2006-07-15 21:00:20 · answer #3 · answered by MasterInsan0 2 · 0 0

Something else is definitely involved besides looks. And it's not "chemistry." Yes, looks may catch the eye, but that's as far as they go. The rest is psychology.

2006-07-15 20:13:55 · answer #4 · answered by Bad Kitty! 7 · 0 0

To me it's all chemistry. If I feel strong chemistry with someone, he, to me, is the most beautiful thing on earth. When I see him, I melt. So to me, the actual looks are not the thing that makes me feel sexual attraction at all.

2006-07-15 20:13:43 · answer #5 · answered by beadtheway 4 · 0 0

you know i few years ago, i would've answered this question by saying yes and also by the size of the wallet-but now that i've aged a little bit i would say not so much looks as personality and charm (oh and the if your wallet is as big as your smile) ;)

2006-07-15 20:18:08 · answer #6 · answered by jake p 2 · 0 0

two things, looks and how big their d*ck is

2006-07-15 20:14:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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